Build your own 'AirTags' 🏷 today! Framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network.


OpenHaystack application icon OpenHaystack

OpenHaystack is a framework for tracking personal Bluetooth devices via Apple's massive Find My network. Use it to create your own tracking tags that you can append to physical objects (keyrings, backpacks, ...) or integrate it into other Bluetooth-capable devices such as notebooks.

Screenshot of the app

Table of contents

What is OpenHaystack?

OpenHaystack is an application that allows you to create your own accessories that are tracked by Apple's Find My network. All you need is a Mac and a BBC micro:bit or any other Bluetooth-capable device. By using the app, you can track your accessories anywhere on earth without cellular coverage. Nearby iPhones will discover your accessories and upload their location to Apple's servers when they have a network connection.


OpenHaystack is the result of reverse-engineering and security analysis work of Apple's Find My network (or offline finding). We at the Secure Mobile Networking Lab of TU Darmstadt started analyzing offline finding after its initial announcement in June 2019. We identified how Apple devices can be found by iPhones devices, even when they are offline through this work. The whole system is a clever combination of Bluetooth advertisements, public-key cryptography, and a central database of encrypted location reports. We disclosed a specification of the closed parts of offline finding and conducted a comprehensive security and privacy analysis. We found two distinct vulnerabilities. The most severe one, which allowed a malicious application to access location data, has meanwhile been fixed by Apple (CVE-2020-9986). For more information about the security analysis, please read our paper. Since its release, we received quite a bit of press and media coverage.


OpenHaystack is experimental software. The code is untested and incomplete. For example, OpenHaystack accessories using our firmware broadcast a fixed public key and, therefore, are trackable by other devices in proximity (this might change in a future release). OpenHaystack is not affiliated with or endorsed by Apple Inc.

How to use OpenHaystack?

OpenHaystack consists of two components. First, we provide a macOS application that can display the last reported location of your personal Bluetooth devices. Second, the firmware image enables Bluetooth devices to broadcast beacons that make them discoverable by iPhones.

System requirements

OpenHaystack requires macOS 11 (Big Sur).


The OpenHaystack application requires a custom plugin for Apple Mail. It is used to download location reports from Apple's servers via a private API (technical explanation: the plugin inherits Apple Mail's entitlements required to use this API). Therefore, the installation procedure is slightly different and requires you to temporarily disable Gatekeeper. Our plugin does not access any other private data such as emails (see source code).

  1. Download a precompiled binary release from our GitHub page.
    Alternative: build the application from source via Xcode.
  2. Open OpenHaystack. This will ask you to install the Mail plugin in ~/Library/Mail/Bundle.
  3. Open a terminal and run sudo spctl --master-disable, which will disable Gatekeeper and allow our Apple Mail plugin to run.
  4. Open Apple Mail. Go to PreferencesGeneralManage Plug-Ins... and activate the checkbox next to OpenHaystackMail.mailbundle.
    • If the Manage Plug-Ins... button does not appear. Run this command in terminal sudo defaults write "/Library/Preferences/" EnableBundles 1
  5. Allow access and restart Mail.
  6. Open a terminal and enter sudo spctl --master-enable, which will enable Gatekeeper again.


Adding a new accessory. To create a new accessory, you just need to enter a name for it and optionally select a suitable icon and a color. The app then generates a new key pair that is used to encrypt and decrypt the location reports. The private key is stored in your Mac's keychain.

Deploy to device. Connect a supported device via USB to your Mac and hit the Deploy button next to the accessory's name and choose the corresponding. Instead of using OpenHaystack's integrated deployment, you may also copy the public key used for advertising (right click on accessory) and deploy it manually.

Display devices' locations. It can take up to 30 minutes until you will see the first location report on the map on the right side. The map will always show all your items' most recent locations. You can click on every item to check when the last update was received. By clicking the reload button, you can update the location reports.

How does Apple's Find My network work?

We briefly explain Apple's offline finding system (aka Find My network). Please refer to our PETS paper and Apple's accessory specification for more details. We provide a schematic overview (from our paper) and explain how we integrate the different steps in OpenHaystack below.

