4 Repositories
Swift Responder Libraries
ResponderChainDemo - Learned how to use responder chain for communication between the views
ResponderChainDemo Learned how to use responder chain for communication between
TCDInputView is an open source custom input view which is displayed when a text field becomes the first responder.
TCDInputView for iOS TCDInputView is an open source custom input view which is displayed when a text field becomes the first responder. Requirements T
Responder mechanism in iOS
使用Responders和Responder Chain来处理事件 学习如何处理在应用程序中传递的事件 下面使用这样的译法 Responder : 响应者 Responder Chanin : 响应链 概览 应用程序通过使用响应者对象来接收和处理事件,一个响应者对象可以是任何UIResponder类
ResponderChain is a library that passes events using the responder chain.
ResponderChain ResponderChain is a library that passes events using the responder chain.