Showcase new features after an app update similar to Pages, Numbers and Keynote.

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Utility swift ios ios11


CircleCI Version License Platform


WhatsNew automatically displays a short description of the new features when users update your app. This is similar to what happens in Apple's apps like Pages, Numbers, Keynote, iMovie and TestFlight.

Simply list your new features (with optional icons), customize the appeareance and when to show it (only on major updates for example).


Run the example project from the Example directory and check out ViewController.swift.

import WhatsNew

let whatsNew = WhatsNewViewController(items: [
	WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Nice Icons", subtitle: "Completely customize colors, texts and icons.", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "love")),
	WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Such Easy", subtitle: "Setting this up only takes 2 lines of code, impressive you say?", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "threed")),
	WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Very Sleep", subtitle: "It helps you get more sleep by writing less code.", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "night")),
	WhatsNewItem.text(title: "Text Only", subtitle: "No icons? Just go with plain text."),
whatsNew.presentIfNeeded(on: self)

Some of the apps using WhatsNew in production are:

If you're using WhatsNew in your app, please let me know and I will make sure to add it to the list of apps that use this library!


There are a bunch of customizable properties with corresponding documentation.

/// This method allows marking the current version as presented. This is useful in case you want to avoid showing WhatsNew to first-time users for example.
public static func markCurrentVersionAsPresented()

/// Defines when to present the What's New view controller. Check the `PresentationOption` enum for more details.
public var presentationOption: PresentationOption = .always

/// Closure invoked when the user dismisses the view controller.
public var onDismissal: (() -> Void)?

/// Text of the top title.
public var titleText: String = "What’s New"

/// Color of the top title.
public var titleColor: UIColor = .black

/// Font of the top title.
public var titleFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 26, weight: .bold)

/// Title color of the feature items.
public var itemTitleColor: UIColor = .black

/// Subtitle color of the feature items.
public var itemSubtitleColor: UIColor = .black

/// Title font of the feature items
public var itemTitleFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20, weight: .bold)

/// Subtitle font of the feature items
public var itemSubtitleFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .regular)

/// Text of the bottom button that dismisses the view controller.
public var buttonText: String = "Continue"

/// Text color of the bottom button that dismisses the view controller.
public var buttonTextColor: UIColor = .yellow

/// Text font of the bottom button that dismisses the view controller.
public var buttonFont: UIFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16, weight: .regular)

/// Background color of the bottom button that dismisses the view controller.
public var buttonBackgroundColor: UIColor = .black


WhatsNew is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'WhatsNew'

You can also use Carthage if you prefer. Add this line to your Cartfile.

github "BalestraPatrick/WhatsNew"

Android version available here.


iOS 9.0 and Swift 4.0 are required.


I'm Patrick Balestra. Email: Twitter: @BalestraPatrick.


WhatsNew is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Update constraints for the xibs

    Update constraints for the xibs

    Hi, I've updated some of the constraints inside the various xibs:

    1. In WhatsNew xib I've set the stack view to track the scroll view width and not the main view one to fix the landscape mode and I've set leading and trailing constraints to the main title to allow it to wrap on multiple lines. I've also removed an unnecessary view inside the the stack view for the main title.
    2. In WhatsNewItemTextView xib I've update the only constraint that still track the superview directly and not the safe area
    3. In WhatsNewItemImageView xib I've updated the title constrains to allow it to wrap on multiple lines and not be truncated at the first one

    I've also a question, I've seen that the continue button is inside a subview that is not much of utility and that has a negative top distance to the scroll view. There is a reason for that or is some kind of drag error?

    opened by JGiola 8
  • fix handle major version changes correctly

    fix handle major version changes correctly

    This is my suggestion for a fix. I wanted to create some test cases for this but could not find any unit testing targets. As I do not want to change your project structure too much with this simple fix I did not add all that too. Please think about adding testing!

    This is related to #22

    opened by funkenstrahlen 7
  • Dynamic Type warnings with iOS 9 deployment

    Dynamic Type warnings with iOS 9 deployment


    I updated your library to the latest version and I get a few warning regarding dynamic type. Specifically you enabled dynamic type with iOS 9 deployment target but the dynamic type is available only on iOS 10 or later.

