Simple Background Fetch Tasks
Version 1.0 - Sunday 02 May, 2021
- iOS 15.0+ / macOS 11.6.0
- Xcode 13.0+
- Swift 5.5
Install the dependencies
1- cd SimpleBackgrounFetch
3- open -a Xcode SimpleBackgrounFetch.xcworkspace
4- CMD+R
Bug Fixes:
Under The Hood:
- API call using URL Session
- Read and update SharedPrefs
- Testing and simulate background tasks to get latest rates
- Compare updated Rates to saved values.
- Notification for latest tasks and update value.
- cache response in case of failure of URL or network
- Unit Test
Run Unit Test
1- cd SimpleBackgrounFetch
3- open -a Xcode SimpleBackgrounFetch.xcworkspace
4- CMD + U
License MIT
Free Software, Hell Yeah!