Rainbow - 🌈the Ethereum wallet that lives in your pocket


🌈️ Rainbow

the Ethereum wallet that lives in your pocket!

📲️ Available on the iOS App Store.

🤖 Android Beta available on Google Play Store

🐦️ Follow us on Twitter




  1. Install the latest version of XCode.

  2. Install Watchman:

    brew install watchman
  3. Install CocoaPods:

    sudo gem install cocoapods
  4. Install the required bundles and Pods for this project:

    yarn install-bundle && yarn install-pods


  1. Install system dependencies:

    sudo apt install libsecret-tools watchman
  2. Follow the React Native environment setup instructions carefully, which will involve installing Android Studio, the Android SDK, the emulator, etc. and making them available in your $PATH.

  3. Ensure at least one AVD image is available for the emulator (unless using a physical device).


If you are new to React Native, this is a helpful introduction: https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started


  1. Run nvm use 14 to force Node.js v14.

  2. Set up your .env file, use our env.example as a guide.

    Note that some features are currently not accessible, we are working with our Data Providers in order to provide open source API Keys!

    Here are some resources to generate your own API keys:

  3. Ensure a google-services.json has been added to the relevant project directory/directories so the compile will not fail.

    This can either be the live Google Services config (for internal development) or a self-provided config for a personal Firebase project (third-party contributors) registered under the package name me.rainbow.


Note: Darwin versions of the application can only be developed/built on Darwin platforms with XCode.

  1. Start a React Native webserver with:

    yarn start
  2. Open rainbow-wallet/ios/Rainbow.xcworkspace in XCode.

  3. Run the project by clicking the play button.


Note: Linux development environments cannot develop or build Darwin versions of the project.

  1. Start a React Native webserver with:

    yarn start
  2. Build/install/start the debug version of the app in an emulator with:

    yarn android
  • [TEAM1-47] Hidden NFTs

    [TEAM1-47] Hidden NFTs

    Fixes: RNBW-47 Designs: https://www.figma.com/file/ltTsiWrgEbHvuqeDucwSiM/Hide-NFTs?node-id=3%3A389

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    Adds the ability to hide an NFT from the overflow menu on the single token expanded view. This PR contains code that's essentially a copy of our Showcase functionality.


    • [x] if a token is hidden but was previously in the showcase, make sure it's removed from showcase too
    • [x] analytics

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    Wallet owner interactions: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4732330/179275050-16e7015f-2605-459f-9d7d-a30404b33d1b.mp4

    Read-only wallet interactions: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4732330/179275087-06d868e6-1744-439b-9916-01cb7df5b7da.mp4

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    • [x] make sure showcase still works as it has been
    • [x] ensure showcased tokens are hidden as described above

    How to test locally

    API is live, so you can test this without running Firebase emulators locally.

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    team1 dev QA 
    opened by estrattonbailey 30
  • Settings Redesign

    Settings Redesign

    Fixes TEAM2-247, TEAM2-78, TEAM2-77, TEAM2-79

    Figma link (if any): https://www.figma.com/file/Xc4Pq3CLJNVG52z1K0URvP/notifications?node-id=647:4924

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    • settings redesign on all settings pages
    • typescript everything
    • foundation for notification settings
    • replaced all existing components with design system equivalents, including screens that weren't explicitly redesigned

    Screen recordings / screenshots


    What to test

    • make sure all settings screens are still there
    • make sure no functionality has changed
    • make sure the implementation matches the figma designs (see above)
    • go to src/components/settings-menu/SettingsSection.tsx and enable + test all the settings that may be hidden for various reasons. should be as easy as replacing something like {conditional + <Component />} with {true + <Component />}

    Final checklist

    • [ ] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [ ] Added labels? (team1/team2, critical path, release, dev QA)
    • [ ] Did you test both iOS and Android?
    • [ ] If your changes are visual, did you check both the light and dark themes?
    • [ ] Added e2e tests? If not, please specify why
    • [ ] If you added new critical path files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    • [ ] If no dev QA label, did you add the PR to the QA Queue?
    needs dev review notifications team2 dev QA 
    opened by benisgold 21
  • Extend tag attributes functionality for NFTs

