A simple, customizable camera control - video recorder for iOS.


LLSimpleCamera: A simple customizable camera - video recorder control


LLSimpleCamera is a library for creating a customized camera - video recorder screens similar to snapchat's. You don't have to present the camera in a new view controller.

You can also use my LLVideoEditor library to easily edit recorded videos.


  • lets you easily capture photos and record videos
  • handles the position and flash of the camera
  • hides the nitty gritty details from the developer
  • doesn't have to be presented in a new modal view controller, simply can be embedded inside any of your VCs. (like Snapchat)

###Version 5.0 notes:###

  • Better recording API
  • Improved reliability

###Version 4.2 notes:### New features:

  • zoom feature
  • white balance configuration
  • attaching to view controller improved

###Version 4.1 notes:### Merged some PRs:

  • camera mirroring option
  • implementation of *- (instancetype)initWithCoder:(NSCoder )aDecoder

###Version 4.0 notes:### Thanks to the open source community, recently I have merged about 10 PR's to make this library much better and reliable. Also I did some cleanups which contains some breaking changes (sorry for that). Therefore I'm incrementing the major version.


pod 'LLSimpleCamera', '~> 4.1'

Example usage

Initialize the LLSimpleCamera

CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];

// create camera with standard settings
self.camera = [[LLSimpleCamera alloc] init];

// camera with video recording capability
self.camera =  [[LLSimpleCamera alloc] initWithVideoEnabled:YES];

// camera with precise quality, position and video parameters.
self.camera = [[LLSimpleCamera alloc] initWithQuality:AVCaptureSessionPresetHigh
// attach to the view
[self.camera attachToViewController:self withFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, screenRect.size.width, screenRect.size.height)];

To capture a photo:

// capture
[self.camera capture:^(LLSimpleCamera *camera, UIImage *image, NSDictionary *metadata, NSError *error) {
    if(!error) {    
        // we should stop the camera, since we don't need it anymore. We will open a new vc.
        // this very important, otherwise you may experience memory crashes
        [camera stop];
        // show the image
        ImageViewController *imageVC = [[ImageViewController alloc] initWithImage:image];
        [self presentViewController:imageVC animated:NO completion:nil];

To start recording a video:

// start recording
NSURL *outputURL = [[[self applicationDocumentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"test1"] URLByAppendingPathExtension:@"mov"];
[self.camera startRecordingWithOutputUrl:outputURL didRecord:^(LLSimpleCamera *camera, NSURL *outputFileUrl, NSError *error) {
    VideoViewController *vc = [[VideoViewController alloc] initWithVideoUrl:outputFileUrl];
    [self.navigationController pushViewController:vc animated:YES];

To stop recording the video:

[self.camera stopRecording];

Changing the focus layer and animation:

- (void)alterFocusBox:(CALayer *)layer animation:(CAAnimation *)animation;

Adding the camera controls

You have to add your own camera controls (flash, camera switch etc). Simply add the controls to the view where LLSimpleCamera is attached to. You can see a full camera example in the example project. Download and try it on your device.

Stopping and restarting the camera

You should never forget to stop the camera either after the capture block is triggered, or inside somewhere -viewWillDisappear of the parent controller to make sure that the app doesn't use the camera when it is not needed. You can call -start() to reuse the camera. So it may be good idea to to place -start() inside -viewWillAppear or in another relevant method.


Ömer Faruk Gül

Personal Site


Version History

Version 3.0.0

  • added video recording capability
  • class is heavily refactored

Version 2.2.0

  • camera permissions are supported, if the permission is not given by the user, onError will be triggered.
  • camera flash methods are altered. Now you have to call - (BOOL)updateFlashMode:(CameraFlash)cameraFlash;
  • cameraFlash and cameraPosition property names are simplified to: flash and position.
  • added support for device orientation in case your vc orientation is locked but you want to use the device orientation no matter what.

Version 2.1.1

  • freezing the screen just after the photo is taken for better user experience.

Version 2.1.0

  • added an extra parameter exactSeenImage:(BOOL)exactSeenImage to -capture method to easily get the exact seen image on the screen instead of the raw uncropped image. The default value is NO.
  • fixed an orientation bug inside capture method.

Version 2.0.0

Some significant changes have been made at both internal structure and api.

  • added tap to focus feature (it is fully customizable, if you don't like the default layer and animation)
  • removed delegates and added blocks
  • interface is significantly improved

Version 1.1.1

  • fixed a potential crash scenario if -stop() is called multiple times

Version 1.1.0

  • fixed a problem that sometimes caused a crash after capturing a photo.
  • improved code structure, didChangeDevice delegate is now also triggered for the first default device.
  • Provide an option for camera mirror.

    Provide an option for camera mirror.

    This PR will provide a new option for CameraMirror.

