SwiftUI Package for Configurable Confetti Animation πŸŽ‰


🎊 ConfettiSwiftUI 🎊

Swift package for displaying configurable confetti animation.

Find the demo project here.


It requires iOS 14 and Xcode 12!

In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and paste in the repo's url: https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI and select master branch.


Import the package in the file you would like to use it: import ConfettiSwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var counter:Int = 0

    var body: some View {
            Text("πŸŽ‰").font(.system(size: 50)).onTapGesture(){counter += 1}
            ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter)


Added an example project, with iOS target: https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUIDemo


You can use the configurator app in demo project here to make your desired animation or get inspired by one of the many examples.

Default Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter1)

Color and Size Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter2, colors: [.red, .black], confettiSize: 20)

Repeat Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter3, repetitions: 3, repetitionInterval: 0.7)

Firework Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter4, num: 50, openingAngle: Angle(degrees: 0), closingAngle: Angle(degrees: 360), radius: 200)

Emoji Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter5, confettis: [.text("❀️"), .text("πŸ’™"), .text("πŸ’š"), .text("🧑")])

Endless Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter6, num:1, confettis: [.text("πŸ’©")], confettiSize: 20, repetitions: 100, repetitionInterval: 0.1)

Make-it-Rain Configuration


ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter7, num:1, confettis: [.text("πŸ’΅"), .text("πŸ’Ά"), .text("πŸ’·"), .text("πŸ’΄")], confettiSize: 30, repetitions: 50, repetitionInterval: 0.1)


parameter type description default
counter Binding on any change of this variable triggers the animation 0
num Int amount of confettis 20
confettis [ConfettiType] list of shapes and text [.shape(.circle), .shape(.triangle), .shape(.square), .shape(.slimRectangle), .shape(.roundedCross)]
colors [Color] list of colors applied to the default shapes [.blue, .red, .green, .yellow, .pink, .purple, .orange]
confettiSize CGFloat size that confettis and emojis are scaled to 10.0
rainHeight CGFloat vertical distance that confettis pass 600.0
fadesOut Bool size that confettis and emojis are scaled to true
opacity Double maximum opacity during the animation 1.0
openingAngle Angle boundary that defines the opening angle in degrees Angle.degrees(60)
closingAngle Angle boundary that defines the closing angle in degrees Angle.degrees(120)
radius CGFloat explosion radius 300.0
repetitions Int number of repetitions for the explosion 0
repetitionInterval Double duration between the repetitions 1.0


The following projects have integrated ConfettiSwiftUI in their App.

  • Trouble with higher num: values

    Trouble with higher num: values

    Expected Behaviour

    There should appear the number of confetti I decide

    Actual Behavior

    it takes too long to render the number I have chosen. and either they do not render, or they are delayed, and then disappear suddenly during animation.

    Steps to Reproduce the Issue

    • Create a confetti cannon with a higher num: I would like up to 1000. but I was having issues even with 100-200 or more.
    opened by AirborneEagle 3
  • Library not loaded

    Library not loaded

    Expected Behaviour

    App launch including package.

    Actual Behaviour

    App crashed on launch with the console output attached.

    Steps to Reproduce the Issue

    • Install Swift Package via Xcode package manager
    • Build to iphone


    opened by kitlogan 3
  • Animation is over very fast

    Animation is over very fast

    Expected Behaviour

    Describe the expected behaviour. The popped out confetti should slowly rain down

    Actual Behaviour

    Describe the actual behaviour. The popped out confetti fastly rains down

    Steps to Reproduce the Issue

    I am using this in combination with https://github.com/joogps/SlideOverCard. The library is the problem, because I tried it already on my Home Screen and there it worked fine. I would like to ask if you could tell me a solution :)


    opened by blockiyt 3
  • SF Symbols support

    SF Symbols support


    Is there a way to use SF Symbols in ConfettiSwiftUI? I tried embedding in Text but that did not work. Thanks.


    • [ ] ...


    ...mention related issues and/or user stories...

    opened by daver234 2
  • ignoring singular matrix: ProjectionTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 0.0, m13: 0.0, m21: -0.5, m22: -0.5, m23: -0.1, m31: 2.5, m32: 7.5, m33: 1.5)

    ignoring singular matrix: ProjectionTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 0.0, m13: 0.0, m21: -0.5, m22: -0.5, m23: -0.1, m31: 2.5, m32: 7.5, m33: 1.5)

    ConfettiCannon(counter: $counter, num: 200, repetitions: 3, repetitionInterval: 3)

    This is shown on console:

    ignoring singular matrix: ProjectionTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 0.0, m13: 0.0, m21: -0.5, m22: -0.5, m23: -0.1, m31: 2.5, m32: 7.5, m33: 1.5) ignoring singular matrix: ProjectionTransform(m11: 1.0, m12: 0.0, m13: 0.0, m21: 0.5, m22: 0.5, m23: 0.1, m31: -2.5, m32: 2.5, m33: 0.5)

    help wanted 
    opened by mattyoung 2
  • Better Physics Simulation Option

    Better Physics Simulation Option


    Add the option to give realistic physics feel to the confetti. This consists mainly of adjusting the animation curve, overlapping confetti explosion animation with falling animation, and spreading confetti increasingly thinly towards the middle of the explosion.

