A Mac command-line tool that generates kick-ass Jamf Pro reports.

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Command Line Kmart

KMART - Kick-Ass Mac Admin Reporting Tool

A command-line utility generating kick-ass Jamf Pro reports:



  • Reporting on the following Jamf Pro objects:
    • ๐Ÿ’ป Mac
      • Advanced Searches
      • Applications
      • Configuration Profiles
      • Devices
      • Directory Bindings
      • Disk Encryptions
      • Dock Items
      • Extension Attributes
      • Packages
      • Policies
      • Printers
      • Restricted Software
      • Scripts
      • Smart Groups
      • Static Groups
    • ๐Ÿ“ฑ Mobile
      • Advanced Searches
      • Applications
      • Configuration Profiles
      • Devices
      • Extension Attributes
      • Smart Groups
      • Static Groups
    • ๐Ÿข Buildings
    • ๐Ÿ“‚ Categories
    • ๐Ÿฌ Departments
    • ๐Ÿ“š eBooks
    • ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธ iBeacons
    • ๐Ÿ“ถ Network Segments
  • ๐Ÿ“’ Customise reporting options via JSON, Property List or YAML configuration files
  • ๐Ÿ“‹ Output reports as JSON, Property List, YAML, Markdown or HTML files
  • ๐Ÿ“ค Email reports to a list of recipients


OVERVIEW: Kick-Ass Mac Admin Reporting Tool

Generate kick-ass Jamf Pro reports.

USAGE: kmart [--json <json>] [--plist <plist>] [--yaml <yaml>] [--version]

  -j, --json <json>       JSON configuration file.
  -p, --plist <plist>     Property List configuration file.
  -y, --yaml <yaml>       YAML configuration file.
  -v, --version           Display the version of kmart.
  -h, --help              Show help information.


See Sample Configs for all configuration options.

Note: Use the following command to encode your credentials in the configuration file:

printf 'username:password' | iconv --to-code ISO-8859-1 | base64 --input -


kmart requires the following user privileges in order to report correctly.


  • Create a separate Jamf Pro User Account
  • Do not just add these permissions to an existing account
  • If you are not reporting on everything, only enable the privileges that are required
Privilege Create Read Update Delete
Advanced Computer Searches - โœ… - -
Advanced Mobile Device - โœ… - -
Buildings - โœ… - -
Categories - โœ… - -
Computer Extension Attributes - โœ… - -
Computers - โœ… - -
Departments - โœ… - -
Directory Bindings - โœ… - -
Disk Encryption Configurations - โœ… - -
Dock Items - โœ… - -
eBooks - โœ… - -
iBeacons - โœ… - -
Mac App Store Apps - โœ… - -
macOS Configuration Profiles - โœ… - -
Mobile Device Apps - โœ… - -
Mobile Device Configuration Profiles - โœ… - -
Mobile Device Extension Attributes - โœ… - -
Mobile Devices - โœ… - -
Network Segments - โœ… - -
Packages - โœ… - -
Policies - โœ… - -
Printers - โœ… - -
Restricted Software Records - โœ… - -
Scripts - โœ… - -
Smart Computer Groups - โœ… - -
Smart Mobile Device Groups - โœ… - -
Static Computer Groups - โœ… - -
Static Mobile Device Groups - โœ… - -

Build Requirements

  • Swift 5.3.
  • Runs on macOS Catalina 10.15 and later.


Grab the latest version of KMART from the releases page.

Credits / Thank You

Version History

  • 1.1

    • Report on one-off Mac Policies that were created via Jamf Remote (mac_policies_jamf_remote)
    • Less ambiguous descriptions for Markdown / HTML output
    • Better escaping of ASCII characters for Markdown / HTML output
    • Fixed false-positive linter errors for Mac Extension Attributes with carriage returns (\r)
    • Fixed Mac Directory Bindings reporting as Mac Disk Encryptions
    • Fixed emailing report only if enabled is set to true
  • 1.0

    • Initial release


Copyright ยฉ 2021 Nindi Gill

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


  • Nested Smart Groups

    Nested Smart Groups

    Smart Groups that are nested in other Smart groups show up as not being linked to any Policies.