    • Auto: Only set mirror on when using the front camera, this will make sure that the resulting media(video/picture) is flipped properly.
    • On: Always mirror.
    • Off: No mirror.
    opened by siong1987 7
  • Torch/flash not working (iOS 8)

    Torch/flash not working (iOS 8)

    Hello guys.

    I couldn't make flash/torch work on iOS 8. I tried to turn the flash on in both my own project and LLSimpleCamera's example and it didn't work neither.

    I tried to workaround as well but I didn't got any success.

    Anybody notice that?


    opened by lms11 7
  • Images turn out way too dark

    Images turn out way too dark

    I am taking pictures with LLSimpleCamera This is my setup:


    Now I did two pictures. The first turns out to be ok:


    But the second one is way too dark and has a shift in color towards blue. Even though the image looks OK on the screen when taking it.


    Internal reference #37

    opened by besi 5
  • Feature request: Pause/resume recording

    Feature request: Pause/resume recording

    Kayıt yaparken, kayıdı pause moduna alıp, ardından tekrar resume edebilmek ve bunların aynı dosyada toplanıp çıktısı verilirse büyük bir eksiği kapanmış olur library'nin.

    opened by batuhansk 4
  • setOnError on Swift

    setOnError on Swift

    Does anyone know how to set onError on Swift? I know in Objective-C, you can do:

    [self.camera setOnError:^(LLSimpleCamera *camera, NSError *error) {
        // Something

    but on Swift, I don't have access to setOnError. I tried doing:

    self.camera.onError = ({(camera : LLSimpleCamera!, error : NSError!) -> Void! in 
        // Something

    but I would get an error. I just started working with Swift so this might be a syntax issue. Thanks for the great library and for the help!

    opened by kevinnguy 4
  • fixed video orientation in saved output file

    fixed video orientation in saved output file

    Previously, when the video was saved to an output file, even though the view was responding correctly to the orientation changes, the output file's orientation was wrong (eg. when the camera was in landscape mode, the video was still being saved in portrait, causing the video to be playbacked at a 90 degree flip).

    Now, the movie is saved in the correct orientation to the output file.

    opened by vijay120 3
  • Swift 3 Compatibility

    Swift 3 Compatibility

    Hi, I just updated to Xcode 8 and Swift 3 yesterday, and I'm getting a lot of "Ambiguous use of" errors, specifically with the enums such as "LLCameraPositionFront", and "LLCameraFlashOff", etc. Also, the onError method's error parameter can't find its property domain or code.. the code example I've been using https://github.com/strawb3rryx7/LLSimpleCamera-Swift-Example is now broken... Would you be able to add Swift 3 Compatibility anytime soon? Thanks. The image is here: http://i.imgur.com/T9F6H9P.png

    opened by tonymuu 2
  • Better User Experience to freeze live preview upon taking picture

    Better User Experience to freeze live preview upon taking picture

    IMO it's better User Experience to freeze live preview upon taking picture, rather than freezing live preview only after successfully taken the picture

    opened by ivanfoong 2
  • Quick flash of photo in opposite orientation

    Quick flash of photo in opposite orientation

    When using LLSimpleCamera (the example project or my own implementation of it) after capturing a photo I see a quick flash of the image in the opposite orientation before the imageViewController shows up. So if the device is in portrait mode when I take the photo, I very quickly see a flash of that image in landscape mode and then it goes into portrait again when the imageviewcontroller.

    In my implementation, when I dismiss the imageviewcontroller followed by the camera one I see that sideways flash again quick. Not sure if you're seeing the same thing.

    opened by LeenaMansour 2
  • Clear session after stop

    Clear session after stop

    First of all, my congrats to this awesome library!

    I'm starting a new app that is using your simple camera library. When the user opens the screen it should start the camera with video disabled at first. Current implementation doesn't allow to enable video in a latter time because it reuses the session.

    opened by leonereveel 1
  • [AVCaptureSession startRunning] should be called from background thread

    [AVCaptureSession startRunning] should be called from background thread

    if (@available(iOS 16.0, *)) { [self.session performSelectorInBackground:@selector(startRunning) withObject:nil]; } else { [self.session startRunning]; }

    opened by zengkebing3630 0
  • Captured Image Orientation

    Captured Image Orientation

    Hello, I'm Using this library to capture image and video in my application. Its works fine but problem is there when I'm capturing picture in portrait mode then captured Image return by SDK is landscape. Another Issue when capturing picture with landscape left then result Image 90 degree rotated.

    Please Resolve this issue ASAP.

    opened by KrishnaPatell 0
  • How to Remove the Camera Layer from LLSimpleCamera?

    How to Remove the Camera Layer from LLSimpleCamera?

    I am trying to remove the Camera from my view but I can't. I have tried [camera stop], [self.camera removeFromParentViewController] and self.camera = nil.

    Still it's not removing from super. Could you please provide me a solution for this problem?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by binitvermani 1
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