A Swift μ-Library for Somewhat Dependent Types

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Utility Validated

CocoaPods Compatible Platform supportCarthage compatible License MIT


Validated is a μ-library (~50 Source Lines of Code) that allows you make better use of Swift's type system by providing tools for easily generating new types with built-in guarantees.

Validated allows you to use the type system to verify properties of your values, providing a new level of compile time guarantees.

Using validators you can define new types that add guarantees to existing types:

// Create a new string type that can never be empty
typealias NonEmptyString = Validated<String, NonEmptyStringValidator>


You might have a function in your code that only knows how to work with a User value when the user is logged in. Usually you will implement this requirement in code & add documentation, but you don't have an easy way of expressing this invariant in the type signature:

/// Please ever only call with a logged-in user!
func performTaskWithUser(user: User) {
    	"It is illegal to call this method with a logged out user!"

	// ...

Using Validated you can quickly create a new type that describes this requirement in the type system. That makes it impossible to call the function with a logged-out user and it makes the method signature express your invariant (instead of relying on documentation):

func performTaskWithUser(user: LoggedInUser) {
	// ...

So how is this new LoggedInUser type created?

First, you need to implement a validator:

struct LoggedInValidator: Validator {

    static func validate(value: User) -> Bool {
        return value.loggedIn


A Validator needs to implement the validate function that takes the type that this validator can validate (in this case a User). The funtion returns a Bool. Return true if the requirements are fulfilled and false if not.

With the Validator in place we can create our new type like this:

typealias LoggedInUser = Validated<User, LoggedInValidator>

Note, that it is not required to provide a typealias, but for most cases it is recommended.

And that's it!

LoggedInUser now has a failable initializer that takes a User. If the passed in User fulfills the logged-in requirement you will have a LoggedInUser, otherwise nil. Additionally LoggedInUser provides a throwing initializer, in case you prefer to handle failed validations as errors instead of nil values.

The underlying value (the full User value) is stored in the .value property of LoggedInUser.

Beyond the Basics

Validated provides some further features that might be non-obvious.

Composing Validators with Logical Operators

Validated offers Validator types for logical operations that allow you to require multiple validations in different combinations. E.g. you can use the And validator to require that two requirements must be met for your type to intializer:

typealias AllCapsNonEmptyString =
            Validated<String, And<NonEmptyStringValidator, AllCapsLatinStringValidator>>

Or and Not are provided as additional validators. You can take a look at the specs for additional examples.

Generic Validators

A Validator can itself be generic. This is useful if you want to provide verifications for a whole category of types. The example validator NonEmptyCollectionValidator can be applied to all validator types by using a generic requirement:

struct NonEmptyCollectionValidator<T: CollectionType>: Validator {
    static func validate(value: T) -> Bool {
        if !value.isEmpty {
            return true
        } else {
            return false

However, when using this validator to create a type, you will have to specify the exact type of collection you want to validate:

typealias NonEmptyListOfStrings = Validated<[String], NonEmptyCollectionValidator<[String]>>

Does this Library Enable Dependent Types?

No, not really. Dependent types would allow us to define types, solely based on values. This library only allows us to validate if a type is of a specified type <T> based on its value and a validator. The value itself doesn't change the type information.

Truely dependent types would create the following results:

[1, 2, 3] // type = Array<count:3 type:Int>
[1, 2, 3, 4] // type = Array<count:4 type:Int>

Using Validated we can only verify if a type falls into one of our statically defined categories:

ListOf3([1,2,3]) // type = ListOf3<Array<Int>
ListOf3([1,2,3,4]) // type = nil

However, these statically provided checks can still add a lot of value to your code; see the examples above.


Validated is available via the usual suspects.


You can install Validated via CocoaPods by adding it to your Podfile:


source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

pod 'Validated'

And run pod install.


You can install Validated via Carthage by adding the following line to your Cartfile:

github "Ben-G/Validated"

Get in touch

If you have any questions, you can find me on twitter @benjaminencz.

  • tweaking api and updating to swift 3

    tweaking api and updating to swift 3

    Some updates:

    • Update to Swift 3 Syntax (2.2 compatible)
    • Remove need for explicit wrapped type in generic declarations, ie: Validated<String, EmptyString> can now just be Validated<EmptyString>
    • SPM Support
    opened by loganwright 13
  • [Project] OSX, tvOS, and watchOS targets added

    [Project] OSX, tvOS, and watchOS targets added


    I performed several changes in this pull request. Mainly I made the library support OSX, tvOS, and watchOS :)

    These are the changes:

    • Targets for OSX, tvOS, and watchOS.
    • Added configuration files to easily tweak all the targets.
    • Change the licensing from each file to the Info plist, thus the ugly header need not be repeated.
    • The version and build number can now be controlled from the common.xcconfig. The changes there will be shown on all targets.
    opened by dehesa 13
  • Throwing initializer

