SwiftUICharts - ChartView made in SwiftUI

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Charts ChartView


Swift package for displaying charts effortlessly.

V2 Beta 1 is released, if you would like to try it out you can find a demo project here

iOS 14 WidgetKit support is coming. In V2 I will update current charts and possibly extend with some new chart types to provide the best support for building informative and beautiful widgets for the new home screen 🥳 Stay tuned!

SwiftUI Charts


A version 2.0 is coming soon!!! 🎉 🎉 🎉 , so please hold off your PRs for a while. I'm writing a new code base with more sleek code architecture with an option for easier expansion. I'll make beta releases so you can test betas. If you'd like to contribute you can find tickets for the new version in the Issues under the v2 tag, please read more at: https://github.com/AppPear/ChartView/pull/89

It supports:

  • Line charts
  • Bar charts
  • Pie charts


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It requires iOS 13 and Xcode 11!

In Xcode go to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and paste in the repo's url: https://github.com/AppPear/ChartView


import the package in the file you would like to use it: import SwiftUICharts

You can display a Chart by adding a chart view to your parent view:


Added an example project, with iOS, watchOS target: https://github.com/AppPear/ChartViewDemo

Line charts

LineChartView with multiple lines! First release of this feature, interaction is disabled for now, I'll figure it out how could be the best to interact with multiple lines with a single touch. Multiine Charts


MultiLineChartView(data: [([8,32,11,23,40,28], GradientColors.green), ([90,99,78,111,70,60,77], GradientColors.purple), ([34,56,72,38,43,100,50], GradientColors.orngPink)], title: "Title")

Gradient colors are now under the GradientColor struct you can create your own gradient by GradientColor(start: Color, end: Color)

Available preset gradients:

  • orange
  • blue
  • green
  • blu
  • bluPurpl
  • purple
  • prplPink
  • prplNeon
  • orngPink

Full screen view called LineView!!!

Line Charts

 LineView(data: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43], title: "Line chart", legend: "Full screen") // legend is optional, use optional .padding()

Adopts to dark mode automatically

Line Charts

You can add your custom darkmode style by specifying:

let myCustomStyle = ChartStyle(...)
let myCutsomDarkModeStyle = ChartStyle(...)
myCustomStyle.darkModeStyle = myCutsomDarkModeStyle

Line chart is interactive, so you can drag across to reveal the data points

You can add a line chart with the following code:

 LineChartView(data: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43], title: "Title", legend: "Legendary") // legend is optional

Turn drop shadow off by adding to the Initialiser: dropShadow: false

Bar charts

Bar Charts

[New feature] you can display labels also along values and points for each bar to descirbe your data better! Bar chart is interactive, so you can drag across to reveal the data points

You can add a bar chart with the following code:

Labels and points:

 BarChartView(data: ChartData(values: [("2018 Q4",63150), ("2019 Q1",50900), ("2019 Q2",77550), ("2019 Q3",79600), ("2019 Q4",92550)]), title: "Sales", legend: "Quarterly") // legend is optional

Only points:

 BarChartView(data: ChartData(points: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43]), title: "Title", legend: "Legendary") // legend is optional

ChartData structure Stores values in data pairs (actually tuple): (String,Double)

  • you can have duplicate values
  • keeps the data order

You can initialise ChartData multiple ways:

  • For integer values: ChartData(points: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43])
  • For floating point values: ChartData(points: [2.34,3.14,4.56])
  • For label,value pairs: ChartData(values: [("2018 Q4",63150), ("2019 Q1",50900)])

You can add different formats:

  • Small ChartForm.small
  • Medium ChartForm.medium
  • Large ChartForm.large
BarChartView(data: ChartData(points: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43]), title: "Title", form: ChartForm.small)

For floating point numbers, you can set a custom specifier:

BarChartView(data: ChartData(points:[1.23,2.43,3.37]) ,title: "A", valueSpecifier: "%.2f")

For integers you can disable by passing: valueSpecifier: "%.0f"

You can set your custom image in the upper right corner by passing in the initialiser: cornerImage:Image(systemName: "waveform.path.ecg")

Turn drop shadow off by adding to the Initialiser: dropShadow: false

You can customize styling of the chart with a ChartStyle object:


  • background color
  • accent color
  • second gradient color
  • text color
  • legend text color
 let chartStyle = ChartStyle(backgroundColor: Color.black, accentColor: Colors.OrangeStart, secondGradientColor: Colors.OrangeEnd, chartFormSize: ChartForm.medium, textColor: Color.white, legendTextColor: Color.white )
 BarChartView(data: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43], title: "Title", style: chartStyle)

