Agrume - πŸ‹ An iOS image viewer written in Swift with support for multiple images.



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An iOS image viewer written in Swift with support for multiple images.



  • Swift 5.0
  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 10.2+


Use Swift Package Manager.

Or CocoaPods. Add the dependency to your Podfile and then run pod install:

pod "Agrume"

Or Carthage. Add the dependency to your Cartfile and then run carthage update:

github "JanGorman/Agrume"


There are multiple ways you can use the image viewer (and the included sample project shows them all).

For just a single image it's as easy as


import Agrume

private lazy var agrume = Agrume(image: UIImage(named: "…")!)

@IBAction func openImage(_ sender: Any) { self)

You can also pass in a URL and Agrume will take care of the download for you.

Background Configuration

Agrume has different background configurations. You can have it blur the view it's covering or supply a background color:

let agrume = Agrume(image: UIImage(named: "…")!, background: .blurred(.regular))
// or
let agrume = Agrume(image: UIImage(named: "…")!, background: .colored(.green))

Multiple Images

If you're displaying a UICollectionView and want to add support for zooming, you can also call Agrume with an array of either images or URLs.

// In case of an array of [UIImage]:
let agrume = Agrume(images: images, startIndex: indexPath.item, background: .blurred(.light))
// Or an array of [URL]:
// let agrume = Agrume(urls: urls, startIndex: indexPath.item, background: .blurred(.light))

agrume.didScroll = { [unowned self] index in
  self.collectionView.scrollToItem(at: IndexPath(item: index, section: 0), at: [], animated: false)
} self)

This shows a way of keeping the zoomed library and the one in the background synced.

Animated gifs

Agrume bundles SwiftyGif to display animated gifs. You use SwiftyGif's custom UIImage initializer:

let image = UIImage(gifName: "animated.gif")
let agrume = Agrume(image: image)
agrume.display(from: self)

// Or gif using data:

let image = UIImage(gifData: data)
let agrume = Agrume(image: image)

// Or multiple images:

let images = [UIImage(gifName: "animated.gif"), UIImage(named: "foo.png")] // You can pass both animated and regular images at the same time
let agrume = Agrume(images: images)

Remote animated gifs (i.e. using the url or urls initializer) are supported. Agrume does the image type detection and displays them properly. If using Agrume from a custom UIImageView you may need to rebuild the UIImage using the original data to preserve animation vs. using the UIImage instance from the image view.

Close Button

Per default you dismiss the zoomed view by dragging/flicking the image off screen. You can opt out of this behaviour and instead display a close button. To match the look and feel of your app you can pass in a custom UIBarButtonItem:

// Default button that displays NSLocalizedString("Close", …)
let agrume = Agrume(image: UIImage(named: "…")!, .dismissal: .withButton(nil))
// Customise the button any way you like. For example display a system "x" button
let button = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .stop, target: nil, action: nil)
button.tintColor = .red
let agrume = Agrume(image: UIImage(named: "…")!, .dismissal: .withButton(button))

The included sample app shows both cases for reference.

Custom Download Handler

If you want to take control of downloading images (e.g. for caching), you can also set a download closure that calls back to Agrume to set the image. For example, let's use MapleBacon.

import Agrume
import MapleBacon

private lazy var agrume = Agrume(url: URL(string: "")!)

@IBAction func openURL(_ sender: Any) { = { url, completion in { image in
  } self)

Global Custom Download Handler

Instead of having to define a handler on a per instance basis you can instead set a handler on the AgrumeServiceLocator. Agrume will use this handler for all downloads unless overriden on an instance as described above:

import Agrume

AgrumeServiceLocator.shared.setDownloadHandler { url, completion in
  // Download data, cache it and call the completion with the resulting UIImage

// Some other place self)

Custom Data Source

For more dynamic library needs you can implement the AgrumeDataSource protocol that supplies images to Agrume. Agrume will query the data source for the number of images and if that number changes, reload it's scrolling image view.

