A concise Mantle-like way of working with Realm and JSON.

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Realm Realm-JSON

Realm+JSON License MIT

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A concise Mantle-like way of working with Realm and JSON.

Breaking Change

  • Method - deepCopy replaces the previous functionality of - shallowCopy, which no longer maintains an object's primary key
  • Updated to use native primary key support in Realm 0.85.0
  • Update your code to use methods -createOrUpdateInRealm:withJSONArray: or -createOrUpdateInRealm:withJSONDictionary:
  • You must wrap these methods in a write transaction (between [realm beginWriteTransaction]; and [realm commitWriteTransaction];)
  • These methods call -createOrUpdateInRealm:withObject: behind the scenes for performance.


Add the following to your CocoaPods Podfile

pod 'Realm+JSON', '~> 0.2'

or clone as a git submodule,

or just copy files in the Realm+JSON folder into your project.

Using Realm+JSON

Simply declare your model as normal:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MCEpisodeType) {
    MCEpisodeTypeFree = 0,

@interface MCEpisode : RLMObject

@property NSInteger episodeID;
@property NSInteger episodeNumber;
@property MCEpisodeType episodeType;

@property NSString *title;
@property NSString *subtitle;
@property NSString *thumbnailURL;

@property NSDate *publishedDate;



Then pass the result of NSJSONSerialization or AFNetworking as follows:

  [MCEpisode createOrUpdateInRealm:[RLMRealm defaultRealm] withJSONArray:array];


  [MCEpisode createOrUpdateInRealm:[RLMRealm defaultRealm] withJSONDictionary:dictionary];

Use the -JSONDictionary method to get a JSON-ready dictionary for your network requests.


You should specify the inbound and outbound JSON mapping on your RLMObject subclass like this:

+ (NSDictionary *)JSONInboundMappingDictionary {
  return @{
         @"episode.title": @"title",
         @"episode.description": @"subtitle",
         @"episode.id": @"episodeID",
         @"episode.episode_number": @"episodeNumber",
         @"episode.episode_type": @"episodeType",
         @"episode.thumbnail_url": @"thumbnailURL",
         @"episode.published_at": @"publishedDate",

+ (NSDictionary *)JSONOutboundMappingDictionary {
  return @{
         @"title": @"title",
         @"subtitle": @"episode.description",
         @"episodeID": @"id",
         @"episodeNumber": @"episode.number",
         @"publishedDate": @"published_at",

JSON preprocessing can be done by implementing jsonPreprocessing: static method:

- (NSDictionary *)jsonPreprocessing:(NSDictionary *)dictionary {
    NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:dictionary];
    dict[@"releaseCount"] = @(0);
    return dict.copy;

Leaving out either one of the above will result in a mapping that assumes camelCase for your properties which map to snake_case for the JSON equivalents.

As you can do with Mantle, you can specify NSValueTransformers for your properties:

+ (NSValueTransformer *)episodeTypeJSONTransformer {
  return [MCJSONValueTransformer valueTransformerWithMappingDictionary:@{
              @"free": @(MCEpisodeTypeFree),
              @"paid": @(MCEpisodeTypePaid)

Working with background threads

Realm requires that you use different RLMRealm objects when working across different threads. This means you shouldn't access the same RLMObject instances from different threads. To make this easier to work with, use - primaryKeyValue to retrieve the wrapped primary key value from an instance and query for it later using + objectInRealm:withPrimaryKeyValue:.

id primaryKeyValue = [episode primaryKeyValue];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    MCEpisode *episode = [MCEpisode objectInRealm:[RLMRealm defaultRealm] withPrimaryKeyValue:primaryKeyValue];

    // do something with episode here

Working with (temporary) copies (RLMObject+Copying)

If you need to display UI that may or may not change an object's properties, it is sometimes useful to work with an object not bound to a realm as a backing model object. When it is time to commit changes, the properties can be copied back to the stored model.

Methods - shallowCopy and - mergePropertiesFromObject: are provided. The later of which needs to be performed in a realm transaction.

#import <Realm+Copying.h>

MCEpisode *anotherEpisode = [episode shallowCopy];
anotherEpisode.title = @"New title";

// ...

[episode performInTransaction:^{
    [episode mergePropertiesFromObject:anotherEpisode];

Additionally, method - deepCopy is provided. Unlike - shallowCopy, it maintains the object's primary key.


Realm+JSON is under the MIT license.

  • createInRealm:withJSONArray return adds only

    createInRealm:withJSONArray return adds only

    The method createInRealm:withJSONArray should only return back an array of actual objects created.

    Normal flow would be to get back an array of JSON from http response, call createInRealm:withJSONArray then add the resulting array to an existing list for another model.

    opened by zeroelink 11
  • setObjectForKey: key cannot be nil

    setObjectForKey: key cannot be nil

    Running the code below causes setObjectForKey: key cannot be nil in Swift. I'm not sure if I'm actually using this correctly or not, but I can't seem to get any of the category functionality working.

        var grp = GroupRLMObject()
        grp.name = "David Foster Wallace"
        // Get the default Realm
        let realm = RLMRealm.defaultRealm()
        // You only need to do this once (per thread)
        // Add to the Realm inside a transaction
        let results: NSDictionary = grp.JSONDictionary() as NSDictionary
    opened by joeblau 7
  • You need to update your realm requirement in Pod Specs.

    You need to update your realm requirement in Pod Specs.