You can access built-in styles:

 BarChartView(data: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43], title: "Title", style: Styles.barChartMidnightGreen)

All styles available as a preset:

  • barChartStyleOrangeLight
  • barChartStyleOrangeDark
  • barChartStyleNeonBlueLight
  • barChartStyleNeonBlueDark
  • barChartMidnightGreenLight
  • barChartMidnightGreenDark


Custom Charts

You can customize the size of the chart with a ChartForm object:


  • .small
  • .medium
  • .large
  • .detail
BarChartView(data: [8,23,54,32,12,37,7,23,43], title: "Title", form: ChartForm.small)

You can choose whether bar is animated or not after completing your gesture.

If you want to animate back movement after completing your gesture, you set animatedToBack as true.

WatchOS support for Bar charts:

Pie Charts

Pie charts

Pie Charts

You can add a pie chart with the following code:

 PieChartView(data: [8,23,54,32], title: "Title", legend: "Legendary") // legend is optional

Turn drop shadow off by adding to the Initialiser: dropShadow: false

  • Custom dropshadow and size

    Custom dropshadow and size

    Hey, first: The charts look awesome!

    But I wonder if it is possible to remove the drop shadow and make the chart fullscreen? At least being able to make a custom size for the line chart would be very nice.

    While I like the idea of those small cards, the charts look and behave too good not to use them as full blown charts inside an app.

    opened by Seitenwerk 10
  • Great project but seems dead??

    Great project but seems dead??

    I really like this project but it seems like even with a decent following and contributions it is dead. 5 prs pending with one sitting for over a month.

    Thinking about contributing but not if prs will just sit.

    I suggest adding maintainers or supporting the project more actively. Glad to help if I can.

    opened by LucasCarioca 9
  • LineView in dark mode

    LineView in dark mode

    As of now, the LineView always has a black background if the device is in dark mode. This is a problem if the chart is to be put on a different colored background (or simply a modal presented sheet). Would you consider an option to add a dark mode background color as well?

    opened by Andreasgejlm 9
  • How to work with Firebase

    How to work with Firebase

    Hi, guys. I'm not very good at swift ui and i have a question about firebase database) i need to get values from database and then put them into BarChartView. but if i do it with onAppear method, reloaded only values. the graph itself does not reloaded. can you help me please? thank you

    opened by leonidSpiri 6
  • [WIP]Add an option to animate to back position (BarChart).

    [WIP]Add an option to animate to back position (BarChart).

    I want to keep the label in its final state after the bottom label of the graph has been dragged.

    Description, Motivation and Context

    Like the following GIF, we cannot keep BarChartView#touchLocation after dragging label. RPReplay_Final1603364812

    It is not always a problem, but this featuer may not be flexible. I prefer to choose whether it keeps the touchLocation after dragging.

    |My desired behavior| |---| |RPReplay_Final1603367132|

    How Has This Been Tested?

    • ⌘ + U
    • Run on real device in te following environment.
      • iOS 14
      • Xcode12.0.1
      • iPhone SE (2nd)

    Please watch the result. RPReplay_Final1603367132

    Screenshots (if appropriate):

    |before|after| |---|---| |RPReplay_Final1603364812|RPReplay_Final1603367132|

    Types of changes

    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
    • [x] Non-functional change (Updating Documentation, CI automation, etc..)


    • [x] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [x] My change requires a change to the documentation.
    • [x] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    opened by fummicc1 5
  • App Crashes when following the How to create your first chart

    App Crashes when following the How to create your first chart

    Followed the Beta 2 how to page and got a crash.


    Console Message: SwiftUI/EnvironmentObject.swift:70: Fatal error: No ObservableObject of type ChartStyle found. A View.environmentObject(_:) for ChartStyle may be missing as an ancestor of this view.

    Expected Behavior

    See a line/ bar chart

    Actual Behavior

    App crashes

    Possible Fix

    Steps to Reproduce

    Follow this: https://github.com/AppPear/ChartView/wiki/How-to-create-your-first-chart

    Your Environment

    • Version of this package used: exact 2.0.0-beta.2
    • Device: iPhone 12 Pro
    • Operating System and version: 12.1 (21C52) - Xcode 13.2.1 (13C100)
    • Link to your project:
    opened by YoelL 4
  • Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'ChartView'

    Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'ChartView'

    Unable to add package

    Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'ChartView' match the requirement 2.0.0..<3.0.0 and root depends on 'ChartView' 2.0.0..<3.0.0.


