SwiftXLSX - A library focused creating Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) files directly on mobile devices

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Files SwiftXLSX


Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) format writer on pure SWIFT.

SwiftXLSX is a library focused creating Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) files directly on mobile devices.

Generation example XLSX file

    // library generate huge XLSX file with three sheets.


Apple Platforms

  • Xcode 11.3 or later
  • Swift 5.5 or later
  • iOS 10.0


Swift Package Manager

Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies on all platforms.

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding SwiftXLSX as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
  .package(url: "https://github.com/3973770/SwiftXLSX", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))

If you're using SwiftXLSX in an app built with Xcode, you can also add it as a direct dependency using Xcode's GUI.


SSZipArchive ZipArchive is a simple utility class for zipping and unzipping files on iOS, macOS and tvOS. https://github.com/ZipArchive/ZipArchive.git


screenshot of invoce

screenshot of performance test

Example for use

>>") print("\(fileid)")">
   let book = XWorkBook()

   let color:[UIColor] = [.darkGray, .green, .lightGray, .orange, .systemPink, .cyan, .purple, .magenta, .blue]
   let colortext:[UIColor] = [.darkGray, .black, .white, .darkText, .lightText]

   func GetRandomFont() -> XFontName {
       let cases = XFontName.allCases
       return cases[Int.random(in: 0..<cases.count)]

   var sheet = book.NewSheet("Invoice")

   var cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 2, col: 6))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.value = .text("INVOICE")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 16,true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .center

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 3, col: 6))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.value = .text("#12345")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12,true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .left

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 2, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("Your company name")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 16,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 3, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 1]")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 4, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 2]")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 5, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 3]")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 7, col: 1))
   cell.color = .systemOrange
   cell.value = .text("Bill To:")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 8, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 1]")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 9, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 2]")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 10, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("[Address Line 3]")

   /// date
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 13, col: 1))
   cell.color = .systemOrange
   cell.value = .text("Invoice Date")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 14, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("01/22/2022")

   /// term
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 13, col: 2))

   cell.value = .text("Terms")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 14, col: 2))
   cell.value = .text("30 days")

   /// Due Date
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 13, col: 3))
   cell.color = .systemOrange
   cell.value = .text("Due Date")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: 14, col: 3))
   cell.value = .text("02/20/2022")

   /// table
   /// title
   var line = 16
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("Description")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 4))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("Qty")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 10,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 5))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("Unit Price")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 10,true)

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 6))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("Amount")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 10,true)

   /// line
   line += 1
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("item #1")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 4))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(3)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 5))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(50)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 6))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(150)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   /// line
   line += 1
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .systemGray6)
   } else {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .lightGray)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("item #2")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 4))
   if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .systemGray6)
   } else {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .lightGray)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(2)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 5))
   if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .systemGray6)
   } else {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .lightGray)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(100)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 6))
   if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .systemGray6)
   } else {
       cell.Cols(txt: .black, bg: .lightGray)
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(200)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   /// line
   line += 1
   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .text("item #3")

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 4))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(4)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 5))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(200)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 6))
   cell.Border = true
   cell.value = .double(800)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   line += 2

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("Thank you for your business!")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 10, false, true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .left

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 5))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.value = .text("Total")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 11, true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .left

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 6))
   cell.Cols(txt: .white, bg: .systemOrange)
   cell.value = .double(1100)
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 11, true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .right

   line += 2

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("Payment Options")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 12, true, false)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .left

   line += 1

   cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: line, col: 1))
   cell.value = .text("Enter PayPal email address or bank account number here")
   cell.Font = XFont(.TrebuchetMS, 10, false, true)
   cell.alignmentHorizontal = .left


   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(2, 1, 5, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(3, 1, 5, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(4, 1, 5, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(5, 1, 5, 1))

   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(16, 1, 3, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(17, 1, 3, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(18, 1, 3, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(19, 1, 3, 1))

   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(23, 1, 3, 1))
   sheet.MergeRect(XRect(24, 1, 3, 1))

   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(1, 100)
   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(2, 70)
   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(3, 60)
   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(4, 70)
   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(5, 70)
   sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(6, 90)

   sheet = book.NewSheet("Perfomance1 Sheet")
   for col in 1...20 {
       sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(col,Int.random(in: 50..<100))
       for row in 1...1000 {
           let cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: row, col: col))
           cell.value = .integer(Int.random(in: 100..<200000))
           cell.Font = XFont(GetRandomFont(), Int.random(in: 10..<20))
           cell.color = colortext[Int.random(in: 0..<colortext.count)]
           cell.colorbackground = color[Int.random(in: 0..<color.count)]
           cell.Border = true
           cell.alignmentHorizontal = .center
           cell.alignmentVertical = .center

   sheet = book.NewSheet("Perfomance2 Sheet")
   for col in 1...20 {
       sheet.ForColumnSetWidth(col,Int.random(in: 50..<100))
       for row in 1...1000 {
           let cell = sheet.AddCell(XCoords(row: row, col: col))
           cell.value = .text("\(row):\(col)")
           cell.Font = XFont(GetRandomFont(), Int.random(in: 10..<20))
           cell.color = colortext[Int.random(in: 0..<colortext.count)]
           cell.colorbackground = color[Int.random(in: 0..<color.count)]
           cell.Border = true
           cell.alignmentHorizontal = .center
           cell.alignmentVertical = .center

   let fileid = book.save("example.xlsx")


SSZipArchive is protected under the MIT license and our slightly modified version of minizip-ng (formally minizip) 3.0.2 is licensed under the Zlib license.


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    No other documents are in fact open. Excel freezes at this point.

    Here is the repair log:

    " Repair Result to example1.xml

    Errors were detected in file ’example.xlsx’Excel completed file level validation and repair. Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.Replaced Part: /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml part with XML error. Load error. "

    I was once able to view the contents of the file, the invoice sheet was blank, but the other two sheets seemed fine. Most tries my excel becomes unresponsive though.

    To try and diagnose this, I simply created a blank book:

    let book = XWorkBook() var sheet = book.NewSheet("Test")

    This results in the exact same errors.

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