A simple to use, standard interface for authenticating to oauth 2.0 protected endpoints via SFSafariViewController.



A simple to use, standard interface for authenticating to OAuth 2.0 protected endpoints via SFSafariViewController.



In order to use this View Controller you need to be running iOS 9 on your simulator or device.

Step 1

Setup the URL Scheme of your app as shown in the image below. (You can find this in the Info tab of your project's settings)


Step 2

Prepare your AppDelegate to handle this newly created URL Scheme

func application(app: UIApplication, openURL url: NSURL, options: [String : AnyObject]) -> Bool {

    // Before doing this, you should check the url is your redirect-uri before doing anything. Be safe :)
    if let components = NSURLComponents(URL: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false),
        queryItems = components.queryItems, 
        code = queryItems.first?.value {

        // Let's find the instance of our authentication controller, 
        // it would be the presentedViewController. This is another 
        // reason to check before that we are actually coming from the SFSafariViewController
        if let rootViewController = window?.rootViewController,
            authenticationViewController = rootViewController.presentedViewController as? AuthenticationViewController {

        return true

    return false

Note that you need to pass the authentication code received by your URL scheme to the AuthenticationViewController so it can exchange it for an actual access token.

Step 3

Create an AuthenticationProvider following the AuthenticationProvider protocol.

Step 4

Instantiate an AuthenticationViewController in your code and pass in the provider.

let provider = OAuthDribbble(clientId: "your-client-id", 
    clientSecret: "your-client-secret", 
    scopes: ["public", "upload"])

let authenticationViewController = AuthenticationViewController(provider: provider)

authenticationViewController.failureHandler = { error in

authenticationViewController.authenticationHandler = { token in

    authenticationViewController.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)

presentViewController(authenticationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

That is it, when you fill in your user account in the AuthenticationViewController and if everything went correctly you should get the access token in the authenticationHandler closure. Otherwise check for any errors in the failureHandler closure.


Choose one of the following options.


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "raulriera/AuthenticationViewController"


Add the following to your Podfile:

pod "AuthenticationViewController"


Just drag and drop the AuthenticationViewController/AuthenticationViewController folder into your project.


Sometimes it's easier to dig in into some code, included in this project is an example for Dribbble and Instagram. You will still need to edit the source code to provide real clientId, clientSecret, and your URL scheme.

Created by

Raul Riera, @raulriera

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  • Google implementation connector for OAuth2

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    Here I share the connector for Google OAuth2 with an usage example (hope its help):


    static let ClientId = "188766122934-0t21j64fd4qmcomewpho6jeqwxe6kpwq.apps.googleusercontent.com"
    static let ClientSecret = "AIza34De1h2JIehyugxcgYnXewtokGdi0xXPsJMTY"
    static let ScopeYoutubeReadonly = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.readonly"
    static let ScopeUserinfoEmail = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email"
    static let ScopeUserinfoProfile = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"
    let provider = OAuthGoogle(clientId: ServiceRequest.ClientId, clientSecret: "", scopes: [ServiceRequest.ScopeUserinfoEmail, ServiceRequest.ScopeUserinfoProfile, ServiceRequest.ScopeYoutubeReadonly])
    let authenticationViewController = AuthenticationViewController(provider: provider)
    authenticationViewController.failureHandler = { error in
    authenticationViewController.authenticationHandler = { token in
    	print (token)
    	authenticationViewController.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
    present(authenticationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
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  • Coub doesn't work properly

    Coub doesn't work properly

    Description for coub: https://coub.com/dev/docs/Coub+API%2FAuthentication

    If you need test credentials: ID: 60b88af1e39803f5f68716bc364a498f9d4e733a7f76735dc48729e697de3bd6 Secret: 6f62d7366a58b07377a3046922d49c4f5ab882eebe322f50467856bb7b86e049 Redirect URL: http://gargo.of.by Permissions: like+recoub

    I used your example and added OAuthCoub (looks like your OAuthDribble and OAuthInstagram) and called it. It seems everything ok with authorization - successfully logged in, and redirected to "Redirect URL". The only main trouble is application:openURL:options: is not called at all and so I don't have a token in my app.

    Could you please resolve this strange issue?

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  • Can't receive access_token

    Can't receive access_token

    Does it work correctly fro Twitter/Facebook or Google+ ? Can't manage any of them. Can anyone provide an example with those networks? e.g. I have following url for twitter: "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize/?client_id=(clientId)&scope=(scopes.joined(separator: "+"))&redirect_uri=(redirectURI)&response_type=code" accessTokenURL = https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"

    redirectURI = "https://www.google.com"

    Then, I put my ClientID and Secret, but nothing works. I can login and do not receive my token after switching to redirectURL.

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  • Authentication Flow [Important Read]

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    Has brought up by @edjiang on https://twitter.com/EdwardStarcraft/status/712727368788353024 which authentication flow should we use for this library?

    Would love some feedback

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