    Throwing initializer

    A good suggestion from https://twitter.com/DeFrenZ/status/703521308550762496:

    Instead of having the Validated initializer return nil if the constraint isn't met, you could throw a generic error. If you don't care about the error, you could still ignore it using try?, but you could also easily log it to the console when it's not expected (but not fatal). And you'd have an error like "A value of Foo didn't pass BarValidator" without having to type it yourself.

    opened by radex 10
  • Added wrapper validators to allow logical arithmetic and/or/not

    Added wrapper validators to allow logical arithmetic and/or/not

    Hey Benji, this pull request basically replaces Validated2 and Validated3 and allows validations like this:

    struct User {
        let isAuthor: Bool
        let isAdmin: Bool
    struct UserIsAuthor: Validator {
        typealias WrappedType = User
        static func validate(value: User) -> Bool {
            return value.isAuthor
    struct UserIsAdmin: Validator {
        typealias WrappedType = User
        static func validate(value: User) -> Bool {
            return value.isAdmin
    typealias AdminOrAuthorUser = Validated<User, Or<UserIsAdmin, UserIsAuthor>>
    typealias AdminAndAuthorUser = Validated<User, And<UserIsAdmin, UserIsAuthor>>
    typealias NonAuthorUser = Validated<User, Not<UserIsAuthor>>
    opened by tomquist 5
  • Adding methods and properties to validated types

    Adding methods and properties to validated types

    This pull request adds a ValidatedType protocol and lets Validated adhere to it. This allows behaviour to be added to a validated type via protocol extensions:


    typealias PhoneNumber = Validated<String, PhoneNumberValidator>
    extension ValidatedType where WrapperType == String, ValidatorType == PhoneNumberValidator {
        var regionCode: String {
            return // Parse and return region code
    let phoneNumber = try PhoneNumber("00 1 917 555 2368")

    What do you think?

    Awesome library, by the way! :)

    opened by jmper1 2
  • Add Throwing Initializer, Remove `Validated2` and `Validated3`

    Add Throwing Initializer, Remove `Validated2` and `Validated3`

    This PR adds the throwing initializer discussed in #4. It also preserves the failable initializer that is now available as an overload. Since it seems that the throwing initializer is more popular, the failable one requires clients to specify the value argument name.

    Additionally this PR removes Validated2 and Validated3 as suggested as part of #3.

    opened by Ben-G 2
  • Setter validation

    Setter validation

    Interesting lib! :+1: I noticed that it applies to value types that are checked on initialisation and that are immutable. It would be nice to be able to have the validation in the setter too in case of a mutating type.

    opened by Hout 2
  • typealias -> associatedType

    typealias -> associatedType

    Fixes a Swift 2 warning.

    PS - would be awesome to get a new release out - right now the latest release doesn't have @loganmoseley's lower deployment target integrated.

    Thank you for all of your work ben! 💯

    opened by AndrewSB 1
  • Set project's iOS Deployment Target to 8.0

    Set project's iOS Deployment Target to 8.0

    Sets Validated.xcodeproj's iOS Deployment Target to 8.0. This allows Carthage-distributed builds to work on 8.0 through 9.1. This also matches Validated.podspec

    s.ios.deployment_target     = '8.0'
    opened by loganmoseley 1
  • [Validated] Use guards and change documentation

    [Validated] Use guards and change documentation

    Hi Ben,

    Great library (thanks for sharing). I've made small changes into the Validated.swift file:

    • Change the if statements to guards to make it more compact and readable.
    • Add documentation for the Validated initializers and properties.
    opened by dehesa 1
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
  • 3.0.0(Oct 10, 2016)

    Released: 10/10/2016

    • Migrated to Swift 3.0 - @Ben-G

    This release supports Swift 3.0. Earlier releases support Swift 2.2. Swift 2.3 support is available on the swift-2.3 branch.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.1(Jun 5, 2016)

  • 2.0.0(Mar 3, 2016)

    Breaking API Changes:

    • Removed Validated2 and Validated3 in favor of introduced logical wrapper validators - @Ben-G on suggestion of @tomquist
    • Failable initializer of Validated now requires explicit value argument due to introduction of throwing initializer - @Ben-G

    API Additions:

    • Added wrapper validators for logical operators - @tomquist
    • Added throwing initializer for Validated - @Ben-G upon suggestion of @radex

    Other Changes:

    • Major Refactoring of Validated Type - @dehesa
    • Addition of OSX, tvOS and watchOS targets - @dehesae
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Feb 25, 2016)

Benjamin Encz
Working on Something New. Some OSS (ReSwift, Validated).
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