    Also expanded the range of confetti rotation values so they all don't appear to spin at the same time after the initial explosion.


    • [x] All tests are passing
    opened by twhitt14 2
  • Add option to skip animation when the counter decreases

    Add option to skip animation when the counter decreases


    This PR adds the possibility to skip the confetti animation when the $counter value decreases compared to the previous value.

    Imagine one has bound the $counter to the current score of a 'player' in any game where the score can in- and decrease. However, the animation should only be shown when the score increases. Having such a convenient configuration option to skip the animation might be helpful.

    I created the PR against master as the develop branch is behind the master branch.

    Related Issues

    No Issue created


    • [x] Have you added tests where necessary? Do all the test pass?
      • There is only one test that doesn't really test the business code so I didn't add a new one as the testing facility is not properly set up for adding new meaningful tests
    • [x] Have you added descriptive comments to your code?
    • [x] Have you updated the documentation related to this propo
    opened by stonko1994 2
  • Dynamic library prevents code signing from working in Xcode Cloud

    Dynamic library prevents code signing from working in Xcode Cloud

    In Package.swift this line forces you to choose either "Embed and Sign" or not to code sign when including ConfettiSwiftUI into an app (in Xcode):

    type: .dynamic

    This line isn't really needed.

    I discovered this when attempting to build one of my apps with Xcode Cloud. Here's the error you get during the archive process:

    ITMS-90334: Invalid Code Signature Identifier. The identifier "ConfettiSwiftUI-55554944d4fbc3d9c42f38d3b8bfbbc8cd81fa38" in your code signature for "ConfettiSwiftUI" must match its Bundle Identifier "ConfettiSwiftUI"
    opened by joulupukki 2
  • Open Source License

    Open Source License


    Hey Simon, cool project! In the README file you mention "Installation" and "Usage," yet legally no one can use this project in an app on the App Store because you hold the copyright. Could you put a LICENSE file in the repository to permit usage? I recommend the MIT open source license as it is the most popular in the Swift community and widely compatible. Thanks!


    • [x] Make LICENSE file based on the MIT template
    opened by chrisjf 2
  • Crash when app goes to background before animation is complete

    Crash when app goes to background before animation is complete

    Expected Behaviour

    Animation stops when app goes to background or completes successfully while in background

    Actual Behaviour

    "Fatal error: Index out of range," on line 134, "animate[value-1].toggle()" value in this statement is 0 leading to "index out of range"

    Steps to Reproduce the Issue

    • Do something that triggers confetti animation
    • Press Home button before animation is complete
    • Reproduce

    Screen Shot 2022-04-22 at 12 52 44 PM

    opened by twestley 1
  • Added View extension to make it easier to implement it in any view

    Added View extension to make it easier to implement it in any view


    Added View extension to make it easier to implement it in any view


    • [*] Have you added tests where necessary? Do all the test pass?
    • [*] Have you added descriptive comments to your code?
    • [*] Have you updated the documentation related to this propo
    opened by cs4alhaider 1
  • Add ability to use images as confetti

    Add ability to use images as confetti


    Adds the ability to include images as confetti


    • [x] Have you added tests where necessary? Do all the test pass?
    • [x] Have you added descriptive comments to your code?
    • [ ] Have you updated the documentation related to this propo
    opened by jostster 0
  • 1.0.1(May 14, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • One last confetti physics adjustment by @twhitt14 in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/24
    • docs: ✏️ improve code snippets in README for easy copying by @MarcoEidinger in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/25
    • Fix crash when app goes to background before animation is complete by @kamaal111 in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/23

    New Contributors

    • @MarcoEidinger made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/25
    • @kamaal111 made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/23

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/compare/1.0.0...1.0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Apr 16, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Added new case, sfSymbol to use an image from SF Symbols as an option. by @tunabelly in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/14
    • Fix typo of word 'couter' to 'counter' by @stephenmdixon in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/16
    • Fix typo firtAppear to firstAppear by @elfanek in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/11
    • Added View extension to make it easier to implement it in any view by @cs4alhaider in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/13

    New Contributors

    • @tunabelly made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/14
    • @stephenmdixon made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/16
    • @elfanek made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/11
    • @cs4alhaider made their first contribution in https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/pull/13

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/simibac/ConfettiSwiftUI/compare/0.3.1...1.0.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.3.1(Mar 13, 2022)

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