MySQL client library for Swift. This is inspired by Node.js' mysql.



Platform Linux, macOS CircleCI

MySQL client library for Swift. This is inspired by Node.js' mysql.

  • Based on libmysqlclient
  • Raw SQL query
  • Simple query formatting and escaping (same as Node's)
  • Mapping queried results to Codable structs or classes

Note: No asynchronous I/O support currently. It depends libmysqlclient.

? OR age is ?) OR name = ? OR id IN (?)", [50, optionalInt, nameParam, QueryArray(ids)] ]) // Inserting let age: Int? = 26 let user = User(id: 0, userName: "novi", age: age, status: .created, createdAt: Date()) let status = try conn.query("INSERT INTO `user` SET ?", [user]) as QueryStatus let newId = status.insertedId // Updating let tableName = "user" let defaultAge = 30 try conn.query("UPDATE ?? SET age = ? WHERE age is NULL;", [tableName, defaultAge]) ">
// Declare a model

struct User: Codable, QueryParameter {
    let id: Int
    let userName: String
    let age: Int?
    let status: Status
    let createdAt: Date
    enum Status: String, Codable {
        case created = "created"
        case verified = "verified"
    private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id
        case userName = "user_name"
        case age
        case status = "status"
        case createdAt = "created_at"
// Selecting
let nameParam = "some one"
let ids: [QueryParameter] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
let optionalInt: Int? = nil
let rows: [User] = try conn.query("SELECT id,user_name,status,status,created_at FROM `user` WHERE (age > ? OR age is ?) OR name = ? OR id IN (?)", [50, optionalInt, nameParam, QueryArray(ids)] ])

// Inserting
let age: Int? = 26
let user = User(id: 0, userName: "novi", age: age, status: .created, createdAt: Date())
let status = try conn.query("INSERT INTO `user` SET ?", [user]) as QueryStatus
let newId = status.insertedId

// Updating
let tableName = "user"
let defaultAge = 30
try conn.query("UPDATE ?? SET age = ? WHERE age is NULL;", [tableName, defaultAge])


  • Swift 5.0 or later
  • MariaDB or MySQL Connector/C (libmysqlclient) 2.2.3 or later


Install pkg-config .pc file in cmysql or cmysql-mariadb.

# cmysql
$ brew tap novi/tap
$ brew install novi/tap/cmysql

# cmysql-mariadb
$ brew tap novi/tap
$ brew install novi/tap/cmysqlmariadb


$ sudo apt-get install libmariadbclient-dev


Swift Package Manager

  • Add mysql-swift to Package.swift of your project.
// swift-tools-version:5.2
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.9.0"))
    targets: [
            name: "YourAppOrLibrary",
            dependencies: [
                // add a dependency
                .product(name: "MySQL", package: "mysql-swift")


Connection & Querying

  1. Create a pool with options (hostname, port, password,...).
  2. Use ConnectionPool.execute(). It automatically get and release a connection.
let option = Option(host: ""...) // Define and create your option type
let pool = ConnectionPool(option: option) // Create a pool with the option
let rows: [User] = try pool.execute { conn in
	// The connection `conn` is held in this block
	try conn.query("SELECT * FROM users;") // And it returns result to outside execute block


let wholeStaus: QueryStatus = try pool.transaction { conn in
	let status = try conn.query("INSERT INTO users SET ?;", [user]) as QueryStatus // Create a user
	let userId = status.insertedId // the user's id
	try conn.query("UPDATE info SET some_value = ? WHERE some_key = 'latest_user_id' ", [userId]) // Store user's id that we have created the above
wholeStaus.affectedRows == 1 // true



  • More date and time types support

    More date and time types support

    I have updated this implementation on pull request #93.

    Date type in Swift is recommended way to treat typical date and time type TIMESTAMP, DATETIME in MySQL commonly used for creation date, updates date.

    Date only supports TIMESTAMP, DATETIME MySQL types.

    DateComponents type in Swift is just container for representing SELECT ed string from databases into it. YEAR, TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP, DATETIME column can be parsed into DateComponents. And used as query parameters for these types in MySQL as well.

    DateComponents doesn't respect or treat for timeZone and calendar on itself by this library. But Date does respect time zone on ConnectionOption.timeZone.

    Check more details on its tests and another one.