Find My Overview

Pairing (1)

To use Apple's Find My network, we generate a public-private key pair on an elliptic curve (P-224). The private key remains on the Mac securely stored in the keychain, and the public key is deployed on the accessory, e.g., an attached micro:bit.

Losing (2)

In short, the accessories broadcast the public key as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) advertisements (see firmware). Nearby iPhones will not be able to distinguish our accessories from a genuine Apple device or certified accessory.

Finding (3)

When a nearby iPhone receives a BLE advertisement, the iPhone fetches its current location via GPS, encrypts it using public key from the advertisement, and uploads the encrypted report to Apple's server. All iPhones on iOS 13 or newer do this by default. OpenHaystack is not involved in this step.

Searching (4)

Apple does not know which encrypted locations belong to which Apple account or device. Therefore, every Apple user can download any location report as long as they know the corresponding public key. This is not a security issue: all reports are end-to-end encrypted and cannot be decrypted unless one knows the corresponding private key (stored in the keychain). We leverage this feature to download the reports from Apple that have been created for our OpenHaystack accessories. We use our private keys to decrypt the location reports and show the most recent one on the map.

Apple protects their database against arbitrary access by requiring an authenticated Apple user to download location reports. We use our Apple Mail plugin, which runs with elevated privileges, to access the required authentication information. The OpenHaystack app communicates with the plugin while downloading reports. This is why you need to keep Mail open while using OpenHaystack.

How to track other Bluetooth devices?

In principle, any Bluetooth device can be turned into an OpenHaystack accessory that is trackable via Apple's Find My network. Currently, we provide a convenient deployment method of our OpenHaystack firmwares for a small number of embedded devices (see table below). We also support Linux devices via our generic HCI script. Feel free to port OpenHaystack to other devices that support Bluetooth Low Energy based on the source code of our firmware and the specification in our paper. Please share your results with us!

Platform Tested on Deploy via app Comment
Nordic nRF51 BBC micro:bit v1 Only supports nRF51288 at this time (see issue #6).
Espressif ESP32 SP32-WROOM, ESP32-WROVER Deployment can take up to 3 minutes. Requires Python 3. Thanks @fhessel.
Linux HCI Raspberry Pi 4 w/ Raspbian Should support any Linux machine.




  • Alexander Heinrich, Milan Stute, Tim Kornhuber, Matthias Hollick. Who Can Find My Devices? Security and Privacy of Apple's Crowd-Sourced Bluetooth Location Tracking System. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2021. doi:10.2478/popets-2021-0045 📄 Paper 📄 Preprint.
  • Alexander Heinrich, Milan Stute, and Matthias Hollick. DEMO: OpenHaystack: A Framework for Tracking Personal Bluetooth Devices via Apple’s Massive Find My Network. 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile (WiSec ’21), 2021.
  • Tim Kornhuber. Analysis of Apple's Crowd-Sourced Location Tracking System. Technical University of Darmstadt, Master's thesis, 2020.
  • Apple Inc. Find My Network Accessory Specification – Developer Preview – Release R3. 2020. 📄 Download.


OpenHaystack is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.

  • Support for MacOS Mail 16.0

    Support for MacOS Mail 16.0

    Describe the bug The OpenHaystack MacOS Mail plugin is not compatible with Mail 16.0, which ships with macOS 12.3

    OpenHaystack version: Version 0.5.1 (1)

    macOS version: 12.3

    opened by klinquist 30
  • Device switches from green to yellow and back when turned on/off, but there are no location reports

    Device switches from green to yellow and back when turned on/off, but there are no location reports

    Hi all,

    my device does seem to be doing something, as it becomes yellow when I turn it off and goes back to green when I turn it back on, but there is no location report. I am completely fine with debugging this, I just need some pointers where to start :)

    Best, Linus

    opened by glatteis 19
  • Problem with ESP32 (ESPRESSIF)

    Problem with ESP32 (ESPRESSIF)

    When i want to deploy an Airtag i get this error: Deploying to microbit failed. Please reconnect the device over USB

    (To be honest, I don't know what to add here, since I have little affection for the mateire)

    OpenHaystack version: Version 0.3.7

    macOS version: 11.4 (20F71)

