Terminal Colors for Swift

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Terminal string styling for Swift

Colors is a clean and focused solution for string styling in Swift.


import Colors

print(Colors.blue("Blue string"))
print(Colors.Blue("Bright blue string"))

Addtionaly, you can compose modifiers:

print(Colors.blue(Colors.bgRed("Blue string with red background")))

Or define compositions for convenince:

infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B, C>(f: B -> C, g: A -> B) -> A -> C {
  return { x in f(g(x)) }

var error = Colors.bold >>> Colors.red >>> Colors.underline
print(error("There was an error"))



Install cocoapods:

sudo gem install cocoapods

Then specify Colors in your Podfile:

pod 'Colors', '~> 0.1'

Finally run:

pod install


Bright/Normal Text Colors

  • Black/black
  • Red/red
  • Green/green
  • Yellow/yellow
  • Blue/blue
  • Magenta/magenta
  • Cyan/cyan
  • White/white

Bright/Normal Background Colors

  • BgBlack/bgBlack
  • BgRed/bgRed
  • BgGreen/bgGreen
  • BgYellow/bgYellow
  • BgBlue/bgBlue
  • BgMagenta/bgMagenta
  • BgCyan/bgCyan
  • BgWhite/bgWhite

Text modifiers

  • blink
  • bold
  • dim
  • italic
  • underline
  • inverse
  • hidden
  • strikethrough


Colors.<style>(text: String) -> String

Applies the specified <style> to the given text. For a list of styles check the styles section above.

Colors.underline("Underlined text")

Colors.colorText(text: String, color: Int) -> String

Requires 8-bit color support from the console.

Colors the letters of the given text with the specified color. color must be an integer from 0-255 representing an 8-bit color. For a list of 8-bit colors check here.

Generally useful if you want to color the text with very specific colors.

for i in 0...255 {
    print(Colors.colorText("a", color: i), terminator: "")


Colors.colorBg(text: String, color: Int) -> String

Requires 8-bit color support from the console.

Colors the background of the given text with the specified color. color must be an integer from 0-255 representing an 8-bit color. For a list of 8-bit colors check here.

Generally useful if you want to color the background with very specific colors.

for i in 0...255 {
    print(Colors.colorBg(" ", color: i), terminator: "")


Colors.getTextColorer(color: Int) -> (String -> String)

Requires 8-bit color support from the console.

Returns a colorer function that will color the characters of the input string with the specified color.

Useful for defining your own style compositions with 8-bit colors.

infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B, C>(f: B -> C, g: A -> B) -> A -> C {
  return { x in f(g(x)) }

let warning = Colors.getTextColorer(23) >>> Colors.underline >>> Colors.BgRed
print(error("Some Warning"))

Colors.getBgColorer(color: Int) -> (String -> String)

Requires 8-bit color support from the console.

Returns a colorer function that will color the background of the input string with the specified color.

Useful for defining your own style compositions with 8-bit colors.

infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B, C>(f: B -> C, g: A -> B) -> A -> C {
  return { x in f(g(x)) }

let info = Colors.getBgColorer(23) >>> Colors.underline >>> Colors.Red
print(info("Some Warning"))


MIT © Paulo Tanaka

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