Pull to refresh in SwiftUI for List, NavigationView



Pull to refresh implementation in SwiftUI for List and NavigationView

This article helped me a lot: https://swiftui-lab.com/scrollview-pull-to-refresh/ Thanks!



It requires iOS 13 and Xcode 11!

In Xcode got to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency and paste inthe repo's url: https://github.com/AppPear/SwiftUI-PullToRefresh


You need to add RefreshableNavigationView(title: String, action: () -> Void, content: () -> View) to your View. Title is the navigationView title, and the action takes the refresh function. RefreshableNavigationView already encapsulates a List() so in the content you only need to define your cells. If you want TableViewCellSeparators don't forget to add a Divider() at the bottom of your cell.


import SwiftUIPullToRefresh

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var numbers:[Int] = [23,45,76,54,76,3465,24,423]
    var body: some View {
        RefreshableNavigationView(title: "Numbers", action:{
            self.numbers = self.generateRandomNumbers()
            ForEach(self.numbers, id: \.self){ number in
                VStack(alignment: .leading){
    func generateRandomNumbers() -> [Int] {
        var sequence = [Int]()
        for _ in 0...30 {
            sequence.append(Int.random(in: 0 ..< 100))
        return sequence
  • Update README.md

    Update README.md

    Improve example

    added "import SwiftUIPullToRefresh" or Xcode will complain about "Use of unresolved identifier 'RefreshableNavigationView'"

    opened by B1G 0
  • Added Navigationbar Items

    Added Navigationbar Items


    I added a option for navigationBar Items. And fixed the list divider. I'm just hiding the background color of the section header background color but this is less used than the list divider. And you can add it always you self with .backgroundColor again. And after the refresh the user will now see done.

    Also I updated you data structure to combine.

    I hope everything is fine, this time.

    opened by Veeit 0
  • Add documentation

    Add documentation

    This looks like a really cool library, but you're shooting yourself in the foot by not adding proper documentation. Doing so would likely increase the number of people who use your library.

    opened by Peter-Schorn 2
  • Changed the displayMode of navigationbarTitle to be able to decide

    Changed the displayMode of navigationbarTitle to be able to decide

    I'm interested in PullToRefresh in SwiftUI !!!

    I tried to select the displaymode of navigationTitle. Maybe it's related to #7.

    Xcode version Version 11.5 (11E608c)

    opened by giiiita 0
  • Small adjustment to the Spinner. It looks better if having 12 rectangles instead of 10.

    Small adjustment to the Spinner. It looks better if having 12 rectangles instead of 10.

    I made a small adjustment to the Spinner as below

    • Add two more rectangle to look similar to the iOS native Spinner
    • Put it inside a ZStack view to centralize the Spinner
    • Increase/Decrease the size of the Spinner based on its parent frame.


    opened by phuhuynh2411 2
  • Add possibility of async fetch

    Add possibility of async fetch

    Hi. Awesome project !

    It could be interesting to add the possibility to hide the ActivityIndicator after a server response and not directly after the action call

    opened by cederache 1
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