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-07 um 18 59 52

    2021-06-07 19 04 14

    opened by KatzeMau 16
  • error when flashing esp32

    error when flashing esp32

    ESP32 % ./ -p /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 "yaAusUDjMLRkXaRqZ0TLTvWeM9cbW3fdCtxnQD/xySI=" v3.0 Found 2 serial ports Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 Connecting........_ Detecting chip type... ESP32 Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1) Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None Crystal is 40MHz MAC: ac:67:b2:36:9c:ac Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Erasing region (may be slow depending on size)... Erase completed successfully in 0.1 seconds. Staying in bootloader. v3.0 Found 2 serial ports Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 Connecting.......................___...............__ /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 failed to connect: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header Serial port /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port Connecting.......................___...............__ /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port failed to connect: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header

    A fatal error occurred: Could not connect to an Espressif device on any of the 2 available serial ports. cleanup ...

    This is the error I get and idk what to do any advice would be appreciated

    opened by jaekim24 10
  • Deploy firmware on ESP32 fails

    Deploy firmware on ESP32 fails

    I would like to ask for help, If I run ./ -p /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 "my public key in base64", I got: v3.0
    Found 4 serial ports
    Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
    Detecting chip type... ESP32
    Chip is ESP32-D0WDQ6 (revision 1)
    Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
    Crystal is 40MHz
    Uploading stub...
    Running stub...
    Stub running...
    Erasing region (may be slow depending on size)...
    Erase completed successfully in 0.1 seconds.
    Staying in bootloader. v3.0
    Found 4 serial ports
    Serial port /dev/cu.usbserial-0001
    /dev/cu.usbserial-0001 failed to connect: Failed to connect to Espressif device: Timed out waiting for packet header```
    As I understand "erasing" of the device works fine, but then "writing" fails. Am I missing something?
    opened by mowtschan 10
  • Unable to get key into

    Unable to get key into "OFFLINEFINDINGPUBLICKEYHERE!" for nRF51822 firmware

    Hey thank you for this great project! i have an issue with making the firmware for nRF51822, i don't know how to enter the public key in to the firmware. /* don't makeconstso we can replace key in compiled binary image */ static char public_key[28] = "OFFLINEFINDINGPUBLICKEYHERE!"; I tried to paste the advertisement key (Base64) from the open haystack app there, this doesn't work the make commands gives this error error: initializer-string for array of 'char' is too long [-Werror] What's the right way to get the advertisement key from the app into the main.c file for the nRF51822. Thank you for answering the question!

    opened by Z-pi 10
  • The reported location is not accurate

    The reported location is not accurate

    Describe the bug I try on Raspberry pi and ESP 32. Both of them have reported the wrong location comparing with the location in Find my app from my iPhone.

    Expected behavior Showing the same location as shown in Find my app

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    OpenHaystack version: Version 0.3.7 (1)

    macOS version: Big Sur

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by iamfaith 9
  • Power consumption during trakking

    Power consumption during trakking

    How many Power need the BBC when trakking ?

    3V Battery Pack take how many Time ? And how often take the BBC send the Signal out ? Instantly or 30 min or 1 hour or ever when other IOS Device "Ping" it takes a "Pong" ?!

    Big Thanks for the Project and Help.

    opened by PrinzEric 9
  • Incompatible Plug-ins Disabled after laters OSx Monterey update 12.1 (21C52)

    Incompatible Plug-ins Disabled after laters OSx Monterey update 12.1 (21C52)


    OpenHaystack is not working after latest update of OS Monterey 12.1 (21C52)

    Incompatible Plug-ins Disabled
    Mail has disabled the following plug-ins:
    Contact the makers of these plug-ins for versions that are compatible with Mail 15.0.

    Everything used to work fine before this latest update.

    I've tried to uninstall the plugin, restart my Mac and follow these steps again:

    • Download a precompiled binary release from our GitHub page.
    • Alternative: build the application from source via Xcode.
    • Open OpenHaystack. This will ask you to install the Mail plugin in ~/Library/Mail/Bundle.
    • Open a terminal and run sudo spctl --master-disable, which will disable Gatekeeper and allow our Apple Mail plugin to run.
    • Open Apple Mail. Go to Preferences → General → Manage Plug-Ins... and activate the checkbox next to OpenHaystackMail.mailbundle.
    • If the Manage Plug-Ins... button does not appear. Run this command in terminal sudo defaults write "/Library/Preference/" EnableBundles 1
    • Allow access and restart Mail.
    • Open a terminal and enter sudo spctl --master-enable, which will enable Gatekeeper again.

