Async+ for Swift provides a simple chainable interface for your async and throwing code, similar to promises and futures



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Async+ for Swift provides a simple chainable interface for your async and throwing code, similar to promises and futures. Have the best of both worlds: you can use the async solution built into the language, but keep all the useful features of promises.

✏️ Usage

Basic chaining operations are:

  • .then arranges blocks one after another, passing along any values

  • .recover recovers from a thrown error with a backup value (or block to run)

  • .catch catches any errors (and allows you to throw new ones for later catch blocks)

  • attempt { ... } kicks off a chain as in the example below:

attempt {
    return try await getThing()
}.recover {
    error in
    return try await backupGetThing(error)
}.then {
    thing in
    await thing.doYour()
}.catch {
    error in

For comparison, if we tried to write the above flow without Async+ we'd get something like this:

Task.init {
    do {
        let thing: Thing
        do {
            thing = try await getThing()
        } catch {
            thing = try await backupGetThing(error)
        await thing.doYour()
    } catch {
        error in

Async+ allows async and/or throwing code to remain unnested, modular, and concise. For a full list of operations see the documentation.

Want to still use chained code within a do/catch block, Task.init, or similar context? Easy: chains are fully interoperable with async and/or throwing contexts via the operations .async(), and .asyncThrows() at the end of the chain, for example:

let foo = await attempt{ ... }.then{ ... }.async() // non-throwing chain
let foo = try await attempt{ ... }.then{ ... }.asyncThrows() // throwing chain

If the chain doesn't throw you will not be able to call asyncThrows on it (it is a Guarantee type rather than a Promise type), and vice versa. Similarly, chains with potential for uncaught errors will raise an unused value warning at compilation time.

💾 Installation

Install the Async+ SwiftPM package in Xcode by going to -> -> Package Dependencies -> "+" and entering:

Or modify your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 0, minor: 1),

To use Async+ in a Swift file you must add import AsyncPlus to the top of the file.

📘 Documentation


Getting Started


Using chains from async or throwing contexts

Motivation and common patterns


Migrating from PromiseKit

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

🚀 Feedback and Contributing

This package is in its initial release: please provide feedback and suggestions in order to help shape the API, either by submitting an issue on Github or sending a message on Discord.

  • Cocoapods Support

    Cocoapods Support

    Thanks for the work! Nice little QoL improvements for those of us embracing Swift's native async/await implementation 🙌🏻

    However, a lot of us are still (at least partially) still using Cocoapods for dependency management. In an ideal world, we would just use SPM for everything - but there are a lot of libraries that either:

    1. Don't support it at all yet
    2. Support it, but lose some required features that Cocoapods provides (i.e. subspecs)

    Could you integrate this project with pods so all the rest of us can easily import it? 😄

    opened by mitchtreece 2
  • AppKit is not available when building for iOS.

    AppKit is not available when building for iOS.

    Using the library with SPM in project built for iOS in Xcode 13.3. When trying to build the project it gives the error:

    "AppKit is not available when building for iOS. Consider using #if targetEnvironment(macCatalyst) to conditionally import this framework when building for Mac Catalyst."

    I can see the file Node is importing AppKit, is this intentional?

    opened by engine-turning 1
  • Give types better names

    Give types better names

    Feature for the next major release:

    Calling something a Node is a little ambiguous - maybe ChainItem.

    Additionally, GenericNodeFailableAsync should be called GenericPromise, and the same for all four derivatives of whether they fail and if they are async. I think this can make the library much easier to understand for users and contributors.

    opened by montaguegabe 1
  • Add protocols for operations

    Add protocols for operations

    A feature for the next release:

    We should be able to write this code:

    extension Catchable {
        func myCatchOperation() -> SomeComplexType {
            self.catch {
                err in 

    ..and have this extension apply to both Promises and synchronous AsyncPlus.Results, giving them both a myCatchOperation. The alternative is writing two separate extensions: one for a Promise and one for a Result, which is much easier to understand for the user of the package, but redundant.

    opened by montaguegabe 1
  • Should not allow catch on non-void chain

    Should not allow catch on non-void chain

    attempt {
        return 2
    }.catch {
        err in 

    ^ should not be a valid pattern because the 2 goes unused in the catch block. I wish I could write where T != () - that would make thing much much easier to solve this without adding another bit of data to chain items.

    opened by montaguegabe 1
  • v1.0.1


    I realized the Xcode schemes that I intended to only be for development appear for anyone who has installed the package.. while people used to Cocoapods may be used to this, it seems better practice for Swift Packages to not include these schemes. The downside is that for those developing async-plus, code generation will be treated as any other test...

    However I'm pushing this quick fix so that the schemes go away for users of the package, which is more important for now.

    opened by montaguegabe 0
  • Version 1.0.0

    Version 1.0.0

    • All operations now have associated protocols, and internal protocols have been given more sensible names.
    • The type-flag system that was a burden for the compiler has been abolished in favor of more traditional usage of protocols.
    • Code generation has been added and used sparingly in attempt to improve readability and reduce the chance of duplication errors. See Tests/CodeGeneration/
    • Values returned from then, attempt, and recover can no longer be ignored, meaning that it is no longer possible (at compile time) to call catch on these chains without another then that uses the chain's value (similar to PromiseKit's done).
    opened by montaguegabe 0
  • Potential feature: get

    Potential feature: get

    In Swift, Task has an overloaded get that is throwing iff Failure is Never.

    In the same way, we should probably combine .asyncThrows and .async and .value and .result into a single overloaded function called .get the result would be async and/or throwing depending on the underlying implementation. Then if the async/throwing status of a chain changes, you don't have to change the name of the thing that accesses (one fewer thing to change).

    opened by montaguegabe 0
  • 1.1.1(Aug 31, 2022)

  • 1.1.0(Aug 31, 2022)

  • 1.0.2(Apr 4, 2022)

  • 1.0.1(Mar 15, 2022)

    • By upgrading to this minor release, users of the Async+ package will no longer see unnecessary Xcode build schemes appearing called "async-plus" and "code-generation". These build schemes should automatically disappear with the upgrade of the package (if they don't then please delete them).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Mar 13, 2022)

    • Values returned from then, attempt, and recover can no longer be ignored, meaning that it is no longer possible (at compile time) to call catch on these chains without another then that uses the chain's value (similar to PromiseKit's done).
    • All operations now have associated protocols, and internal protocols have been given more sensible names.
    • The type-flag system that was a burden for the compiler has been abolished in favor of more traditional usage of protocols.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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