Keep track of accessibility settings, leverage high contrast colors, and use scalable fonts to enable users with disabilities to use your app.


Awesome Swift Platforms Cocoapods compatible SPM Twitter

Accessibility for iOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS

πŸŽ‰ What's new in Capable 2.0 πŸŽ‰

Here are the most important changes:

  • πŸ› New framework architecture and project structure that makes contributing support for upcoming accessibility settings easier.
  • 🎯 Focus on an unified API for Apple accessibility settings: While support for scalable fonts & handicap grouping was dropped entirely, the APIs for calculating high contrast color pairs based on WCAG 2.1 success criteria has moved to it's own repository WCAG-Colors.
  • βœ… Support for new accessibility APIs.

Research & React

Have you ever thought about improving accessibility within your apps to gain your user base instead of spending a lot of time implementing features no-one really ever asked for? Most of us did, however there has never been an easy way to tell if anyone benefits from that. What if there was a simple way to figure out if there's a real need to support accessibility right now. Or even better, which disability exists most across your user base.

While Apple's accessibility API are different across all platforms and might be located in a variety of system frameworks, Capable offers a unified and centralized API to get the current status of accessibility settings. This info can be sent to your analytics backend to learn, if people with specific handicaps are blocked from doing certain actions within your app. Furthermore, this data will help you to prioritize accessibility work.

Once you've figured out that users with specific handicaps get stuck at a certain stage, you can make use of various Capable APIs to enable/disable accessibility support based on the user's accessibility settings.


Capable offers a whole lot of features along with a bunch of configurations. To find more about how to use them inside the documentation section.


There are currently three different ways to integrate Capable into your apps.



target 'MyApp' do
  pod 'Capable'


github "chrs1885/Capable"

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "2.0.1")


Register for (specific) accessibility settings

Firstly, you need to import the Capable framework in your class by adding the following import statement:

import Capable

There are two different ways to initialize the framework instance. You can either set it up to consider all accessibility features

let capable = Capable()

or by passing in only specific feature names

let capable = Capable(withFeatures: [.largerText, .boldText, .shakeToUndo])

You can find a list of all accessibility features available on each platform in the accessibility feature overview section.

Get accessibility status

If you are interested in a specific accessibility feature, you can retrieve its current status as follows:

let capable = Capable()
let isVoiceOverEnabled: Bool = capable.isFeatureEnable(feature: .voiceOver)

To get a dictionary of all features, that the Capable instance has been initialized with you can use:

let capable = Capable()
let statusMap = capable.statusMap

This will return each feature name (key) along with its current value as described in the accessibility feature overview section.

Send accessibility status

The statusMap object is compatible with most analytic SDK APIs. Here's a quick example of how to send your data along with user properties or custom events.

func sendMetrics() {
    let statusMap = self.capable.statusMap
    let eventName = "Capable features received"
    // App Center
    MSAnalytics.trackEvent(eventName, withProperties: statusMap)
    // Firebase
    Analytics.logEvent(eventName, parameters: statusMap)
    // Fabric
    Answers.logCustomEvent(withName: eventName, customAttributes: statusMap)

Listen for settings changes

After initialization, notifications for all features that have been registered can be retrieved. To react to changes, you need to add your class as an observer as follows:

    selector: #selector(self.featureStatusChanged),
    name: .CapableFeatureStatusDidChange,
    object: nil)

Inside your featureStatusChanged you can parse the specific feature and value:

@objc private func featureStatusChanged(notification: NSNotification) {
    if let featureStatus = notification.object as? FeatureStatus {
        let feature = featureStatus.feature
        let currentValue = featureStatus.statusString

Accessibility feature overview

The following table contains all features that are available:

βœ… API provided by Apple and fully supported by Capable

β˜‘οΈ API provided by Apple (status only, no notification) and fully supported by Capable

❌ API provided by Apple but not supported by Capable due to missing system settings entry.

