An iOS library to aggregate users feedback about suggestions, features or comments in order to help you build a better product.
Swift Versions
Why SuggestionsBox?
- Aggregates customer feedback
- Let your customer decide
- Build the most voted suggestion
- Build a better product
- List and add new suggestions
- Comment and vote other suggestions
- Search inside Titles and Descriptions
- Customizable colors and strings
- Localizable
Demo App
Run the demo app and play with it! Demo App
Demo Project
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Getting Started
Requires iOS SDK version > 8.0
Requires Swift 3.0
Installation with CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a 3rd-party dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C projects. For more information, refer to the CocoaPods Getting Started Guide. Otherwise, you can install CocoaPods with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate MEVHorizontalContacts into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
pod 'SuggestionsBox'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Installation Manually
To integrate SuggestionsBox into your Xcode project manually, just include the filest from /Pod/Classes/ folder in your App’s Xcode project.
Then, import the following file your classes:
import SuggestionsBox
Quick Guide
1. Import class
import SuggestionsBox
2. Add Delegate protocol.
class ViewController: UIViewController, SuggestionsBoxDelegate {
3. Create, initialize and add SuggestionsBox.
let suggestionsBox = SuggestionsBox()
suggestionsBox.delegate = self
SuggestionsBoxTheme.user = "Manuel"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.appName = "SuggestionsBox"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.title = "SuggestionsBox"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.headerText = "Suggest a new feature, tweak, improvement... We'd love to hear your sugestions!"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.footerText = "Powered by SuggestionsBox"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.newSuggestionFooterText = "Powered by SuggestionsBox"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.newCommentFooterText = "Powered by SuggestionsBox"
SuggestionsBoxTheme.navigationBarHeartColor = UIColor.redColor()
SuggestionsBoxTheme.tableSeparatorColor = UIColor.groupTableViewBackgroundColor()
SuggestionsBoxTheme.tableCellBackgroundColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
SuggestionsBoxTheme.tableCellTitleTextColor = UIColor.blackColor()
SuggestionsBoxTheme.tableCellDescriptionTextColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()
let navigationBar = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: suggestionsBox)
self.presentViewController(navigationBar, animated: true, completion: nil)
4. Implement Delegate Methods
// MARK : SuggestionsBoxDelegate Methods
func suggestions() -> Array<Suggestion> {
return self.featureRequests
func commentsForSuggestion(suggestion: Suggestion) -> Array<Comment> {
return self.comments.filter({ $0.suggestionId == suggestion.suggestionId })
func newSuggestionAdded(newSuggestion: Suggestion) {
// Refresh online data
func newCommentForSuggestionAdded(suggestion: Suggestion, newComment: Comment) {
// Refresh online data
func suggestionFavorited(suggestion: Suggestion) {
// Refresh online data
// Refresh local data
let index = self.featureRequests.indexOf(suggestion)
self.featureRequests[index!] = suggestion
func suggestionUnFavorited(suggestion: Suggestion) {
// Refresh online data
// Refresh local data
let index = self.featureRequests.indexOf(suggestion)
self.featureRequests[index!] = suggestion
- CocoaPods support
- Carthage support
- Tests
Apps using this library
- Created and maintained by Manuel Escrig Ventura, @manuelescrig
- Email
- Portfolio
SuggestionsBox is available under the MIT license. See the file for more info.