MQTagged provides a Tagged
structure which helps differentiating between values of the same type.
Let's have an example of a function which authorizes a user based on two string parameters:
func authorize(_ username: String, _ password: String) {
It is possible to call the function with swapped arguments without any compiler warning. Using a typealias
also does not solves the issue:
typealias Username = String
typealias Password = String
func authorize(_ username: Username, _ password: Password) {
let username: Username = ""
let password: Password = "pa55w0rD"
authorize(username, password)
authorize(password, username) // It's wrong but still compiles.
doesn't cause compiler warning or error when type names are not matching since resolved type is the same. MQTagged solution to this problem is to use Tag
enum UsernameTag {}
enum PasswordTag {}
typealias Username = Tagged<String, UsernameTag>
typealias Password = Tagged<String, PasswordTag>
func authorize(_ username: Username, _ password: Password) {
Now any call with swapped parameters won't compile.
let username: Username = ""
let password: Password = "pa55w0rD"
authorize(username, password)
authorize(password, username) // This won't compile.
can be integrated throught Swift Package Manager. In your Package.swift
file add the following dependency
dependencies: [
url: "",
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