    [!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

    • Realm required by Podfile
    • Realm (= 0.89.1) required by Podfile.lock
    • Realm (~> 0.85.0) required by Realm+JSON (0.2.0)
    opened by kikolobo 6
  • Realm-JSON doesn't work on a device

    Realm-JSON doesn't work on a device

    The Realm+JSON0.2.3 build installed via CocoaPods project throws this error when attempting to run on a device.

    ld: library not found for -lc++
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    I'm not sure if this is tied to Realm or the Realm+JSON category. Just create a basic project, add pod 'Realm+JSON', '~> 0.2' to your Podfile and try to run on a device.

    opened by joeblau 6
  • An example NSValueTransformer to deal with json null values

    An example NSValueTransformer to deal with json null values

    Suggested as an addition to your existing transformers.

    It'll just check if a value is NSNull and convert it to an empty string.

    // ---------------------------------------------
    @interface MCJSONNonNullStringTransformer : NSValueTransformer
    + (instancetype)valueTransformer;
    // ---------------------------------------------
    @implementation MCJSONNonNullStringTransformer
    + (instancetype)valueTransformer
        return [[self alloc] init];
    + (Class)transformedValueClass 
        return [NSString class];
    + (BOOL)allowsReverseTransformation 
        return YES;
    - (id)transformedValue:(id)value 
        if(value && ![value isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) {
            return value;
        } else {
            return @"";
    - (id)reverseTransformedValue:(id)value 
        return value;
    opened by johanforssell 6
  • Realm 0.85 has primary key support and does not allow it to change

    Realm 0.85 has primary key support and does not allow it to change

    This updates Realm-JSON to use Realm 0.85.

    As this Realm version supports primary keys I needed to add a control when adding data in -mc_setValuesFromJSONDictionary:inRealm: so that it's not trying to write new data for a primary key.

    I've not checked my solution thoroughly, but it's a suggestion as to what needs to be done to solve this problem.

    opened by johanforssell 5
  •  'Realm/Realm.h' file not found

    'Realm/Realm.h' file not found

    /Pods/Realm+JSON/Realm+JSON/RLMObject+JSON.h:9:9: 'Realm/Realm.h' file not found

    I have updated to 0.1.2 ad now it's not able to find that...

    any idea?

    opened by alessandrostone 5
  • Can't compile Realm.h with CocoaPods

    Can't compile Realm.h with CocoaPods

    I'm using CocoaPods and I'm assuming (haven't checked the podspec) that Realm is not listed as a dependency or something but I can't compile using Realm-JSON because of the following line:

    #import <Realm/Realm.h>

    Throwing the following message:

    'Realm/Realm.h' file not found

    And here's my Podfile definition:

        pod 'Realm'
        pod 'Realm+JSON', '~> 0.1.2'
    opened by esttorhe 5
  • How to map object coming in array and not a dictionary?

    How to map object coming in array and not a dictionary?

    I'm getting an array of objects, like so:

    Image of data

    I have created a DayObject, how do I write JSONInboundMappingDictionary for it?

    Since the data is in arrays and not dictionary.


    opened by Voley 4
  • Outbound mapping per-Object

    Outbound mapping per-Object

    Sometimes back-end supports Array of only abstract objects (some properties are required not to be specified), unfortunately Realm does not support abstracted objects in RLMArray so JSONOutboundMapping per-Object helps to at least somewhat adopt to abstracted logic. Like:

    class Vehicle: RLMObject {
        dynamic var maxSpeed: CGFloat = 0
        dynamic var licensePlate = ""
        var JSONOutboundMappingDictionary: NSDictionary {
            var mapping = [
                "maxSpeed" : "maxSpeed"
            if !licensePlate.isEmpty {
               mapping["licensePlate"] = "licensePlate"
            return mapping

    or so.

    opened by viktorasl 4
  • How to parse an array of string

    How to parse an array of string

    Does anyone know how to parse an array of string. Like this:

    "zoneInfo": {
        "tariffInfoLines": [
            "In this city you pay per minute."

    We have a zoneInfo object that contains a tariffInfoLines array. This tariffInfoLines array contains strings. To store in Realm, i define RealmString object and store it in RLMArray

    @interface RealmString : RLMObject
    @property NSString *stringValue;
    @implementation RealmString
    @interface TariffInfo : RLMObject
    @property RLMArray<RealmString> *storedTariffInfoLines;

    But i dont know how to parse it from JSON using Realm-JSON. The application will crash if you try to. So i really need some help to solve this problem!

    opened by tuantm2014 4
  • Use of undeclared identifier 'RLMPropertyTypeArray' error

    Use of undeclared identifier 'RLMPropertyTypeArray' error

    Hello! I have just update my pods and with the new version of Realm (3.0.0) this identifier is not available, so RLMObeject+Copying.m file is not compiling... any help?

    opened by jcmartinac 4
  • JSON to Model

    JSON to Model

    'RLMException', reason: 'Invalid value '0' for property 'imageIndex'

    Model :@property NSString *booksID; @property NSString *bookName; @property NSNumber *imageIndex;

    opened by Iyongjie 0
  • JSONDictionary Error

    JSONDictionary Error

    The RLMArray class will be missed when only using subclass, to judge the string of class is necessary. Just as: [classString isEqualToString:@"RLMArray"]

    opened by zlyunduan 0
  • Transform object into integer

    Transform object into integer

    Let's say my object has a property which is a RLMArray of another object. I want to map each object of this array into a single int (which is its id) in the resulting JSON. How would I do that? Is that possible?

    Something like:

    [object1, object2, object3] => [1, 2, 3]

    ... where 1 is the object1.identifier, 2 is the object2.identifier etc.

    opened by dielsonsales 0
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