    Extend tag attributes functionality for NFTs

    Fixes RNBW-2832 Fixes RNBW-3140 Fixes RNBW-2840 Fixes RNBW-3203

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    • Added conversion from floating point number that was a timestamp in seconds to a formatted date string for display_type: "date" attribute from OpenSea API.
    • Added shortening and lower casing urls (strings starting with https://)
    • Added support for Boost display type from OpenSea API (display_type: "boost_number" and display_type: "boost_percentage")
    • Added additional sorting by display type precedence, similar to OpenSea display type grouping
    • add filtering for traits without values or without trait_type

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    Before: https://streamable.com/fa6lby

    After: https://streamable.com/0wy2fz

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    • Preferably check, Companion-in-a-box NFT attributes that return this attribute type (you can grab jkadamczyk.eth to watch)
    • Check if date is properly formatted
    • Check if the dates are last in the list
    • Clicking shouldn't open a context menu for date, long-press should do nothing
    • check links on a POAP for example (jkadamczyk.eth has POAP from dame.news)
    • check boosts formatting on a wallet like 0x9bD086DadfCA695B59E7bf9F4626f58900400eBF for Best Creature NFT
    • Boosts should have + at the beginning and if it's percent boost it should have % at the end
    • check sorting, precedence is like follows undefined display_type | null display_type | number display_type -> boost_percentage | boost_number display_type -> date display_type
    • Check link traits, these should have one or two context menu options and allow to open the URL in the web browser showing a confirmation modal before actually opening

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why – too small for e2e test it was a bug
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    opened by jkadamczyk 18
  • Port swap and savings to cool-modals

    Port swap and savings to cool-modals

    still a few issues:

    • [x] modals are getting stuck and jumping around
    • [x] need to disable swiping forward from ExchangeModal to CurrencySelectModal


    opened by christianbaroni 18
  • Migrate HoldToAuthorizeButton to use Reanimated 2

    Migrate HoldToAuthorizeButton to use Reanimated 2

    Fixes RNBW-3390

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    • Rewrote files I worked on to TypeScript + fixed some JS files to play better with typescript
    • Rewrote class component to function component to be able to use Reanimated 2
    • Rewrote Reanimated 1 animations to Reanimated 2

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    Before: https://streamable.com/6uzmyj After light: https://streamable.com/7mpc1x After dark: https://streamable.com/zhe4cp

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    • Try sending a transaction on iOS phone with face id
    • Hold the button to authorise and watch the loading progress animation

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why – animations, and there wasn't any in the first place
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    needs dev review performance 
    opened by jkadamczyk 16
  • Multimedia NFT Support

    Multimedia NFT Support

    This branch adds the capability to view or listen to rich media stored inside NFTs.


    • The ability to detect whether an asset has a valid 3D .glb animation_url.
      • Unique assets which are detected in this format are represented alongside an additional icon in the <AssetRecylerList />.
      • The ability to render a 3D Model using <model-viewer/> using a <WebView />.
      • If the asset can be loaded successfully, it will be rendered.
      • If it possesses animation parameters, it will by default autoplay the animation.
      • Orbital controls are enabled to allow spherical rotation about the rendered scene.
      • Props are passed into the webpage using JSON.stringify to damage injection exploit vectors.


    1. Watch address 0x3b24804587a841c11b4e5baac8a6211671672ce0
    2. Navigate to SuperRare collectibles.
    3. Tap on Bernie Sanders and watch him shiver. Zoom in closely to check out his comfy gloves.


    • If an asset possesses an .mp4 animation_url, we’ll render the video content using react-native-video.
      • Does not autoplay.
      • Currently depends on a hack to manually stop the video when unmounted (likely the current native lib is getting confused when presenting within a BottomSheet).


    1. Watch address 0x188bd32f4c3b5ffaee22c2ec653f5d32ed27d844
    2. Navigate to GeniusCorp collectibles.
    3. Watch the Mighty33 video.