    This is original proposal:

    We could implement this:

    • treat MySQL TIMESTAMP and DATETIME as SQLDate(and NSDate)
    • DATE as SQLDate(NSDate) with YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00
    • TIME as String
    • YEAR as Int

    TIME type has range of '-838:59:59.000000' to '838:59:59.000000’, we couldn’t treat as NSDate. So we support it with String type for now.


    Related #24.

    MySQL has 0000-00-00 date value for representing dummy date or empty date, or sometimes null. We could support such case in this library by following JDBC zeroDateTimeBehavior. (#24)

    opened by novi 9
  • [Feature request] Swift 4 Codable Encoder Decoder

    [Feature request] Swift 4 Codable Encoder Decoder

    Hi, I'm currently evaluating Swift Mysql integration and was wondering if Swift 4 Codable protocol would be possible to integrate?

    struct User: Codable {
      let id: Int
      let userName: String
      let age: Int?
      // Generated automatically by the compiler if not specified
      private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case id
        case userName = "user_name"
        case age
      // Generated automatically by the compiler if not specified
      func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        try container.encode(id, forKey: . id)
        try container.encode(userName, forKey: . userName)
        try container.encode(age, forKey: . age)
     // Generated automatically by the compiler if not specified
      init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        id = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id)
        userName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .userName)
        age = try container.decode(Int.self, forKey: .age)

    CodingKeys encode and decode are generated automatically. Reference

    An mysql ORM could now implement the necessary encode and decode container for arrays of objects. It looks similar to your current implementation. Would such an integration be possible?

    Regards, Patrick

    opened by patrick-zippenfenig 7
  • Full Codable support and version 0.9.0

    Full Codable support and version 0.9.0

    I'm planning following changes on next minor(actually major) version 0.9.0.

    • [x] Change row decoder to Swift.Decoder(Decodable) #74 #72
    • [x] Implement query parameter encoder for Swift.Encodable #72
    • [x] JSON column support #85
    • [x] Decimal type support #86

    Current row decoder QueryRowResultType and parameter type QueryParameterDictionaryType will be deprecated or support dropped.

    And will maintain 0.8.x for a period of time on 0.8-branch.

    Related #58 #68.

    opened by novi 6
  • segmentation fault

    segmentation fault


    OS : Ubuntu 14.04 DB : 10.0.27-MariaDB-1~trusty コンパイラ : swift 3.0 release mysql-swift : 0.5.0


    struct Article: QueryRowResultType{
        var id: Int
        var title: String
        var content: String
        var isPublished: Bool
        var createdAt: SQLDate
        static func decodeRow(r: QueryRowResult) throws -> Article {
            return try Article(
                id: r <| "id",
                title: r <| "title",
                content: r <| "content",
                isPublished: r <| "is_published",
                createdAt: r <| "created_at"
    class ArticleAccessor{
        class func loadPage(page: Int) -> [Article]{
                let articles: [Article] = try DB.connectionPool().execute { conn in
                    try conn.query("SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT ?, ?", [10 * page, 10])
                return articles
                return []
    class DB{
        struct DataBaseOption: ConnectionOption{
            let host: String
            let port: Int
            let user: String
            let password: String
            let database: String
        private static let options = DataBaseOption(host: "localhost", port: 3306, user: "root", password: "root", database: "hoge")
        class func connectionPool() -> ConnectionPool{
            return ConnectionPool(options: options)


    | Field        | Type           | Null | Key | Default           | Extra          |
    | id           | int(11)        | NO   | PRI | NULL              | auto_increment |
    | title        | varchar(100)   | YES  |     | NULL              |                |
    | content      | varchar(10000) | YES  |     | NULL              |                |
    | is_published | tinyint(1)     | NO   |     | NULL              |                |
    | created_at   | timestamp      | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |                |

    上記のようなコードをコンパイルし実行すると「segmentation fault」でアプリが落ちてしまいます。 試しにSQLDateプロパティを除いてコンパイル&実行すると正常に動作します。また、OSX(10.11.5)のMySQL 5.7.12で同じ構成をとるとSQLDateプロパティが含まれている状態でも正常に動作するようです。

    mysql-swift 0.2.7を使用していた時は問題なかったようなのですが、こちら何か原因がわかりますでしょうか。

    opened by rb-de0 5
  • Not compiling with Swift 4

    Not compiling with Swift 4

    I have imported all the files inside "Sources", into my Xcode project.
    Xcode's giving me multiple errors:

    private var mysql_: UnsafeMutablePointer<MYSQL>? // Use of undeclared type 'MYSQL'

    Same for mysql_init, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, my_bool, mysql_real_connect, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, etc. ...