    Jamf (depending on your version) will prohibit the deletion of groups that have other Smart Groups dependent on them. For these reports though, it makes it seem like certain smart groups are unused or not scoped when in actuality they can be by association with the parent Smart Group

    opened by slaneycoursera 5
  • Timeouts when running kmart

    Timeouts when running kmart

    When attempting to run kmart I am getting "The Request Timed Out" messages when it appears to parsing larger groups of info from jamf. I did not have the issue with the dev environment, which is significantly smaller.

    โœ… [2021-06-16 12:47:47 +0000] - Performing lookups for Buildings: 8.9 seconds
    โœ… [2021-06-16 12:47:56 +0000] - Performing lookups for Categories: 122.7 seconds
    โœ… [2021-06-16 12:49:59 +0000] - Performing lookups for Departments: 1.3 seconds
    โœ… [2021-06-16 12:50:00 +0000] - Performing lookups for eBooks: 1.3 seconds
    โœ… [2021-06-16 12:50:01 +0000] - Performing lookups for Mac Advanced Searches:โ›”๏ธ [2021-06-16 12:53:15 +0000] - The request timed out.
    โ›”๏ธ [2021-06-16 12:54:34 +0000] - The request timed out.
    โ›”๏ธ [2021-06-16 12:59:15 +0000] - The request timed out.
    opened by rthaley 4
  • Feature request: Slack webhook support

    Feature request: Slack webhook support

    Hi, it'd be really handy if there was an export that could post results via a Slack webhook into a channel (with flags for webhook URL, username, icon/emoji icon, etc.).

    opened by smashism 4
  • Consideration of Patch Management EAs

    Consideration of Patch Management EAs

    First of all, great tool you have created here! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

    May Extension attributes created automatically by patch management appear here incorrectly: mac_extension_attributes_not_linked

    But I think this is a limitation of Jamf Pro, as I haven't found a way to retrieve this info via Classic API or the newer Universal API.

    opened by aduffner 3
  • Linting of Python scripts

    Linting of Python scripts

    Kmart currently only supports linting sh/bash/dash/ksh scripts via Shellcheck.

    Look into adding support for Python linter(s), possibly (preferably?) flake8

    opened by ninxsoft 2
  • Dock items with same name missing on report

    Dock items with same name missing on report

    I have multiple dock items with the same name that are not linked to anything, but only one of them came out on the report. The report picks up the first id number, but nothing after.

    opened by redshirtdave 2
  • Mac Extension Attributes

    Mac Extension Attributes

    Wonderful piece of software, thank you so much! I am seeing an issue with the Mac Extension Attributes.

    Error for all items:

    Literal carriage return. Run script through tr -d 'r' .


    opened by danielnovello 2
  • URL changes in Jamf 10.42

    URL changes in Jamf 10.42

    With the Jamf settings page changes, some of the URLs in Kmart reports are now incorrect. There may be others but the two I'm finding are:

    Scripts: old url- https://mydomain.jamfcloud.com/view/settings/computer/scripts, new url- https://mydomain.jamfcloud.com/view/settings/computer-management/scripts.

    Departments: old url- https://mydomain.jamfcloud.com//view/settings/network/departments, new url- https://mydomain.jamfcloud.com/view/settings/network-organization/departments

    opened by thomasrmartin 1
  • Mac Policies No Payload

    Mac Policies No Payload

    I'm trying to get a report of mac policies with no payload but despite marking it as true in the json config, it never reports anything.

    "mac_policies_no_payload": true,

    I have several other items enabled and they report ok but just not the 'mac policies no payload'.

    opened by monodata 1
  • Option to Disable SMTP Auth

    Option to Disable SMTP Auth

    Currently I don't see an option to send an E-mail via an SMTP that doesn't require authentication. Would it be possible to add a key for "require_auth" and accept a true/false value? Or just ignore auth if the username and password fields are left blank?

    This is what I get when using an SMTP that doesn't require auth.