    • If an asset possesses an .mp3 animation_url, it’ll be detected as part of the user’s Playlist.
    • If the user has a non-empty Playlist, the <EphemeralAudioPlayerFab /> will be displayed on the WalletScreen alongside the other FABs.
      • When no sound is currently playing, pressing play will load a random sound.
      • When a sound is playing, it can be paused, or the next track in the queue can be played by pressing fast forward.
      • When tracks end, it is configured to autoplay the next track in the queue.
      • Clicking on the title of the song will reopen the content in the UniqueTokenExpandedView.
    • Audio tokens also possess a Play/Pause button which is rendered within the UniqueTokenExpandedView. This can be used to configure runtime audio within the scope of the token itself.
      • Tokens are sensitive to their playback state; the Play/Pause button is expected to respond appropriately.
    • You can also listen to playing songs whilst the app is backgrounded.


    1. Watch address 0x188bd32f4c3b5ffaee22c2ec653f5d32ed27d844
    2. Open up the sound FAB and hit play. Try cycling through tracks.
    3. Click on a selected track's title.
    4. Attempt to interact with the current playback.

    Added libraries

    • Added use-debounce to help streamline the state transition between different pieces of audio content and prevent the user from downloading excessive audio content when cycling through their playlist.
    • Introduced react-native-sound to permit native level control of sound playback.
    • Introduced react-native-video to enable performant video downloading/caching.
    opened by cawfree 16
  • Fast UniswapPoolRow

    Fast UniswapPoolRow

    Fixes TEAM1-36

    Based on Michał's PR #3367. Unfortunately due to conflicts and some differences in implementation between changes made by Terry and Michał roughly around the same time, I decided it's much easier to just manually pick relevant changes and start a new branch (I tried rebasing but I gave up after 30 mins of picking between sets of changes irrelevant to the PR).

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    Uniswap pool row got a new implementation.

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    See comments for most up to date screenshots.

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    Check that uniswap pools work the same way as they did.

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why Reimplementation of existing functionality which is either covered by tests or out of scope of this PR
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    needs design review android performance team1 
    opened by tchayen 15
  • Optimize Android transaction coin row

    Optimize Android transaction coin row

    Fixes RNBW-3460

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    A lot of optimizations and TypeScript migrations for transaction and request row components.

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    ||Light|Dark| |--|--|--| |iOS|IMG_70F5F781B2F3-1|IMG_C4D3877138DA-1| |Android|Screenshot_20220715-175414_Rainbow|Screenshot_20220715-175441_Rainbow |

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    Verify that profile screen works the same way, meaning:

    • transactions look and feel the same in the list
    • requests (the ones that appear over the transaction list) look and feel the same

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why – performance improvements to existing functionality
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    android performance team1 
    opened by tchayen 15
  • Refactor BalanceCoinRow into FastBalanceCoinRow and FastCoinIcon

    Refactor BalanceCoinRow into FastBalanceCoinRow and FastCoinIcon

    Fixes RNBW-3350

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    Refactored BalanceCoinRow into its own family of components - Fast components - FastBalanceCoinRow. Fast components are meant to be used in Lists, especially in Recyclable lists.

    Also here I made some optimizations to hooks and selectors that build the wallet screen asset list. Now it's called only when it receives new data. But also it's created on the WalletScreen only and we pass data to the next screens so we don't call the same hook 3 times in different places.

    Another change - I removed stagging for the assets list since we don't need it anymore. The render of the asset list items is fast enough.

    What "FastComponent" means

    The "Fast" part means that the component is as fast to render/update as it can be. We are trying to use as less of dynamic and heavy stuff as possible. Because of that, we don't use the Design System for layout except for Text.