import Agrume

let dataSource: AgrumeDataSource = MyDataSourceImplementation()
let agrume = Agrume(dataSource: dataSource) self)

Status Bar Appearance

You can customize the status bar appearance when displaying the zoomed in view. Agrume has a statusBarStyle property:

let agrume = Agrume(image: image)
agrume.statusBarStyle = .lightContent self)

Long Press Gesture and Downloading Images

If you want to handle long press gestures on the images, there is an optional onLongPress closure. This will pass an optional UIImage and a reference to the Agrume UIViewController as parameters. The project includes a helper class to easily opt into downloading the image to the user's photo library called AgrumePhotoLibraryHelper. First, create an instance of the helper:

private func makeHelper() -> AgrumePhotoLibraryHelper {
  let saveButtonTitle = NSLocalizedString("Save Photo", comment: "Save Photo")
  let cancelButtonTitle = NSLocalizedString("Cancel", comment: "Cancel")
  let helper = AgrumePhotoLibraryHelper(saveButtonTitle: saveButtonTitle, cancelButtonTitle: cancelButtonTitle) { error in
    guard error == nil else {
      print("Could not save your photo")
    print("Photo has been saved to your library")
  return helper

and then pass this helper's long press handler to Agrume as follows:

let helper = makeHelper()
agrume.onLongPress = helper.makeSaveToLibraryLongPressGesture

Custom Overlay View

You can customise the look and functionality of the image views. To do so, you need create a class that inherits from AgrumeOverlayView: UIView. As this is nothing more than a regular UIView you can do anything you want with it like add a custom toolbar or buttons to it. The example app shows a detailed example of how this can be achieved.


Agrume offers the following lifecycle closures that you can optionally set:

  • willDismiss
  • didDismiss
  • didScroll

Running the Sample Code

The project ships with an example app that shows the different functions documented above. Since there is a dependency on SwiftyGif you will also need to fetch that to run the project. It's included as git submodule. After fetching the repository, from the project's root directory run:

git submodule update --init


Agrume is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details

  • Flicker after closing the expanded image

    Flicker after closing the expanded image

    Really love this library! I am having a small issue when closing images. Would love to get your thoughts on what the issue might be.

    I get a little flicker after the image I tap is closed. I have included a video here.

    The image is in a scrollview.

    opened by nevinjethmalani 19
  • The image is not centered

    The image is not centered

    I’m using Agrume to display an image on my swift application. But the image is not centered. I have to click in order to bring it to the center. It is located to the left and when I click it goes to the center. I’m displaying a single image. Could you please help me? Thank you

    opened by meme17sk 11
  • added savePhotoOnLongPress function

    added savePhotoOnLongPress function

    Created this function so that users can easily use a simple default UIAlertController with two options: Save Photo and Cancel

    using it in just one single line: agrume.onLongPress = agrume.photoSavedToLibrary

    I didnt add it as a default longPress function because some user's might not want this and also they might have not have NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription and NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription in their info.plist.

    @JanGorman Tell me what you think about this. If it needs some change or any suggestion how to improve.

    I was thinking to add some documentation in the readme after this gets merged to master πŸ‘

    opened by alexookah 11
  • hideStatusBar not working

    hideStatusBar not working

    I see there is a hideStatusBar, but from my side, it seems like it's not working, since the status bar is still present. Anything I am missing?

                let agrume = Agrume(image: image, backgroundBlurStyle: .dark)
                agrume.hideStatusBar = true
    opened by allaire 9
  • Add long press gesture & updateImage func

    Add long press gesture & updateImage func

    So client can e.g. show an action sheet upon long press.