    Am I missing something? Thanks!

    opened by LinusGeffarth 4
  • Make RawRepresentable types automatically conform to QueryParameter

    Make RawRepresentable types automatically conform to QueryParameter

    It would be nice to use enums, OptionSets and other RawRepresentable types directly as query parameters.

    This could make use of conditional conformance introduced in Swift 4.1. The following code will not compile and complain that an extension for a protocol cannot have an inheritance clause: Extension of protocol 'RawRepresentable' cannot have an inheritance clause. However, it should explain my idea. I guess mysql-swift needs some special internal handling of RawRepresentables to make this work.

    extension RawRepresentable: QueryParameter where RawValue: QueryParameterType {
        public func queryParameter(option: QueryParameterOption) -> QueryParameterType {
            return self.rawValue
    opened by florianreinhart 3
  • Swift 4 Decodable pattern for basic queries

    Swift 4 Decodable pattern for basic queries

    struct User: Decodable {
      let id: Int
      let user_name: String
      let age: Int?
    let rows: [User] =  try conn.query("SELECT id, user_name FROM users WHERE id = 123")

    See QueryRowResultType still supported.

    opened by patrick-zippenfenig 3
  • Fix Decimal decoding RowKeyedDecodingContainer

    Fix Decimal decoding RowKeyedDecodingContainer

    The string value from MySQL was converted to Double. In some cases this can produce strange Decimal values, e.g. 1.5489999999999995904 instead of 1.549.

    opened by florianreinhart 2
  • Support for inserting multiple rows in a single statement

    Support for inserting multiple rows in a single statement

    In node-mysql I can do something like this:

    let users: [User] = [user1, user2, user3]
    try connection.query("INSERT INTO User (id, name, age) VALUES ?", [users])

    In mysql-swift I have to manually build the query string depending on the number of rows, e.g. "INSERT INTO User (id, name, age) VALUES (?,?,?), (?,?,?), (?,?,?)".

    I could also be missing something. Is there another way to achieve this in mysql-swift?

    opened by florianreinhart 2
  • Update readme about Package

    Update readme about Package


    the package initialization should be

    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 5)

    or swift build will run into already solved issues.

    Regards, Sebastian Mecklenburg

    opened by ghost 2
  • Swift 3 warnings, operator precedence deprecation

    Swift 3 warnings, operator precedence deprecation

    I have fixed some warnings in XCode 8. Would you like me to make a PR? It's not much, just some @noescape and unused results.

    Another warning is for the deprecated operator declaration.

    warning: operator should no longer be declared with body; use a precedence group instead
    infix operator <| { associativity left precedence 150 }
    warning: operator should no longer be declared with body; use a precedence group instead
    infix operator <|? { associativity left precedence 150 }

    As discussed in swift-evolution a possible fix would be

    // Before
    infix operator <|  {  associativity left precedence 150 }
    // After
    precedencegroup ComparisonPrecedence {
      associativity: left
      higherThan: LogicalConjunctionPrecedence
    infix operator <| : ComparisonPrecedence

    I don't know what you had in mind when you put 150, but I'm thinking that it should have the precedence around AdditivePrecedence.


    opened by popaaaandrei 2
  • Floating point numbers lose precision

    Floating point numbers lose precision

    The age-old floating point issues bit me once again...

    Note: This most definitely also applies to Float, but I have just tested with Double.

    When Swift formats a Double as a String it rounds the number, e.g. an internal representation of 7.7087009966199993 has a String value of 7.70870099662. When you create a Double from that String, you get back 7.7087009966200002. This is closer to 7.70870099662 than 7.7087009966199993, so it is the right thing to do here.

    mysql-swift uses the String initializer to convert numbers to strings and hands it off to MySQL client. I believe the server then decodes that string in much the same way Swift does: The string 7.70870099662 is converted to the double value 7.7087009966200002.

    JSONEncoder/JSONDecoder does not observe these issues and formats the double value as 7.7087009966199993. We should probably look into the Codable implementation of Double and figure out how they encode floating point values.