    So in order to make a Fast Component, you should make sure that:

    • we don't use selectors inside of the component
    • we receive data from the props
    • we calculate data before the render
    • we use as less views as possible to achieve the design
    • we don't render things that are not visible and hiding them with opacity
    • we use raw views and StyleSheet API
    • we don't use useContext (useTheme. useNavigation etc) for these
    • we pass props down
    • the component is as flat as possible
    • the component is as simple as possible
    • the component is not "reusable" - if you need to reuse it in a different place - make a new one
    • we don't waste any CPU time

    Before doing any refactoring - measure the mount and update time with RenderProfiler. Also, I noticed that refactoring old stuff that is used in many places and "reusable" is not worth it and it's easier to just create a brand new component instead.

    We're using RenderProfiler to measure mount and update time. Since it's RecyclerViewList the mount - is when we show a full list of assets, the update is when we scroll since it's passing new props instead of remounting the items.

    All the tests were done on Samsung A12 2021 in Release but with the Profiling version of RN (a tiny bit slower).

    Before results:

    [10:40:56] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: BalanceCoinRow (5) - 52.28ms (max: 67.51ms; min: 46.45ms)
    [10:40:59] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (1) - 4.94ms (max: 4.94ms; min: 4.94ms)
    [10:41:00] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (1) - 0.57ms (max: 0.57ms; min: 0.57ms)
    [10:41:08] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (44) - 4.89ms (max: 40.48ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [10:41:09] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (1) - 0.56ms (max: 0.56ms; min: 0.56ms)
    [10:41:10] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (5) - 0.04ms (max: 0.05ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [10:41:12] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: BalanceCoinRow (11) - 45.42ms (max: 58.86ms; min: 40.19ms)
    [10:41:14] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: BalanceCoinRow (11) - 44.99ms (max: 59.23ms; min: 40.02ms)
    [10:41:14] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (85) - 2.82ms (max: 30.92ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [10:41:16] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (27) - 5.94ms (max: 18.02ms; min: 3.56ms)
    [10:41:23] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: BalanceCoinRow (11) - 61.14ms (max: 155.05ms; min: 48.26ms)
    [10:41:30] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (197) - 21.88ms (max: 267.78ms; min: 0.60ms)
    [10:41:30] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (1) - 3.47ms (max: 3.47ms; min: 3.47ms)
    [10:41:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (64) - 24.34ms (max: 47.29ms; min: 3.83ms)
    [10:41:41] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (106) - 25.81ms (max: 161.06ms; min: 0.58ms)
    [10:41:44] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (90) - 24.23ms (max: 57.63ms; min: 5.63ms)
    [10:42:01] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (76) - 0.12ms (max: 1.57ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [10:42:51] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (6) - 1.49ms (max: 1.71ms; min: 1.12ms)
    [10:42:54] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (83) - 21.03ms (max: 54.97ms; min: 0.61ms)
    [10:42:55] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (1) - 6.29ms (max: 6.29ms; min: 6.29ms)
    [10:42:59] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (79) - 24.52ms (max: 46.80ms; min: 5.60ms)
    [10:43:01] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: BalanceCoinRow (38) - 0.47ms (max: 10.31ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [17:59:48] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: CoinIcon (5) - 14.55ms (max: 24.36ms; min: 10.97ms)
    [17:59:51] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: CoinIcon (4) - 13.82ms (max: 21.50ms; min: 10.52ms)
    [17:59:51] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: CoinIcon (11) - 11.30ms (max: 13.12ms; min: 9.77ms)
    [17:59:59] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: CoinIcon (17) - 10.64ms (max: 12.88ms; min: 9.19ms)
    [18:00:00] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: CoinIcon (62) - 1.34ms (max: 6.08ms; min: 0.04ms)

    After results:

