FileExplorer (iOS 9.0+)
FileExplorer is a control designed to provide an easy way to browse and interact with local file system on iOS devices. It works as file browser with additional possibility of deleting specified files and/or directories and possibility to choose files and/or directories.
| Main Features
Images | Audio Files | Videos | Directories | PDFs | Preview |
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Table of Contents:
CocoaPods is the recommended way to add FileExplorer to your project.
- Add additional entry to your Podfile.
pod "FileExplorer", "~> 1.0.4"
- Install Pod(s) running
pod install
command. - Include FileExplorer using
import FileExplorer
Source files
- Downloaded the latest version of the library using link.
- Copy content of the downloaded (and unzipped) zip file into your project by dragging it into Project's navigator files structure.
Basic Usage
Check out the demo for example usage of library. Make sure you read the FileExplorer documentation on Cocoa Docs.
Add following import in file of your project when you want to use RATreeView:
import FileExplorer
Simplest way to present File Explorer:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController() self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
FileExplorer allows for a lot of customizations. Some of them are discussed below.
Deciding Which Files and/or Directories Should Be Visible
has filters (fileFilters
and ignoredFileFilters
properties) which can be used to select which files or directories should or shouldn't be displayed to the user.
Specify which files should be visible to the user:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
//Only files with `txt` and `jpg` extensions will be visible
fileExplorer.fileFilters = [Filter.extension("txt"), Filter.extension("jpg")]
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
Specify which files should not be visible to the user:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
//Everything but directories will be visible
fileExplorer.ignoredFileFilters = [Filter.type(.directory)]
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
Combining both types of filters:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
//Only files with `.txt` extension that were modified prior to `referenceDate` will be visible
fileExplorer.fileFilters = [Filter.extension("txt")]
fileExplorer.ignoredFileFilters = [Filter.Filter.modificationDatePastOrEqualTo(referenceDate)]
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
Using FileExplorer as a Way to Choose Files and/or Directories
Configure FileExplorer
so that user is allowed to choose files and/or directories:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
fileExplorer.canChooseFiles = true //specify whether user is allowed to choose files
fileExplorer.canChooseDirectories = false //specify whether user is allowed to choose directories
fileExplorer.allowsMultipleSelection = true //specify whether user is allowed to choose multiple files and/or directories
fileExplorer.delegate = self
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
You are informed about choosen files by delegate callback:
public func fileExplorerViewController(_ controller: FileExplorerViewController, didChooseURLs urls: [URL]) {
//Your code here
Deciding Whether User Can Delete Files and/or Directories
Configure FileExplorer
so that user is allowed to remove files and/or directories:
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
fileExplorer.canRemoveFiles = true //specify whether user is allowed to remove files
fileExplorer.canRemoveDirectories = false //specify whether user is allowed to remove directories
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
Adding Support for Additional File Types
was built with expansibility in mind. It allows its users to register their own file types and provide thumbnails and preview view controllers for them. The whole process is simple and straightforward.
It starts with the implementation of class that conforms to FileSpecificationProvider
class CustomFileSpecificationProvider: FileSpecificationProvider {
public class var extensions: [String] {
return ["foo"]
public class func thumbnail(forItemAt url: URL, with size: CGSize) -> UIImage? {
return nil; // FileExplorer uses default thumbnail if nil is returned
public class func viewControllerForItem(at url: URL, data: Data?, attributes: FileAttributes) -> UIViewController {
let viewController = CustomViewController()
//configure your custom view controller here
return viewController
After that, created class must be registered in an instance of FileExplorerViewController
let fileExplorer = FileExplorerViewController()
fileExplorer.fileSpecificationProviders = [CustomFileSpecificationProvider.self]
self.present(fileExplorer, animated: true, completion: nil)
That's all! From now on instance of FileExplorerViewController
uses CustomFileSpecificationProvider
to provide thumbnails and view controllers for files with foo
Documentation is available on CocoaPods.
FileExplorer was created by Rafał Augustyniak. You can find me on twitter (@RaAugustyniak).
MIT licensed, Copyright (c) 2016 Rafał Augustyniak, @RaAugustyniak