iOS macOS tvOS watchOS
.assistiveTouch βœ… ❌
.boldText βœ… βœ… β˜‘οΈ
.buttonShapes βœ… (iOS14) ❌
.closedCaptioning βœ… βœ…
.darkerSystemColors βœ… ❌
.differentiateWithoutColor βœ… (iOS13) βœ… ❌
.fullKeyboardAccess β˜‘οΈ
.grayscale βœ… βœ…
.guidedAccess βœ… ❌
.hearingDevice βœ…
.increaseContrast βœ…
.invertColors βœ… βœ… βœ…
.largerText βœ… ❌ β˜‘οΈ
.monoAudio βœ… βœ…
.onOffSwitchLabels βœ… (iOS13) ❌
.prefersCrossFadeTransitions βœ… (iOS14) ❌
.reduceMotion βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…
.reduceTransparency βœ… βœ… βœ…
.shakeToUndo βœ… ❌
.speakScreen βœ… ❌
.speakSelection βœ… ❌
.switchControl βœ… βœ… βœ…
.videoAutoplay βœ… (iOS13) βœ… (iOS13)
.voiceOver βœ… βœ… βœ… βœ…

While most features can only have a statusMap value set to enabled or disabled, the .largerText and .hearingDevice feature do offer specific values:


  • XS
  • S
  • M (default)
  • L
  • XL
  • XXL
  • XXXL
  • Accessibility M
  • Accessibility L
  • Accessibility XL
  • Accessibility XXL
  • Accessibility XXXL
  • Unknown
  • XS
  • S (default watch with 38mm)
  • L (default watch with 42mm)
  • XL
  • XXL
  • XXXL
  • Unknown


  • both
  • left
  • right
  • disabled

Logging with OSLog

The Capable framework provides a logging mechanism that lets you keep track of what's going on under the hood. You'll get information regarding your current setup, warnings about anything that might cause issues further on, and errors that will lead to misbehavior.

By default, all messages will be logged automatically by using Apple's Unified Logging System. However, it also integrates with your specific logging environment by providing a custom closure that will be called instead. For example, you may want to send all errors coming from the Capable framework to your analytics service:

// Send error messages to your data backend
Capable.onLog = { message, logType in
    if logType == OSLogType.error {
        sendLog("Capable Framework: \(message)")

Furthermore, you can specify the minimum log level that should be considered when logging messages:

// Configure logger to only log warnings and errors (.default, .error, and .fault)
Capable.minLogType = OSLogType.default

Here's a list of the supported log types, their order, and what kind of messages they are used for:

OSLogType Usage
.debug Verbose logging *
.info Information regarding the framework setup and status changes
.default Warnings that may lead to unwanted behavior
.error Errors caused by the framework
.fault Errors caused by the framework due to system issues *

* Currently not being used by the framework when logging messages.



We'd love to see you contributing to this project by proposing or adding features, reporting bugs, or spreading the word. Please have a quick look at our contribution guidelines.


Capable is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Fix converting NSNotification.Name to String error

    Fix converting NSNotification.Name to String error

    This is an attempt to fix the "Cannot convert value of type 'NSNotification.Name' to expected argument type 'String'" issue.

    Although appending '.rawValue' resolves the error, it would probably be more elegant if that line is just: name: UIAccessibility.differentiateWithoutColorDidChangeNotification

    Issue information

    Right now, I'm getting the following issue when I try and build Capable as a SPM dependency: "Cannot convert value of type 'NSNotification.Name' to expected argument type 'String'".


    Try and get Capable to compile when used as SPM dependency.


    Added .rawValue so NSNotification.Name is passed the string value.


    Code compiles after making the change.

    opened by acosmicflamingo 9
  • Cannot install via Carthage anymore for 1.1.1

    Cannot install via Carthage anymore for 1.1.1

    What did you do?

    I was trying to install Capable 1.1.1 by using Carthage.

    What did you expect to happen?

    Carthage should be able to build Capable as per 1.1.0 and before.

    What happened instead?

    I got this error message:

    Dependency "Capable" has no shared framework schemes for any of the platforms: iOS
    If you believe this to be an error, please file an issue with the maintainers at

    I found that Capable.xcodeproj was removed since 11.1.1 in cd49b00d3b9f0dd968524f25d76c8afd877111a1, I believe this is the cause of the issue.


    • Added this in the Cartfile
    github "chrs1885/Capable"
    • Run the command
    carthage update --platform iOS
    opened by jefflen 5
  • Add Carthage support by sharing Pod schemes

    Add Carthage support by sharing Pod schemes

    Issue information

    Alternative to #48 #47 by sharing schemes of the Pods-project.


    Adding Carthage support without explicitly re-adding the Capable project file.


