An iOS app demo to show list and detail screen of artworks.


Artworks iOS Demo Application

Artworks presentation 001

Artworks presentation 002


  • MVP
  • Clean Architecture (check Known Issues)
  • Dependency Injection


  • Localization
  • Dark mode support


Artworks List

  • Create UI for the artwork list
  • Get the artworks list from API
    • Create artworks (repos, services)
  • Handle error cases

Handled Errors


Artist Details

  • Create UI for the artist details
  • Get the artist details from API
    • Create details (repos, services)
    • Add simple test for hiting the service & parsing response
  • Add title label instead of VC title
  • Handle error cases

Device Orientation Feature

  • Add the orientatian manager

Handled Errors

  • Add code doc
  • Add Unit tests.

Known Issues

  • Fix limiting the pages
  • Fix issue of no found image for artwork
  • Chain of Error handling (ex: ArtistInfoError to be to reflect all errors)
  • Presenter should has use case property not repo directly, but I do it that way as the repo will do the required for now.
  • No listening to internet changes
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