    Here is a screenshot of the warnings.

    screen shot 2017-11-11 at 21 49 45
    opened by zarzonis 7
  • repeat appearing

    repeat appearing

    I tried this code but it keeps coming again and again when I click on continue. I implement it in viewDidAppear

    let whatsNew = WhatsNewViewController(items: [
                   WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Nice Icons", subtitle: "Completely customize colors, texts and icons.", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "lgoJaee")),
                   WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Such Easy", subtitle: "Setting this up only takes 2 lines of code, impressive you say?", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "lgoJaee")),
                   WhatsNewItem.image(title: "Very Sleep", subtitle: "It helps you get more sleep by writing less code.", image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "lgoJaee")),
                   WhatsNewItem.text(title: "Text Only", subtitle: "No icons? Just go with plain text."),
               whatsNew.titleText = "What's New"
               whatsNew.buttonText = "Continue"
               present(whatsNew, animated: true, completion: nil)

    how can I dismiss it and never appear again?

    opened by AbdulazizAlmohsen 4
  • Could I write an Android edition?

    Could I write an Android edition?

    Hi, @BalestraPatrick ,

    Your library is so well-designed and amazing! I am an Android dev and could I write an Android edition? If the answer is positive and the android edition is done, I will express thanks to you in the main page of the lib.

    Looking forward to your reply. 😉

    opened by TonnyL 3
  • Rename didShow to markCurrentVersionAsPresented

    Rename didShow to markCurrentVersionAsPresented

    Rename didShow to markCurrentVersionAsPresented and expose it. Motivation behind this is there may be cases where it does not make sense to show "What's New" to a user and to have WhatsNew manage it.

    opened by benshippee 3
  • Rename presentation options

    Rename presentation options

    In my eyes the presentation option .always is not named very well because it suggests that the view is presented always. However it is only presented on every version update. This is why I suggest renaming. This does make the library more intuitive for new developers.

    opened by funkenstrahlen 2
  • add UserDefaults clear button

    add UserDefaults clear button

    Hi, I'm Japansese engineer.Thanks cool library.

    In the sample project, when I want to see it again, it is troublesome to erase the application. I created a clear button.

    Please check it if you like. Thanks.

    opened by senseiphoneX 2
  • Add ability to set item image tint color.

    Add ability to set item image tint color.

    • Allows for changing item image tint color (for use with template images) via itemImageTintColor property on WhatsNewViewController instance.

    Example usage:

    let whatsNew = WhatsNewViewController(items: [ . . . ]) whatsNew.itemImageTintColor = .red whatsNew.presentIfNeeded(on: self)

    opened by erusso1 1
  • .majorVersion presentation option does not display update info when previous version is nil

    .majorVersion presentation option does not display update info when previous version is nil

    My app does receive a major update to 3.0 and I did add WhatsNew now to show users what changed.

    However when I configure the WhatsNewController to be displayed for .majorVersion it is not displayed because your method to calculate whether to display the update message is incorrect. It fails if the user defaults key for previous version is not set.

    opened by funkenstrahlen 1
  • Add bottom button constraints variation

    Add bottom button constraints variation

    Now the bottom space constraints for the continue button will shrink to 10 points when in compact height. This will address issue #10 but for me the wrong horizontal scroll in landscape is not appearing. Can you try again if it is indeed fixed with my PR #7 ?

    opened by JGiola 1
  • System button type on MacOS

    System button type on MacOS

    There's an issue on MacOS where custom button styles don't look good because the system style is applied to it. It'd be great if you can add a method to change the button style (property is read only so it should be done during init) or just set it to "custom" out of the box (in the WhatsNew storybaord).

    Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 11 17 23
    opened by kiritokatklian 0
  • Implement demo with

    Implement demo with "gallerize" package

    I noticed that this package has an online demo. It would be great if you implement it with gallerize. It is a package used to make like demo site.

    opened by daadu 0
  • "onDismissal" closure doesn't execute when vc is dismissed with swipe

    In my parent view controller, I've defined the following:

    whatsNew.onDismissal = didDismissWhatsNew

    But the closure only executes when the user clicks on the "continue" button at the bottom of the WhatsNew vc. It does not execute when the user dismisses the page sheet by swiping downward.

    I'm no professional, but until someone figures out a generalized solution, I figured I'd share what I did to get around this.

    Manual workaround:

    First I modify my parent view controller to adhere to the UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate protocol:

    class PlannerViewController: UIViewController, UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate {

    Then in the parent vc's function where I initialize the WhatsNew vc, prior to calling whatsNew.presentIfNeeded(on: self), I set "self" as the presentationController delegate:

    whatsNew.presentationController?.delegate = self

    Lastly, in the parent VC, I implement the presentationControllerDidDismiss(_:) method and call the same dismissal action that I defined for whatsNew.onDismissal:

      func presentationControllerDidDismiss(_ presentationController: UIPresentationController) {
    opened by lukemmtt 0
Patrick Balestra
Infra Engineer at @spotify. Previously at @n26, @Scandit, BCG DV and FIFA TMS.
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