    Sharing the shemes.


    opened by chrs1885 4
  • Add back Capable.xcodeproj for Carthage support.

    Add back Capable.xcodeproj for Carthage support.

    Please fill out all lines starting with a πŸ“ when filing a pull request to give us an idea of what you did.

    Issue information

    πŸ“This resolved issue #47 for not having Carthage support in version 1.1.1.


    πŸ“Re-supporting Carthage


    πŸ“Re-introducing the Capable.xcodeproj file


    πŸ“Tested on Carthage which worked.

    opened by jefflen 4
  • Build error while importing Capable 2.0.0 using SPM

    Build error while importing Capable 2.0.0 using SPM

    Please fill out all lines starting with a πŸ“ when filing a bug to give us an idea of what exactly went wrong.

    What did you do?

    πŸ“ Impoorting Capable using SPM, at version 2.0.0

    What did you expect to happen?

    πŸ“ The project to build successfully πŸ˜…

    What happened instead?

    πŸ“ Error when DifferentiateWithoutColor observation is created, on iOS platforms : Screenshot 2022-02-06 at 18 41 56 The NSNotification.Name(rawValue:) wrapping is too much, just use directly UIAccessibility.differentiateWithoutColorDidChangeNotification for observer.


    πŸ“ Just import Capable 2.0.0 using SPM.

    opened by jtouzy 3
  • Feature/lowercase enums

    Feature/lowercase enums

    As of Swift 3 (see Proposal-0006) it is common code style to use lowercase enums. Therefore I refactored the existing enum to begin with a lowercase letter.

    opened by dehlen 3
  • Capable framework appearing in scheme when it doesn't need to

    Capable framework appearing in scheme when it doesn't need to

    I noticed that the Capable framework appears in the list of schemes when it is added as a SPM dependency when I don't think should be there: image I believe this can be fixed by simply adding .swiftpm to .gitignore (which Point Free had done to address the issue with the Composable Architecture repo: & However, I don't know if Capable can take this same approach because the file appears in several places (specifically in BuildTools).

    opened by acosmicflamingo 1
  • Create dedicated lib for color extensions

    Create dedicated lib for color extensions

    Since most old feature have been removed from Capable 2.0, the main purpose of the framework should be focusing on an unified accessibility API. The WCAG color extension should be moved to its own library project.

    in progress 
    opened by chrs1885 1
  • Refactor Capable feature to support plugin based approach

    Refactor Capable feature to support plugin based approach

    Rather than having a single wrapper class for all accessibility settings, rewrite the framework to support a more plugin based approach. This will make it easier (possible) to maintain it. Also, upcoming accessibility settings can easily be provided by new contributors without having them to know anything about the framework's architecture.

    opened by chrs1885 1
  • Fix naming collisions with SwiftUI

    Fix naming collisions with SwiftUI

    Issue information

    Capable is using typealias names (e.g. NSColor, UIColor) inside extensions to avoid code duplication. When using the framework along with SwiftUI, building fails due to naming collisions (SwiftUI Color and typealias Color for NSColor, UIColor).


    Avoid naming collisions 😁


    Rename typealias names


    Run Unit Tests

    opened by chrs1885 1
  • CocoaPods subspec for UIFontMetrics/UIFont extension

    CocoaPods subspec for UIFontMetrics/UIFont extension

    What kind of feature would you like to see?

    Devs who would like to integrate Capable for autoscaling fonts within their apps might not want to use the whole pod but the extension code instead. CocoaPods supports subspecs to only distribute certain parts of the framework.

    How does it work in detail?

    Add extension subspec to the podspec.

    What does the API look like?

    Any existing projects that do something similiar?


    opened by chrs1885 1
  • Article/tutorial on user segregation (Capable & Firebase)

    Article/tutorial on user segregation (Capable & Firebase)

    What kind of feature would you like to see?

    The vision for using this framework is not clear, yet. We could provide an article on how to use Capable together with Firebase Analytics to:

    • Basic usage of the Capable framework
    • User segregation: How many app users do have handicaps
    • Capable status meets custom events: Where in your app flow do people with certain handicaps get stuck
    • DSGVO: Is it allowed to send this kind of data anonymously?

    How does it work in detail?

    Publish the article as part of the repo docs and on Medium.

    What does the API look like?

    Any existing projects that do something similiar?

    help wanted 
    opened by chrs1885 0
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