    Added updateImage function so we could refresh Agrume cells after the image got changed e.g. from cropping it

    opened by hyouuu 8
  • Page dot indicator

    Page dot indicator

    Currently doesn't seem to support this feature, and I might get time in the future to make it, but wanted to throw it out here first - any thoughts or existing approaches?

    enhancement stale 
    opened by hyouuu 8
  • Custom data source problem

    Custom data source problem


    I am trying to use custom data source for loading images from photo library. Here is my data source implementation:

    class AssetDataSource: AgrumeDataSource {
        var numberOfImages: Int
        var urls: [URL]
        init(urls: [URL]) {
            self.urls = urls
            self.numberOfImages = urls.count
        func image(forIndex index: Int, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
            let assets = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withALAssetURLs: urls, options: nil)
            let imageManager = PHCachingImageManager()
            let imageRequestOptions = PHImageRequestOptions()
            imageRequestOptions.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
            imageRequestOptions.isSynchronous = true
            imageManager.requestImage(for: assets[index], targetSize: PHImageManagerMaximumSize, contentMode: .aspectFill, options: imageRequestOptions) { image, _ in

    And I'm using it like this:

    let dataSource: AgrumeDataSource = AssetDataSource(urls: imageUrls)
    let agrume = Agrume(dataSource: dataSource, startIndex: index, background: .blurred(.light)) self)

    But it falls into an infinite loop in this init function.

    public convenience init(dataSource: AgrumeDataSource, startIndex: Int = 0, background: Background = .colored(.black)) {
         self.init(dataSource: dataSource, startIndex: startIndex, background: background)

    Is this the right way to use Custom Data Source? Or is this a bug with library? Thank you in advance.

    opened by mdilaveroglu 8
  • Cannot find type 'Agrume' in scope

    Cannot find type 'Agrume' in scope

    got this crash in agrume.swift

    Printing description of self: expression produced error: error: /var/folders/yh/2x5wsjps5n1byqbhl95h_rmm0000gn/T/expr30-1e0641..swift:1:65: error: cannot find type 'Agrume' in scope Swift._DebuggerSupport.stringForPrintObject(Swift.UnsafePointer<Agrume.Agrume>(bitPattern: 0x10d02ca60)!.pointee)

    @JanGorman please help me for resolve this crash.. Screenshot 2020-11-24 at 12 38 22 PM

    opened by gouravideal 7
  • Problem with Agrume on Bitrise's testing step

    Problem with Agrume on Bitrise's testing step

    I have an app (legacy code) which uses Agrume 5.3.0. When I build it on my Xcode and run tests on it, everything works just fine. But when I try to run my workflow on Bitrise, it gives me this error on the testing step:

    The following build commands failed:
    	CompileSwift normal arm64 /Users/vagrant/git/K2KonnectApp/Pods/Agrume/Agrume/Agrume.swift
    	CompileSwiftSources normal arm64

    All targets of the project use Swift 4 and, inside my Podfile, there is this code:

    post_install do |installer|
        installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
            if ['EPContactsPicker', 'SWXMLHash'].include?
                target.build_configurations.each do |config|
                    config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.0'
            if ['Splitflap', 'Agrume', 'SwiftyGif', 'FoldingCell', 'UICircularProgressRing'].include?
                target.build_configurations.each do |config|
                    config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '4.2'

    Can you help me figure it out?

    opened by mateszbueno 7
  • Image not loading fully

    Image not loading fully

    opened by nishan-p 7
  • Double Tap Zoom Problems

    Double Tap Zoom Problems

    Hi, I notice that depending on the image, when I double tap to zoom, sometimes the whole image scrolls off the screen when it zooms in. For example, a wide image on a device in portrait orientation is one situation.

    In looking at the func doubleTap in AgrumeCell.swift to examine the problem, I notice some code computing targetZoom that appears inconsistent and I believe this is the cause of the problems.

    For example, you're using the zoomWidth in a calculation for height. And you are doing division rather than subtraction in another part. Not sure which is correct, but they are inconsistent. Also, the else part has the same inconsistent code.

    I have been experimenting with changing this code around and have made a version that appears to function a little better than what's in the repo, but as I don't fully understand what the code is trying to do, it would probably be better if the author looked at making fixes.

    opened by DavidLari 7
Jan Gorman
Software Engineering @alan-eu. Also compiling Swift source files.
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