Show What's New with SwiftUI.



Accelerated by Apple SwiftUI

CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 22 54 15@2x


Provide an easy way for Apple Developers to Show "What's New" to the end users.


  • Auto trigger the .sheet from Version and/or Build increase
  • One-line coding
  • JSON compatible
  • Versioning
  • Local available
  • Simple Binding
  • Simple Model
  • Open source


GitHub release (latest by date) GitHub release (latest by date including pre-releases)



Xcode Local

Tested on Latest Compatible
iOS 16 > 14
iPadOS 16 > 14
macOS 13 > 11

Xcode Cloud

Tested on Compatible
Xcode 13.4 (13F17a)
macOS 12.3.1 (21E258)


English | 中文 | Feel free to add new language(s) via pull requests

Get Started

Full Tutorial:


Steps Description Screenshot
1 Navigate to root project CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 39@2x
2 Select Project CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 48@2x
3 Select Package Dependencies CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 53@2x
4 Click + and paste to the searchbox CleanShot 2022-06-11 at 17 39 32@2x
5 Create a new file called data.json You may copy the JSON sample below.

Major Usage

  1. Import first.
import SwiftNEW
  1. Then, paste this code inside body or any some View.
SwiftNEW(show: $showNew, align: $align, color: $color, size: $size, label: $label, labelImage: $labelImage)


var Suggested Options Type
showNew false false, true Bool
align .center .leading, .center, .trailing HorizontalAlignment
color .accentColor All Colors Supported Color
size "normal" "invisible", "mini", "normal" String
labelColor Color(UIColor.systemBackground) All Colors Supported Color
label "Show Release Note" All Strings String
labelImage "" All SF Symbols String
@State var showNew: Bool = false
@State var align: HorizontalAlignment = .center
@State var color: Color = .accentColor
@State var size: String = "normal"
@State var label: String = "Show Release Note"
@State var labelImage: String = ""


Structure / Model

public struct Vmodel: Codable, Hashable {
    var version: String
    var new: [Model]
public struct Model: Codable, Hashable {
    var icon: String
    var title: String
    var subtitle: String
    var body: String



        "version": "1.1",
        "new": [
                "icon": "pencil.and.ruler.fill",
                "title": "Apple Pencil 3",
                "subtitle": "Supported",
                "body": "Available for the new iPad Pro"
                "icon": "hammer.fill",
                "title": "Bug fixes",
                "subtitle": "Broken UI",
                "body": "Available for iOS 16, iPadOS 16, macOS 13"
                "icon": "square.and.arrow.down.fill",
                "title": "Local File",
                "subtitle": "Supported",
                "body": "Direct load via local storage. Super fast!"
                "icon": "macpro.gen3.server",
                "title": "Serverless",
                "subtitle": "Design",
                "body": "Free and open source! Created by Ming with ❤️‍🔥"
                "icon": "arrow.triangle.pull",
                "title": "Contribute",
                "subtitle": "Together",
                "body": "Pull requests and make it better for everyone!"

Developer Note

  • Please report bugs in Issues section.
  • If you want to discuss future roadmap or contribution, please find on Discussions.


IMG_3472 IMG_3471
Light Native Dark Native


Path: ./Demo



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