A micro-framework that leverages Swift Property Wrappers to implement the Service Locator pattern



platforms pod Carthage compatible


Locatable is a Swift micro framework that leverages Property Wrappers to implement the Service Locator pattern, through a custom attribute @Locatable.

Here's an example of how it can be used:

protocol Servicing {
    func action()

class Service: Servicing {
    func action() {
        print("I'm performing a service 😊")

Locator.register(Servicing.self, { return Service() })

class MyController {
    @Locatable(.sharedInstance) var service: Servicing
    func work() {

let controller = MyController()

controller.work() // I'm performing a service 😊

For convenience, some shorthand syntax are also available:

// leverages @autoclosure
Locator.register(Servicing.self, Service())

// leverages default argument values
Locator.register { return Service() as Servicing }

Service locating supports two distinct semantics:

// Will return an instance that is shared across the app
Locatable(.sharedInstance) var service: Servicing

// Will return a new instance every time
Locatable(.newInstance) var service: Servicing


Xcode 11+ & Swift 5.1



Add the following to your Podfile:

pod "Locatable"


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "vincent-pradeilles/locatable"


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  • Use auto closure and inferred type

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    On my phone so not ideal to make the PR myself but you should change to this:

    static func register<T>(_ type: T.Type = T.self, _ factory: @autoclosure @escaping () -> T) {

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Vincent Pradeilles
French iOS software engineer, working in Lyon, France 🇫🇷
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