In this project I chose MVVM architectural pattern in order to design applications structure.



In this project I chose MVVM architectural pattern in order to design applications structure. Also I used "Swinject" framework for control my dependencies. For binding datas, apples own framework "Combine" was chosen. For networking process I decided to use simple "URLSession" API. I download images from URL by using "Kingfisher" pod. Local database was created by using "CoreData".

I made extension from Assebmler and using singleton pattern created all dependencies. Such as View, ViewModel, Repository, Manager dependencies.

extension Assembler {
    static let sharedAssembler: Assembler = {
        let assembler = Assembler(

            container: Container())
        return assembler

For resolving viewcontroller from container you have to call like this:

guard let vc = Assembler.sharedAssembler.resolver.resolve(PictureDatasVC.self, 
                                                          argument:[indexPath.row]) else { return }
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(vc, animated: true)

As you can see we are sending our data to "argument:". This data will be injected to second viewcontroller.

class ViewAssembly: Assembly {
    func assemble(container: Container) {
        container.register(PictureDatasVC.self) { (r, data: PictureModel) in
            let vc = PictureDatasVC()
            vc.pictureModel = data
            return vc
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