Hello :)
I've created a proposal for an additional feature and would appreciate your feedback.
Provides an implementation of APIClientDelegate specifically for authenticating requests.
Alamofire provides an implementation called AuthenticationInterceptor
for authentication. (docs)
takes care of state management when sending concurrent requests.
Therefore, users only need to implement each type that conforms to the AuthenticationCredential
protocol and the Authenticator
I would like to see an implementation of AuthenticationInterceptor
that manages authentication in Get
as well.
(With an implementation based on async/await and actor, of course.)
Types adopting the Authenticator
protocol will load or update Credential
and apply the Credential
to URLRequest
The AuthenticationInterceptor
class provides authentication for requests using exclusive control. It relies on an Authenticator
type to handle the actual URLRequest
authentication and Credential
AuthenticationInterceptor uses actor State
, for exclusion control, and can apply and refresh authentication in order even for parallel requests.
Sample Usage
- Implement a class that adapt to the
public class SampleAuthenticator: Authenticator {
public typealias Credential = Token
public var tokenStore: TokenStore
public let client: APIClient
public init(tokenStore: TokenStore, clientToRefreshCredential: APIClient) {
self.tokenStore = tokenStore
self.client = clientToRefreshCredential
public func credential() async throws -> Token {
if let token = tokenStore.token, token.expiresDate < Date() {
return token
let token: Token = try await client.send(.post("/token")).value
return token
public func apply(_ credential: Token, to request: inout URLRequest) async throws {
request.setValue(authorizationHeaderValue(for: credential), forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization")
public func refresh(_ credential: Credential) async throws -> Credential {
let token: Token = try await client.send(.put("/token", body: ["refresh_token": credential.refreshToken])).value
return token
public func didRequest(_: URLRequest, failDueToAuthenticationError error: Error) -> Bool {
if case .unacceptableStatusCode(let status) = (error as? APIError), status == 401 {
return true
return false
public func isRequest(_ request: URLRequest, authenticatedWith credential: Token) -> Bool {
request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Authorization") == authorizationHeaderValue(for: credential)
private func authorizationHeaderValue(for token: Token) -> String {
"token \(token.accessToken)"
- Set
with SampleAuthenticator
as APIClientDelegate
let authenticator = SampleAuthenticator(tokenStore: TokenStore(),
clientToRefreshCredential: APIClient(host: "example.com"))
let apiClient = APIClient(host: "example.com") {
$0.delegate = AuthenticationInterceptor(authenticator: authenticator)
Impact on existing packages
Breaking Changes
Changed method shouldClientRetry(_ client: APIClient, withError error: Error) async throws -> Bool
to shouldClientRetry(_ client: APIClient, for request: URLRequest, with error: Error) async throws -> Bool
in APIClientDelegate
because URLRequest
was needed to manage retries for parallel requests.
Other Changes
In order to pass the URLRequest
actually sent to APIClientDelegate.shouldClientRetry(_:for:with:)
, APIClientDelegate.client(_:willSendRequest:)
is now called from APIClient.send(_:)
to call it from APIClient.send(_:)
instead of APIClient.actuallySend(_:)