Fully-wrapped UITextField made to work entirely in SwiftUI


iTextField ⌨️

A fully-wrapped `UITextField` that works entirely in SwiftUI. 🦅

Get Started | Examples | Customize | Install |


Get Started

  1. Install iTextField
  2. Add iTextField to your project
import SwiftUI
import iTextField

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var text: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        iTextField("Placeholder", text: $text)
  1. Customize your iTextfield




Customize your text field with built-in modifiers.
import SwiftUI
import iTextField

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var text: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        iTextField("Placeholder", text: $text)
            .fontFromUIFont(UIFont(name: "Avenir", size: 40))

Jump text fields

Use the optional isEditing binding parameter to programmatically jump between text fields.

import SwiftUI
import iTextField

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var text1: String = ""
    @State var text2: String = ""
    @State var isSecondEditing: String = ""

    var body: some View {
        iTextField("First", text: $text1)
            .onReturn { isSecondEditing = true }
        iTextField("Second", text: $text2,
                   isEditing: $isSecondEditing)


iTextField has two required parameters: 1️⃣ a placeholder and 2️⃣ a text state. You can optionally pass in a 3️⃣ rd an isEditing binding if you would like to programmatically focus or unfocus the text field.

iTextField also supports a variety of modifiers.

Example: Change the foreground color, accent color, and text alignment with the following code block:

iTextField("Placeholder", text: $text, isEditing: $isEditing)

Use this exhaustive input list to customize your text field.

Modifier Description
.fontFromUIFont(_ font: UIFont?) Modifies the text field’s font from a UIFont object. 🔠
.foregroundColor(_ color: Color?) Modifies the text color 🎨 of the text field.
.accentColor(_ accentColor: Color?) Modifies the cursor color 🌈 of the text field
.multilineTextAlignment(_ alignment: TextAlignment) Modifies the text alignment of a text field. ↔️
.textContentType(_ textContentType: UITextContentType?) Modifies the content type of a text field. 📧 ☎️
.disableAutocorrection(_ disable: Bool?) Modifies the text field’s autocorrection settings.
.keyboardType(_ type: UIKeyboardType) Modifies the text field’s keyboard type. 📩
.autocapitalization(_ style: UITextAutocapitalizationType) Modifies the text field’s autocapitalization style. 🔡
.returnKeyType(_ type: UIReturnKeyType) Modifies the text field’s return key type.
.characterLimit(_ limit: Int?) Sets the maximum amount of characters allowed in this text field.
.isSecure(_ isSecure: Bool) Modifies the text field’s secure entry settings. 🔒
.clearsOnBeginEditing(_ shouldClear: Bool) Modifies the clear-on-begin-editing setting of a text field.
clearsOnInsertion(_ shouldClear: Bool) Modifies the clear-on-insertion setting of a text field. 👆
.showsClearButton(_ showsButton: Bool) Modifies whether and when the text field clear button appears on the view. ⭕️
.passwordRules(_ rules: UITextInputPasswordRules) Modifies the text field's password rules 🔒 . Sets secure entry to true.
.spellChecking(_ spellChecking: Bool? = nil) Modifies whether the text field should check the user's spelling.
.smartDashes(_ smartDashes: Bool? = nil) Modifies whether the text field includes smart dashes.
.smartInsertDelete(_ smartInsertDelete: Bool? = nil) Modifies whether the text field uses smart insert-delete.
.smartQuotes(_ smartQuotes: Bool? = nil) Modifies whether the text field uses smart quotes.
.disabled(disabled: Bool) Modifies whether the text field is disabled.
.onEditingBegan(perform action: { code }) Modifies the function called when text editing begins. ▶️
.onEdit(perform action: { code }) Modifies the function called when the user makes any changes to the text in the text field. 💬
.onEditingEnded(perform action: { code }) Modifies the function called when text editing ends. 🔚
.onReturn(perform action: { code }) Modifies the function called when the user presses the return key. ⬇️ ➡️
.onClear(perform action: { code }) Modifies the function called when the user clears the text field.


Use the Swift package manager to install. Find instructions here 😀


As always, if you have any questions about iPhoneNumberField, we are available 24/7 to help.

Reach us at
📞 +1 (415) 735-4464 Call
📧 hello@iswiftui.com Email
📲 +1 (415) 735-4464 Text
  • Fix Handling of Updating modifiers

    Fix Handling of Updating modifiers

    iTextValue currently does not react to changing values of modifiers.

    This PR fixes that by setting all the properties of TextView again in the updateUIView method.

    Works great in my testing.

    opened by nmn 2
  • Fix forced unwrap

    Fix forced unwrap

    This forced upward is causing a compile error in the newest release of xCode on my m1 mac. It might be related to M1 or just the newest version of Swift/XCode, but this fix should work either way.

    opened by nmn 1
  • Handle toggling isSecure correctly

    Handle toggling isSecure correctly

    There are two issues that occur when toggling isSecure on a textField, both happen when going from not-secure to secure.

    The first keyboard action after the textField becomes secure deletes all of the existing content within it.

    This commit fixes that by manually reading the contents of the field, manually removing them and updating them all from within the code when we go from a not-secure textfield to a secure textField.

    The workaround above causes the cursor position to always jump to the end of the text

    This commit fixes that by reading the cursor/selection state before updating the value of isSecureEntry and restoring it after the text has been removed and added back.

    This diff also refactors the code to remove duplication.

    opened by nmn 0
  • iTextField Review

    iTextField Review

    Again overall things are strong. It's like I'm reviewing a Ferrari. Sure I might want to change the paint job a bit, maybe swap the wheels, but the engine – the most important part – fucking roars.

    1. Unsure of the placeholder needs to be required. Had difficulty removing it for that use case. Probably want to toss that guy as an optional.

    2. clearsOnBeginEditing is a little unclear. I thought this meant that if I add a default value it will clear that value when I start to edit the text field. That wasn't what happened. Actually still unclear what this does. Whatever it is let's just rename it. Another quick fix.

    Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 9 52 01 AM
    1. Same border & font comment as on iPhoneNumberTextField

    2. Click out to remove keyboard. I know this isn't trivial but I think that'd be an awesome feature to include. Click off the screen to remove the keyboard. Unsure how else to remove keyboard now. Not sure what to click.

    opened by AlexFine 0
  • AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute 234608

    AttributeGraph: cycle detected through attribute 234608

    When I have an iTextField that's first responder it creates attribute warnings. I added a Symbolic breakpoint with symbol print_cycle. It seems that Xcode doesn't like changing first responder they way its done below.

    public struct iTextField: UIViewRepresentable {
    public func updateView {
    if isEditing.wrappedValue {
        textField.becomeFirstResponder() // <- Causes the warning
    } else {
    opened by solkpolk 1
  • Change license to MIT?

    Change license to MIT?


    first of all, thank you very much for this great library. It is very useful for everyone who is using SwiftUI but need more customisation for TextField

    But the GPL license is very quite restricted. People would need to open source the whole app when they use this library inside their app.

    Is it a possibility to change the license to a more commercial friendly one, such as MIT?

    Thank you in any case.

    opened by antranapp 0
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