    [10:29:52] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (5) - 20.35ms (max: 21.94ms; min: 18.41ms)
    [10:29:55] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (3) - 1.71ms (max: 1.78ms; min: 1.63ms)
    [10:30:02] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (17) - 2.80ms (max: 7.70ms; min: 0.23ms)
    [10:30:07] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (15) - 1.81ms (max: 6.59ms; min: 0.03ms)
    [10:30:07] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (11) - 15.98ms (max: 18.47ms; min: 12.98ms)
    [10:30:07] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (10) - 1.87ms (max: 2.47ms; min: 0.83ms)
    [10:30:08] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (16) - 0.04ms (max: 0.05ms; min: 0.03ms)
    [10:30:08] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (17) - 17.18ms (max: 34.08ms; min: 14.58ms)
    [10:30:09] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (17) - 1.70ms (max: 1.83ms; min: 0.68ms)
    [10:30:12] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (7) - 20.42ms (max: 22.80ms; min: 17.99ms)
    [10:30:12] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (1) - 18.73ms (max: 18.73ms; min: 18.73ms)
    [10:30:13] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (8) - 1.87ms (max: 2.28ms; min: 0.89ms)
    [10:30:13] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (6) - 21.32ms (max: 22.47ms; min: 19.77ms)
    [10:30:14] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastBalanceCoinRow (1) - 19.15ms (max: 19.15ms; min: 19.15ms)
    [10:30:15] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (81) - 5.83ms (max: 14.57ms; min: 0.63ms)
    [10:30:17] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (68) - 6.99ms (max: 28.48ms; min: 1.68ms)
    [10:30:20] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (137) - 6.64ms (max: 32.52ms; min: 1.59ms)
    [10:30:23] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (125) - 6.65ms (max: 26.71ms; min: 1.66ms)
    [10:30:25] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (57) - 7.17ms (max: 23.26ms; min: 1.60ms)
    [10:30:28] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastBalanceCoinRow (68) - 6.07ms (max: 12.95ms; min: 1.51ms)
    [18:08:16] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastCoinIcon (5) - 6.01ms (max: 7.19ms; min: 4.98ms)
    [18:08:18] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (3) - 1.43ms (max: 1.44ms; min: 1.43ms)
    [18:08:26] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (8) - 0.05ms (max: 0.06ms; min: 0.05ms)
    [18:08:29] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (4) - 0.04ms (max: 0.04ms; min: 0.04ms)
    [18:08:35] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastCoinIcon (11) - 5.29ms (max: 6.39ms; min: 4.78ms)
    [18:08:35] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (1) - 1.72ms (max: 1.72ms; min: 1.72ms)
    [18:08:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (4) - 1.37ms (max: 1.78ms; min: 0.43ms)
    [18:08:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ mount: FastCoinIcon (17) - 5.25ms (max: 8.48ms; min: 4.37ms)
    [18:08:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (6) - 1.51ms (max: 1.59ms; min: 1.44ms)
    [18:08:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (2) - 1.96ms (max: 2.16ms; min: 1.77ms)
    [18:08:36] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (4) - 2.22ms (max: 2.65ms; min: 1.70ms)
    [18:08:37] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (1) - 2.50ms (max: 2.50ms; min: 2.50ms)
    [18:08:37] I | ReactNativeJS ▶︎ update: FastCoinIcon (9) - 1.88ms (max: 3.19ms; min: 0.52ms)

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)





    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [x] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why
    • [x] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    needs dev review android performance 
    opened by terrysahaidak 14
  • Remove toChecksumAddress for assets urls

    Remove toChecksumAddress for assets urls

    Fixes RNBW-####

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    Created a new (default) branch on the assets repo where all the addresses are lowercased so we don't have to call the expensive function toChecksumAddress

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)

    Before (checksummed): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rainbow-me/assets/master/blockchains/ethereum/assets/0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F/logo.png

    After (lowercase): https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rainbow-me/assets/lowercase/blockchains/ethereum/assets/0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f/logo.png

    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    Final checklist

    • [x] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [x] Added labels?
    • [ ] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why - Doesn't apply
    • [ ] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file? - No new files
    opened by brunobar79 14
  • Fix: handle profile emojis

    Fix: handle profile emojis

    Fixes RNBW-2646 Fixes RNBW-1255 Fixes RNBW-3778

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    In addition to the bug described on linear,