    Unable to import SwiftUICharts do the error

    import SwiftUICharts

    Dependencies could not be resolved because no versions of 'ChartView' match the requirement 2.0.0..<3.0.0 and root depends on 'ChartView' 2.0.0..<3.0.0.
    Failed to resolve dependencies

    Expected Behavior

    Should be able to add package.

    Actual Behavior

    Adding package fails.

    Possible Fix

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. File
    2. Add package
    3. paste in package link: https://github.com/AppPear/ChartView

    Your Environment

    xCode 13 beta 5

    opened by arbyruns 4
  • Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with function builder 'ViewBuilder'

    Closure containing control flow statement cannot be used with function builder 'ViewBuilder'

    I added the Package Dependency (" https://github.com/AppPear/ChartView") in XCode. I am currently using XCode 11, and IOS 13.4, but I'm getting the "No such module 'SwiftUICharts'" described above after importing 'SwiftUICharts' in my ContentView.

    After a little bit more digging, I'm finding the error described in the MultiLineChartsView on Line 88 'if let rateValue = rateValue'

    Would someone please help me out?


    Expected Behavior

    Actual Behavior

    Possible Fix

    Steps to Reproduce

    Your Environment

    • Version of this package used:
    • Device/Simulator:
    • Operating System and version:
    • Link to your project:
    opened by MaanasPeri23 4
  • Documentation


    v2 ticket

    Ticket description:

    We should try to standardize in code documentation for this project. If we do, we can then auto generate docs from the code.

    Possible doc generation https://github.com/SwiftDocOrg/swift-doc

    Info on in code documentation: https://sarunw.com/posts/swift-documentation/

    opened by LucasCarioca 4
  • Linecharts not drawing lines

    Linecharts not drawing lines

    For the line chart the Path is not drawing anymore.


    After updating Xcode the line charts do not draw lines anymore.

    Expected Behavior

    Line Chart should show lines in the chart.

    Actual Behavior

    No lines. Screenshot 2020-10-22 at 14 11 49

    Possible Fix


    Steps to Reproduce

    Run the demo project with the newest version of Xcode.

    Your Environment

    • Version of this package used: Running the latest demo version.
    • Device/Simulator: iPhone 11
    • Operating System and version: 10.15.7
    • Link to your project:
    opened by magicmikek 3
  • CornerRadius of BarChart was modified

    CornerRadius of BarChart was modified


    I don't know if it's right to make a Pull request to this Branch, but I'm asking because it seems to be the most active branch recently.

    The following elements have been modified.

    • Change the height of the BarChart from Scale to Frame so that the top round looks normal even on short bars

    • Round to apply only to the top of BarChart

    Motivation and Context

    The end of the Barchart bar was not neatly rounded, so it was modified.

    How Has This Been Tested?

    In iOS 13.x and 14 beta environments, SwiftUI project was created and tested with Device and Simulator. I don't think there's any particular problem.

    Screenshots (if appropriate):


    Types of changes

    • [X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to change)
    • [ ] Non-functional change (Updating Documentation, CI automation, etc..)


    • [X] My code follows the code style of this project.
    • [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
    • [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    opened by heiys 3
  • Cannot find UIColor in scope

    Cannot find UIColor in scope

    In Xcode 14, when compiling, it reports that UIColor is not found and cannot find it in scope. The error is in ChartLabel.swift, and it is true that UIColor is not imported.

    opened by GonzaloFuentes28 1
  • fixed error in LineChartView.swift file

    fixed error in LineChartView.swift file

    Fixed optional binding error in LineChartView.swift


    The Optional variable self.rateValue was assigned to rateValue in an 'if statement', but the following block of code still treated rateValue as an optional, which was causing compilation error. The same property is also passed into the View while building it.

    opened by crpatil1901 0
  • Bug fix LineChart, Button added

    Bug fix LineChart, Button added

    Bug fix LineChart, Button added


    Bug fix LineChart, cleaner BarChart Code, Button added instead of image in BarChartView.swift

    Motivation and Context

    I changed it because I want to add a star button as a favorite item in my project.

    opened by AmirMohammadFakhimi 0
  • labels not working on v2?

    labels not working on v2?

    tried this code:

    import SwiftUI
    import SwiftUICharts
    struct TestView: View {
        var body: some View {
                .data([("Rent", 1300), ("Transport", 500)])
                .chartStyle(.init(backgroundColor: .greenRed, foregroundColor: [.redBlack, .orangeBright]))
    struct TestView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

    and no labels are shown. both in landscape and portrait mode.

