SwiftUI Sliders with custom styles


Custom SwiftUI sliders and tracks.

This package allows you to build highly customizable sliders and tracks for iOS, macOS and Mac Catalyst.


  • Build your own sliders and tracks using composition
  • Highly customizable
  • Horizontal and Vertical styles
  • Range and XY values
  • Different sizes for lower and upper range thumbs


  • HorizontalValueSliderStyle
  • VerticalValueSliderStyle
  • HorizontalRangeSliderStyle
  • VerticalRangeSliderStyle
  • RectangularPointSliderStyle

How to use

Add this swift package to your project


Import and use

import Sliders
import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var value = 0.5
    @State var range = 0.2...0.8
    @State var x = 0.5
    @State var y = 0.5
    var body: some View {
        Group {
            ValueSlider(value: $value)
            RangeSlider(range: $range)
            PointSlider(x: $x, y: $y)

For more examples open /Examples/SlidersExamples.xcodeproj

Customization with style

Use any SwiftUI view modifiers to create custom tracks and thumbs.

RangeSlider(range: $model.range2)
                    view: Capsule().foregroundColor(.purple)
                .frame(height: 8),
            lowerThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
            upperThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
            lowerThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
            upperThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
            options: .forceAdjacentValue


  • iOS 13+
  • Mac Catalyst 13.0+
  • macOS 10.15+
  • Xcode 11.0+


  • Circular sliders and tracks

Code Contributions

Feel free to contribute via fork/pull request to master branch. If you want to request a feature or report a bug please start a new issue.

Coffee Contributions

If you find this project useful please consider becoming my GitHub sponsor.

  • Adding onEditingChange breaks Swift

    Adding onEditingChange breaks Swift

    I can't get this to compile: If I take out onEditingChange it will compile.

        RangeSlider(range: $range)
                            view: Capsule().foregroundColor(Color("TPOrange"))
                            .frame(height: 8),
                        lowerThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(Color(UIColor(named: "TPLightGrey")!)),
                        upperThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(Color(UIColor(named: "TPLightGrey")!)),
                        lowerThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                        upperThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                        options: .forceAdjacentValue,
                        onEditingChanged: {
                           value in
                           if !value {
            ).padding([.horizontal]).frame(height: 64)
    opened by jimijon 7
  • The thumbs don't show for me.

    The thumbs don't show for me.

    Used a simple example:

    RangeSlider(range: $range)
                                                       view: Capsule().foregroundColor(.purple)
                                                   .frame(height: 8),
                                               lowerThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
                                               upperThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
                                               lowerThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                                               upperThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                                               options: .forceAdjacentValue

    But the thumbs don't show. Any ideas?

    opened by jimijon 4
  • Track colors

    Track colors

    First of all, thanks for the awesome library. Would love to see more examples of usage. I'm trying to set different track colors for active (left of thumb) and inactive (right of the thumb) parts. How can I do that? Any help is appreciated.

    enhancement iOS macOS 
    opened by gemiren 2
  • Click on slider track should adjust value

    Click on slider track should adjust value

    With NSSlider on macOS, you can click on the slider track to move the thumb to the clicked position. When running on macOS, these sliders should do the same.

    opened by thompsonate 2
  • LowerThumb moves UpperThumb

    LowerThumb moves UpperThumb

    Hi, I'm using this library to create a RangeSlider but I have a problem. When I move the lower thumb and it reaches the position of upper thumb instead of stop the movement, the lower thumb pushes the upper thumb (see the attached video). I think this behavior is not natural on app development. Is there a way to fix it?


    opened by DanyGZ 1
  • Thumb over the range slider

    Thumb over the range slider

    Range 0.0 ... 1.0 Very simple. As the title with a value beyond the range the thumb goes beyond. Here a comparison with system sliders that stops at the end. Problem found only with MacOS Monterey Beta 6 (21A5506J).

    In addition the Resources andExamples folders in Package are missing.



    bug iOS macOS 
    opened by gmcusaro 1
  • Range slider in documentation example only displays one handle

    Range slider in documentation example only displays one handle

    RangeSlider(range: $model.range2)
                        view: Capsule().foregroundColor(.purple)
                    .frame(height: 8),
                lowerThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
                upperThumb: Circle().foregroundColor(.purple),
                lowerThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                upperThumbSize: CGSize(width: 32, height: 32),
                options: .forceAdjacentValue

    This is what's rendered:

    Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 7 34 36 AM
    opened by AdrianBinDC 1
  • Request (possibly just for advice): A star slider with half-star values

    Request (possibly just for advice): A star slider with half-star values

    There are tutorials available for how to make a star rating UI component, but I'm really hoping to do something a little more complicated, and I think it's going to require handling the rating as a slider (with an invisible knob).

    My idea is that the "bar" will be a row of five stars and then sliding along it results in this:

    0.0 = "star" x 5 0.5 = ("star.leadinghalf.fill" x 1) + ("star" x 4) 1.0 = ("star.fill" x 1) + ("star" x 4) 1.5 = ("star.fill" x 1) + ("star.leadinghalf.fill" x 1) + ("star" x 3) .. and so forth up to ("star.fill" x 5)

    I've tried altering your sliders to do something like this, and clearly I did it wrong because any attempt to "slide" along the row resulted in the row of stars changing position on the screen.

    Is this something that should be handled as a slider, or should I instead perhaps handle it so that each star is a button that starts at "star (empty)" and changes to "star.leadinghalf.fill" the first time it's tapped, and then to "star.fill" if it's tapped again, before cycling back to being empty?

    opened by NCrusher74 1
  • Dragging the slider isn't smooth when thumb is small (but interactivethumb size is large)

    Dragging the slider isn't smooth when thumb is small (but interactivethumb size is large)

    I have a minimal slider with a small thumb size (8x8) but a 36x36 interactive thumbsize. I have the options set to [.interactiveTrack]

    I notice that a tap on the track works great, but a drag updates the track value after a second on so, without any smoothness.

    opened by quantamrhino 1
  • How to specify a minimum selectable range for HRangeSlider?

    How to specify a minimum selectable range for HRangeSlider?

    Hi. First of all, thank you for an awesome library!

    A quick question: How do I specify a minimum selectable range for an HRangeSlider? Couldn't find it in the options.

    opened by skryshi 1
  • Alternative step value with option key

    Alternative step value with option key

    Hi, thanks for creating such a customizable control! Sometimes it is helpful to have more precise step adjustments, such as 0.1 if 0.5 was the step value. Would it be possible to have an option to have an alternative step value on pressing the option modifier key?

    opened by godly-devotion 0
  • Are There Any Examples Besides the Two in the README?

    Are There Any Examples Besides the Two in the README?

    Love the project! Wondering (as my title suggests) if there are any other examples usages of this library or documentation somewhere? I've successfully hacked my way to getting a value slider working the way I wanted, but I'm having a hard time figuring out the range slider.

    Thank you for this project!

    opened by alexwhb 2
  • Minimum Difference between upperBound  and lowerBound

    Minimum Difference between upperBound and lowerBound

    I am using this library for range slider in my project for age range. now i want minimum 5 years of difference in between minimum age and maximum selected i am unable to find any thing regarding this.

    enhancement iOS macOS 
    opened by Noor-Ahmed-Natali 3
  • Erros on xCode 13.0.

    Erros on xCode 13.0.


    I added the package to my project. When on xCode 13.0, I get errors saying "Ambiguous use of 'accentColor'". Maybe Color.accentColor should be used instead of just .accentColor in the source code when using .accentColor as a parameter call. Could you please resolve this?

    Kind Regards, Stefan

    opened by Stefan-Hopman 2
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