    • When creating new accounts, we are not sending an accountSymbol param to the backend, this case is not handled correctly by backend so the profile is not created, then every time the emoji or color is being updated in the app, we try to update it on the backend as well but is rejected from since there was nothing to update in the first place. I was able to repro this in the testflight app
    • when creating or watching new addresses we aren't looking to the backend for symbol and colors, making the original linear ticket to happen, now we check for backend first

    Additionally I changed the default avatar color to gray, which is going to appear while waiting for the web profile, if any. Let me know what you think about it

    PoW (screenshots / screen recordings)


    Dev checklist for QA: what to test

    Final checklist

    • [ ] Assigned individual reviewers?
    • [ ] Added labels?
    • [ ] Added e2e tests? if not please specify why
    • [ ] If you added new files, did you update the CODEOWNERS file?
    opened by estebanmino 14
  • Followup on removing last chart price overrides

    Followup on removing last chart price overrides

    Fixes APP-####

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    This is to remove outdated or unused code related to charts as I was doing the last chart price overrides work.

    Screen recordings / screenshots

    What to test

    • Charts across all timelines should still behave as expected
    opened by jinchung 0
  • Wallet does not recognize fingerprint

    Wallet does not recognize fingerprint

    I disabled the fingerprint security on my phone (Android 10) for a few hours and then enabled it again. The problem is that now my Rainbow wallet (version 1.0.155) prompts me for a fingerprint but then complains that I need to turn on biometrics. It doesn't let me sign transactions or see my backup key.

    I also tried to enter the wallet diagnostics by tapping on the version number on the settings page. It prompts me for my fingerprint and when I provide it just shows a blank page. No prompts or messages.

    The weird thing about this is that if I provide a wrong fingerprint I get a "Not recognized" message (as I'm supposed to). So it knows my correct fingerprint. But the app just believes that biometrics are not turned on in the system, even though they are.

    This problem also happened with other apps, but I simply reinstalled them and they are now working.

    I don't want to reinstall my Rainbow wallet because then I'll lose access to it, and I don't have the backup key.

    opened by brunoffranca 0
  • Ledger: AddWalletNavigator overhaul

    Ledger: AddWalletNavigator overhaul

    Fixes APP-####

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    The main purpose of this PR is to unify every flow involving adding a new wallet under AddWalletNavigator. This includes:

    • renaming ImportSeedPhraseSheet to ImportOrWatchWalletSheet
    • getting rid of AddFirstWalletStep and instead encompassing that logic in AddWalletSheet, thereby removing that logic/UI from RestoreSheet (why was it there in the first place???)

    Screen recordings / screenshots

    What to test

    • add/restore wallet flows
    opened by benisgold 0
  • Transaction Details Header

    Transaction Details Header

    Fixes APP-30

    What changed (plus any additional context for devs)

    • Implemented sheet headers
    • Backport speed up and cancel pending transaction options menu
    • Add Context menu to from/to rows
    • Code Cleanup
    • Various fixes I found along the way that were small enough to include in this PR
    opened by jkadamczyk 1
Explore the new world of Ethereum!
Ethereum-wallet: 100% native ethereum wallet, created with iOS version of Geth client

Ethereum-wallet: 100% native ethereum wallet, created with iOS version of Geth client

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Wei Wallet - Ethereum wallet app for iOS

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Multi-wallet for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and other emerging blockchains

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Trust - Ethereum Wallet and Web3 DApp Browser for iOS

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An open-source Ethereum wallet built with SwiftUI

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AlphaWallet - Advanced, Open Source Ethereum Mobile Wallet & dApp Browser for iOS

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Fearless Wallet - a mobile wallet designed for the decentralized future on the Kusama and Polkadot networks

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Full Bitcoin library for iOS, implemented on Swift. SPV wallet implementation for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Dash blockchains.

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IOTA wallet.rs Swift binding

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SwiftUI Prototyping Wallet App Interactive UI

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Cross-platform 👻 Crypto Wallet Generator in Go

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Smart Wallet - iOS application for managing money

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Encryptr is a zero-knowledge, cloud-based e-wallet / password manager powered by Crypton

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