    โ”œโ”€ Sending Report(s) via Email โ”œโ”€ The operation couldnโ€™t be completed. (Socket.Socket.Error error 1.) โ””โ”€ Total Email Time: 10.1 seconds

    opened by TheFritz01 1
  • Teams support?

    Teams support?

    This is another great ninxsoft tool, thank you. My org uses Teams, not Slack - would it be difficult to create an integration for it along the same lines? Happy to help in any way I can.

    opened by dhcav 1
  • Errors when Retrieving Jamf Pro API Endpoints

    Errors when Retrieving Jamf Pro API Endpoints

    I run the kmart --json /Users/Shared/Kmart/config/config.json

      โ”œโ”€ Unable to find 'token' and 'expires' keys in URL response
      โ”œโ”€ Buildings - The operation couldnโ€™t be completed. (KMART.KmartError error 4.)
      โ”œโ”€ Unable to find 'token' and 'expires' keys in URL response
      โ”œโ”€ Departments - The operation couldnโ€™t be completed. (KMART.KmartError error 4.)
      โ”œโ”€ Unable to find 'token' and 'expires' keys in URL response
      โ”œโ”€ eBooks - The operation couldnโ€™t be completed. (KMART.KmartError error 4.)```
    I have added the credentials correctly to the config.json would this happen if SSO is in place even if we have a username/password account in jamfcloud?
    opened by cpeonepeloton 1
  • Mac Scoping ignores Users and User Groups Targets

    Mac Scoping ignores Users and User Groups Targets

    It appears the Jamf Pro Classic API does not provide the scoped User and User Groups Targets on Mac Policies.

    This causes a Mac Policy to report as "No Scope", even if a User or User Group is scoped as a Target.

    Further investigation required.

    opened by ninxsoft 0
  • v1.3.2(Dec 25, 2022)

  • v1.3.1(Aug 7, 2022)

  • v1.3(May 29, 2022)

    • Added support for linting Python scripts via flake8
    • Added support for reporting on Patch Management Software Titles:
      • New report types: mac_patch_policies_no_scope and mac_patch_policies_disabled
      • Existing reports now factor in Patch Management Software Titles and Patch Policies
    • Progress output is now dynamic, updating in-place
    • Basic Authentication has been replaced with Bearer Token Authentication
    • Option to send reports via Email has been removed
    • Fixed the missing Serial Number column header for Unmanaged Mac/Mobile Device reports in Markdown and HTML
    • General cosmetic bugfixes

    Note: Kmart now uses Swift concurrency (async await), which significantly reduces the amount and complexity of HTTP code. Concurrency requires macOS Monterey 12, therefore support for macOS Catalina 10.15 and macOS Big Sur 11 has been dropped.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    KMART.1.3.pkg(2.53 MB)
  • v1.2(Aug 25, 2021)

    • Added support for sending reports via Slack
    • Added mac_devices_unmanaged and mobile_devices_unmanaged report types
      • Mac and Mobile device reports now exclude unmanaged devices
    • Added support for custom api_timeout value (default: 10)
    • Mac Packages now also display Categories in Markdown / HTML reports
    • Improved file handling for Mac Extension Attributes and Mac Scripts over 64KB
    • Fixed escaping of \ in JSON reports
    • Fixed escaping of _ in Markdown / HTML reports
    • Reduced verbosity of output messaging (reads much nicer)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    KMART.1.2.pkg(1.82 MB)
  • v1.1(Apr 12, 2021)

    • Report on one-off Mac Policies that were created via Jamf Remote (mac_policies_jamf_remote)
    • Less ambiguous descriptions for Markdown / HTML output
    • Better escaping of ASCII characters for Markdown / HTML output
    • Fixed false-positive linter errors for Mac Extension Attributes with carriage returns (\r)
    • Fixed Mac Directory Bindings reporting as Mac Disk Encryptions
    • Fixed emailing report only if enabled is set to true
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    KMART.1.1.pkg(1.31 MB)
Nindi Gill
Senior Apple & Linux Engineer @ University of Melbourne
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