iOS NBA Challenge Based on Xcode 12.4, PR2S Project By: Oscar Pastás
This test app consists of a list of users
This test should be design with latest version of Xcode and for latest version of iOS.
The app should have these basic screens:
- Main screen (list of players)
The code should follow Apple's Model-View-Controller and Delegates rules if possible.
A good use of REST services.
The app should be responsive in any of Apple's devices (iPhones and iPads)
The fetched data should be saved in Core Data to avoid making too many HTTP calls.
Pulling the players list table should refresh the table data.
Main screen
The first screen to show is a table of users, fetched from resource of JSONFormatUrl.
Allow filter data and print a list of all players whose height in inches adds up or are greater to the integer input to the application (search box has functionality to only allow digits (inputs such as . , - or letters will show an error in list - format error handler))