    I have created a sample implementation to reproduce the issue:

    CREATE TABLE `DoubleTable` (
      `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `doubleField` double NOT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
    import Foundation
    import MySQL
    struct MySQLOptions: MySQL.ConnectionOption {
        init() { }
        let host = ""
        let port = 3306
        let user = "doubleUser"
        let password = "doubleUser"
        let database = "DoubleDatabase"
        let timeZone = TimeZone(identifier: "UTC")!
        let encoding = Connection.Encoding.UTF8MB4
        let timeout = 10
        let reconnect = true
        let omitDetailsOnError = false
    struct DoubleStruct: Codable {
        let id: UInt32
        let doubleField: Double
    let pool = ConnectionPool(options: MySQLOptions())
    try! pool.execute { connection in
        // Write a double value to the database
        print("Writing double value to database")
        let doubleStruct1 = DoubleStruct(id: 0, doubleField: 7.7087009966199993)
        var query = "INSERT INTO DoubleTable (doubleField) VALUES (?)"
        let result = try connection.query(query, [doubleStruct1.doubleField])
        print("Created row with id \(result.insertedID) and double field \(doubleStruct1.doubleField). Memory dump follows below.")
        // Read the same double value from the database
        query = "SELECT id, doubleField FROM DoubleTable WHERE id = ?"
        let doubleStructs: [DoubleStruct] = try connection.query(query, [UInt32(result.insertedID)])
        let doubleStruct2 = doubleStructs.first!
        print("Read row with id \( and double field \(doubleStruct2.doubleField). Their internal values are\(doubleStruct1.doubleField == doubleStruct2.doubleField ? "" : " not") equal. Dump of the read value follows.")
        // Encode and decode as JSON
        print("\nNow encoding as JSON")
        let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder()
        let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder()
        let json1 = try jsonEncoder.encode(doubleStruct1)
        let json2 = try jsonEncoder.encode(doubleStruct2)
        print(String(decoding: json1, as: UTF8.self))
        print(String(decoding: json2, as: UTF8.self))
        let doubleStruct1a = try jsonDecoder.decode(DoubleStruct.self, from: json1)
        let doubleStruct2a = try jsonDecoder.decode(DoubleStruct.self, from: json2)
        print("JSON double values for struct 1 are\(doubleStruct1.doubleField == doubleStruct1a.doubleField ? "" : " not") equal. Dump follows.")
        print("JSON double values for struct 2 are\(doubleStruct2.doubleField == doubleStruct2a.doubleField ? "" : " not") equal. Dump follows.")
        // Convert to string and back
        print("\nNow encoding as string")
        let string1 = String(doubleStruct1.doubleField)
        let doubleFromString = Double(string1)!
        print("Encoding and decoding from string. Values are\(doubleStruct1.doubleField == doubleFromString ? "" : " not") equal. Dump follows")
    opened by florianreinhart 3
  • 0.9.5(Jan 21, 2021)

  • 0.9.4(Aug 8, 2019)

  • 0.9.2(Sep 3, 2018)

    • Support DateComponents decoding and encoding for MySQL date and time types. See #25 .
    • Add escape method good for LIKE operator (SQLString.escapeForLike()).
    • QueryStatus.affectedRows will be nil when the result is an error or the query is SELECT statement.


    • ConnectionPool.options -> ConnectionPool.option
    • ConnectionPool.init(options:) -> ConnectionPool.init(option:)

    (Thanks @florianreinhart)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.0(May 29, 2018)

    We've changed row decoder to Swift.Decodable from QueryRowResultType. #69 And accepts Encodable type as query parameters.


    • Querying with QueryParameterOption (actually TimeZone option)
    • Custom data based type(like JSON, Protobuf) in blob/json column for decoding and encoding
      • Use QueryRowResultCustomData, QueryCustomDataParameter (see this tests.)


    • QueryRowResultType, Use Decodable type instead
    • SQLEnumType, Use QueryRawRepresentableParameter or make conforming your enum to Encodable
    • QueryParameterDictionaryType, Use Encodable type instead


    • QueryDictionary -> QueryParameterDictionary
    • QueryArray -> QueryParameterArray

    (Thanks @florianreinhart, @patrick-zippenfenig )

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.9.0-beta.1(Feb 27, 2018)


    • Codable support for query parameter and results (#69, #58)

    (Thanks @patrick-zippenfenig, @florianreinhart )


    • SQLEnumType
    • QueryRowResultType
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.8.2(Dec 22, 2017)

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