    But still not working.


    Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 15 25 40 Screenshot 2021-12-18 at 13 04 01

    OpenHaystack version: Version 0.4.1 (1)

    macOS version: 12.1 (21C52)

    Additional context Plugin used to work perfectly before update.


    opened by Furtivo360 8
  • Flash common Aliexpress nRF51822

    Flash common Aliexpress nRF51822

    Hi, i was wondering what i need to flash pre built nRF51822 chips that can be found on alixpress. I have a few of these laying around home for a little project and it would be awsome to use them as trackers.


    Does anyone know what tool i need and how to mount them as volumes so i can copy the file like the microbit tutorial?

    opened by francescofact 8
  • ESP32 C3 Not booting

    ESP32 C3 Not booting

    Describe the bug When I succesfully flash an ESP32 -c3-mini-1 or the ESP32-C3-DevKitC-02 both fail to boot:

    rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RST),boot:0xc (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
    mode:DIO, clock div:1
    Invalid image block, can't boot.
    ets_main.c 333
    Build:Feb  7 2021

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Install IDF using ./ esp32c3
    2. Build the bootloader with build
    3. Flash the ESP32: ./ -p /dev/tty.usbserial-14120 "KEY"
    4. Successful flash
    5. Use screen to monitor the device: screen /dev/tty.usbserial-14120 115200
    6. See the error

    Expected behavior Not bootloop

    Screenshots see error log

    OpenHaystack version: 0.5.2

    macOS version: 12.4

    opened by bruvv 7
  • Availability of free for research or paid for business proxy servers

    Availability of free for research or paid for business proxy servers

    Hi and thanks for the great work.

    I do not have nor want to own a Mac (I already have an iPhone and do not want to get stuck by lock-in) but I would still like to explore OpenHaystack and its possibilities as a prototypist.

    If I understood correctly the proxy server allow to use a mobile app but still delegating the tracking to a Mac so that "The proxy server can be accessed over a network by multiple users simultaneously." Is anybody making that available? If not is it due to lack of interest, security, privacy or volume concerns?

    opened by Utopiah 1
  • precision finding

    precision finding

    Is it possible to do precision finding like the real AirTags by using a Bluetooth signal detector and seeing if the signal gets stronger? I know in ham radio you can do something like this.

    opened by jaekim24 1
  • Apple maps black screen , please attach a Google maps link .

    Apple maps black screen , please attach a Google maps link .

    IMG_20230101_232727135 Apple maps doesn't work on virtual machines, i can confirm this from other forums. So, a very basic Google maps link attached to the accessories would be very helpful for people who are using Mac os on VMware or virtual box. I have zero experience in software programming and even less experience in xcode otherwise i would have done it myself. Thanks in advance.

    opened by noobplayer480 8
  • OHServerApp proxy issue

    OHServerApp proxy issue

    Hi Guys,

    I am able to compile and run the OHServerApp from Xcode, however port 8080 is not opened from localhost or LAN.

    Note: HTTPServer in the vapor package (defaultHostname) was changed to but still no luck. (as mentioned in: mac os proxy help #132 )

    I checked the console for verbose while the server is running and it's blank, there is only a loading icon next to Run.

    However i did notice there was a build warning that came up in Xcode that says sendSynchronousRequest is deprecated in the console.

    Could this have anything to do with OHServerApp not being able to start Vapor?


    opened by tnorm32 0
  • Rearrange and grouping tags.

    Rearrange and grouping tags.

    I have around 25 tags and it is pretty messy to keep track of them.

    Would it be possible to have drop down groups and be able to move tags up and down the list?


    opened by jamine16 0
  • Apple shutting down the service

    Apple shutting down the service

    Hello! It´s tempting to use the Open Haystack to track valuables and things in a little bit wider scale. How likely is it Apple will try to stop the Open haystack service and other services like that? Also how can they stop it from a technical point of view?

    I think this is a important issue to discuss.

    opened by trep-kalkyl 1
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