MagicData - A replacement of SQlite, CoreData or Realm.

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Database MagicData


A replacement of SQlite, CoreData or Realm. It is very easy to use and is a light version.



We use MagicData manage all the magic objects, which means MagicData can add, update or delete the objects. All the MagicDatas are in the some actor thread. In this way, we keep the thread-safe.

Here are two ways to create MagicData.

let magic = try awiat MagicData() // This will create a database at the app's document path
let magic try await MagicData(path: URL(fileURLWithPath: "").path) // This will create a database at your custom path
let magic = try await MagicData(type: .temporary) // This will create a auto-delete database
let magic = try await MagicData(type: .memory) // This will create a database in the memory


MagicObject is like the menaing of the table in sqlite, but it is more powerful. MagicObject is supposed to be a struct. But if you want to sync the non-magical value in the instance you can choose the class.

struct TestModel: MagicObject {
@PrimaryMagicValue var id: String

@MagicValue var name: String
@MagicValue var age: Int

@OptionMagicValue var school: Data?
@OptionMagicValue var petName: String?
@OptionMagicValue var hight: Double?

var customString: String {
"My ID: \(id), name: \(name)"

init() {}

init(name: String) { = name

All MagicObject need a line init() {}. If you want to use primary value to query the data or update the data you need to set the @PrimaryMagicValue. All the PrimaryMagicValues have a unique defualt value. MagicValue can save all the Magical value which it isn't option. It just for the init() {} line.. As you see, you can create a object without setting the value, but if you access the value, a crash will happen. OptionMagicValue like the MagicValue, but it can store the option value. It has a defualt value nil.

Although TestModel is a sturct but if you copy it, and change it, the value will change in the original instance too.

let test = TestModel(name: "hi")
let test2 = test = "hello"
print( // Hello

And also if you just want to change the value of MagicValue, you don't need to set the struct as var.

If you gain a new instance form database, and change a value that you have had with the same primary value, the data will not sync between them.

let test = TestModel(name: "hi")
let id =
let test2 = magic.object(of: TestModel.self).where { $ == id } = "hello"

print( // "hi"


Magicals are kinds of values that can be stored in the database.

Now we support theses:

  • String will be stored as Text in the database.
  • UUID will be stored as Text in the database.
  • Int will be stored as Int in the database.
  • Double will be stored as Real in the database.
  • Data will be stored as Blob in the database.
  • Codable will be stored as Blob in the database.
  • Arrary will be stored as Blob in the database.
  • Dictionary will be stored as Blob in the database.

Points of Codable

First of all, we cannot store Codable, but it can be stored as MagicalCodable. MagicalCodable is a variant of Codable.

struct Job: MagicalCodable {
let title: String
let salary: Int

@OptionMagicValue var job: Job?

Ponints of Arrary & Dictionary

We only support the Arrary or Dictionary which conforms to the Codable.


Some value can be used in the @PrimaryMagicValue:

  • String has a defualt UUID String value.
  • UUID has a default UUID value.
  • Int has auto increase ability.


try await magic.update(object)

If object don't have primary value, every update is like add. If object has primary, update or add will base on whether it has been stored in the database.

Query All

try await magic.object(of: TestModel.self)

This will give back all the values.

Query by primary value

try await magic.object(of: TestModel.self, primary: AnyPrimaryValue)

This will throw a error if the primary value isn't in the database.

Know whethere the object exits

try await magic.has(of: TestModel.self, primary: instance1.uuid)

Requirement: MagicalObject has a primary value


MagicData support relationship like core data.

One to One

struct TestModel: MagicObject {
    @PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID

    @MagicValue var sub: Sub

    init() {}

    init(_ sub: Sub) {
        self.sub = sub

struct Sub: MagicObject {
    @PrimaryMagicValue var uuid: UUID

    @MagicValue var text: String

    init() {}

    init(_ text: String) {
        self.text = text

You could use @OptionMagicValue as well. This kind of relation is a little different of coredata's. Because it isn't a lazy value. That means, it will fetch the sub in the database, when you fetch the TestModel.

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