    results can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/n1EDas0

    opened by nimrodbens 2
  • Can't get legend or x and y labels

    Can't get legend or x and y labels

    v2 ticket

    Ticket description:

    I'm having trouble getting the legend and labels to show in the ChartGrid with a LineChart. I'm passing in the tuple for the data but only the data is displayed

    var demoData: [(String, Double)] = [
          ("M", 8),
          ("T", 2),
          ("W", 4),
          ("T", 6),
          ("F", 12),
          ("S", 9),
          ("S", 2)
    var body: some View {
       ChartGrid {
           .chartStyle(ChartStyle(backgroundColor: .white,
                                             foregroundColor: ColorGradient(.blue, .purple)))

    Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 10 30 16 AM

    opened by dadixon 8
  • 2.0.0-beta.8(Nov 26, 2022)

  • 2.0.0-beta.7(Oct 24, 2022)

  • 2.0.0-beta.6(Oct 17, 2022)

  • 2.0.0-beta.5(Oct 16, 2022)

  • 2.0.0-beta.4(Oct 9, 2022)

    Added new axis labels

    new functions are:

    func setAxisYLabels(_ labels: [String], position: AxisLabelsYPosition = .leading)

    func setAxisXLabels(_ labels: [String])

    func setAxisYLabels(_ labels: [(Double, String)], range: ClosedRange<Int>, position: AxisLabelsYPosition = .leading)

    func setAxisXLabels(_ labels: [(Double, String)], range: ClosedRange<Int>)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0-beta.3(Sep 29, 2022)

    LineChart now supports these new functions:

    func setLineWidth(width: CGFloat) - to set line width func showBackground(_ show: Bool) - to show background below a line func showChartMarks(_ show: Bool) - to show marks at the points func setLineStyle(to style: LineStyle) - to set it curved or straight

    New elements:


    displays a user defined grid behind chart

    func setNumberOfHorizontalLines(_ numberOfLines: Int) - to display horizontal lines func setNumberOfVerticalLines(_ numberOfLines: Int) - to display vertical lines func setStoreStyle(_ strokeStyle: StrokeStyle) - to set stroke pattern linewidth etc... func setColor(_ color: Color) - set color func showBaseLine(_ show: Bool, with style: StrokeStyle? = nil) - show a line at the base with given style


    displays user defined labels along X or Y or both axises

    func setAxisYLabels(_ labels: [String]) - takes and array which will be displayed along Y axis func setAxisXLabels(_ labels: [String]) - takes and array which will be displayed along X axis


    Displaying a simple line chart with marks and X and Y ranges.

        .setLineWidth(width: 2)
        .data([2, 4, 5, 1, 3])
        .chartStyle(ChartStyle(backgroundColor: .white, foregroundColor: ColorGradient(.blue, .purple)))

    Adding a grid behind the LineChart

    ChartGrid {
            .setLineWidth(width: 2)
            .data([2, 4, 5, 1, 3])
            .chartStyle(ChartStyle(backgroundColor: .white, foregroundColor: ColorGradient(.blue, .purple)))

    Adding labels along X and Y axises

    AxisLabels {
        ChartGrid {
                .setLineWidth(width: 2)
                .data([2, 4, 5, 1, 3])
                .chartStyle(ChartStyle(backgroundColor: .white, foregroundColor: ColorGradient(.blue, .purple)))
    .setAxisXLabels(["27 Oct", "2 Nov", "9 Nov", "15 Nov", "22 Nov"])
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0-beta.2(Aug 21, 2021)

    • improved handling of negative numbers
    • precise alignment of line chart view to the grid lines
    • interaction enabled on: bar chart, line chart, pie chart, ring chart
    • new bar chart shape
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0-beta.1(Jul 25, 2020)

    This is the first beta release of the upcoming v2

    Please download it with caution, as it has breaking changes!

    This release is not yet fully feature complete.

    Find more information about V2 and the documentation in #89

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.1(Jun 16, 2020)

  • 1.4.9(Mar 4, 2020)

    Added a new view called MultiLineChartView, so you can display multiple value sets on a single linechart. Also includes several bugfixes for the open issues

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.6(Jan 11, 2020)

  • 1.4.3(Dec 27, 2019)

  • 1.4.0(Nov 11, 2019)

  • 1.2.0-beta(Sep 11, 2019)

    New features:

    • Line chart
    • Bar chart
    • Interactive charts, drag to reveal data points
    • New styling
    • Easier to custom style charts (only for bar chart yet)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Andras Samu
CS undergrad. Recently involved in AR, Vision with ML, React Native. Usually I do mobile app development.
Andras Samu
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