SwiftUIIndexedList - Add an index bar to a SwiftUI List or ScrollView



Add an index bar to a SwiftUI List or ScrollView.


Getting Started

Conform your data source to Indexable and Identifiable. Then replace List with IndexedList, or ScrollView with IndexedScrollView:

IndexedList(data) { element in
    Section {
        //Your section content
    } header: {
        //Your header content



struct · A type that describes the appearance and behaviour of data in an index bar.

  • contentID: The identifier of the view to scroll to.
  • displayPriority: The display priority of the label. The system may consider the display priority during the layout of a truncated index bar.
    • standard: The standard display priority.
    • increased: The increased display priority. An increased priority does not guarantee the label will be displayed.
  • title, image and systemImage: The parameters used to construct the label.


protocol · A type that can be displayed in an index bar.

  • index: The appearance and behaviour in an index bar.


view · A container that presents rows of data arranged in a single column.

Construct the indices and the list content manually, or provide data that conforms to Indexable along with ElementContent for each element.

  • accessory: The scroll accessory to display in front of the list.
  • selection: A binding that identifies selected rows.


view · A scrollable view.

Construct the indices and the scroll view's content manually, or provide data that conforms to Indexable along with ElementContent for each element.

  • accessory: The scroll accessory to display in front of the scroll view.


enum · A scroll accessory displayed in front of a scrolling view.

  • automatic: An index bar, or an interactive scroll indicator when no indices are provided.
  • indexBar: An index bar.
  • scrollIndicator: An interactive scroll indicator.
  • none: No scroll accessory.

Additional Features


view modifier · Content to layer behind any index bar within this view.

  • contentMode: Defines how the content fills the available space of the index bar.
  • content: The background content.


environment value · The edge insets of the index bar in the scrolling container view.


  • iOS 14.0+
  • Xcode 13.0+



@ciaranrobrien on Twitter.

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