Sample iOS project built by SwiftUI + MVVM and Combine framework using GitHub API



One of the biggest idea for having MVVM is that most of data flow can be testable. Data binding in view layer by SwiftUI is awesome. However, this project has view model layer to make it testable as much as possible.
This idea can be achieved by Flux or Redux as well, but I chose MVVM first because it's handy.


Xcode 11.0 Beta 5+
Swift 5.1+

More examples

See other architectures as well

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    Overcomplicated ViewModel

    This is mostly a question about the code for: I see that you are organising bindings in Outputs and Inputs... in general you are adding a level of complexity that is very difficult to understand and read.

    Take as example this step in the bindingInputs() method:

        let responseStream = responsePublisher

    and this one in the bindingOutputs() method:

        let repositoriesStream = responseSubject
            .map { $0.items }
            .assign(to: \.repositories, on: self)

    Why don't you just merge the two writing just:

        let responseStream = responsePublisher  // Taken from bindingInputs()
            .map { $0.items }                                      // Taken from bindingOutputs()
            .assign(to: \.repositories, on: self)         // Taken from bindingOutputs()

    Which is the benefit of having it done in two steps? I can't understand why putting a subject as connection between these two parts, while you could have subscribed with the .assign directly from the responsePublisher.

    (I took hours to understand what you were doing here :P )

    thank you for sharing your code! this is one of the few examples that shows a real implementation with Combine!

    opened by ariok 2
  • RepositoryListViewModel init called multiple times

    RepositoryListViewModel init called multiple times

    Firstly thank you for sharing your code, secondly i couldn't help but noticing that RepositoryListViewModel creates multiple instances at launch and a bunch of others on scrolling. is that a bug in Xcode or something else i should be aware when using swiftUI in production apps.

    opened by rmdan90 2
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