A job system for Swift backends.



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A minimalistic job system in Swift, for Swift

Table of Contents


Update your Package.swift file.

.package(url: "https://github.com/BrettRToomey/Jobs.git", from: "1.1.1")

Getting started ๐Ÿš€

Creating a new Job is as simple as:

Jobs.add(interval: .seconds(4)) {
    print("๐Ÿ‘‹ I'm printed every 4 seconds!")

Intervals โฒ

The Duration enumeration currently supports .seconds, hours, .days and .weeks.

Jobs.add(interval: .days(5)) {
    print("See you every 5 days.")

Syntax candy ๐Ÿญ

It's possible to create a Duration from an Int and a Double.

10.seconds // `Duration.seconds(10)`
4.hours // `Duration.hours(4)`
2.days // `Duration.days(2)`
3.weeks // `Duration.weeks(3)`

Starting a job ๐ŸŽฌ

By default, Jobs are started automatically, but if you wish to start one yourself, even at a later point in time, just do the following:

let job = Jobs.add(interval: 2.seconds, autoStart: false) {
    print("I wasn't started right away.")

Stopping a job โœ‹

Giving up has never been so easy!


One-off jobs

If you just want to asynchronously run a job, but not repeat it you can use the oneoff functions.

Jobs.oneoff {
    print("Sadly, I'm not a phoenix.")            

How about waiting a little?

Jobs.oneoff(delay: 10.seconds) {
    print("I was delayed by 10 seconds.")

Error handling โŒ

Sometimes jobs can fail, that's okay, we have you covered.

    interval: 10.seconds,
    action: {
        throw Error.someError
    onError: { error in
        print("caught an error: \(error)")
        return RecoverStrategy.default

Retry on failure โญ•๏ธ

By default, jobs will be attempted again after a five second delay. If you wish to override this behavior you must first implement an onError handler and return one of the following RecoveryStrategy cases.

.none //do not retry
.default //retry after 5 seconds
.retry(after: Duration) //retry after specified duration

Here's a small sample:

enum Error: Swift.Error {
  case recoverable
  case abort

    interval: 1.days,
    action: {
    onError: { error in
        switch error {
        //we cannot recover from this
        case .abort:
            //do not retry
            return .none

        //we can recover from this
        case .recoverable:
            //... recovery code

            //try again in 15 seconds
            return .retry(after: 15.seconds)
  • Vapor + Jobs error on multiple JSONs

    Vapor + Jobs error on multiple JSONs

    Hi, I would like to use Jobs, however when I use this:

    dependencies: [
            .Package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor", majorVersion: 1, minor: 2),
            .Package(url: "https://github.com/BrettRToomey/Jobs.git", majorVersion: 0)

    I get this from running vapor xcode

    No Packages folder, fetch may take a while...
    Fetching Dependencies [Failed]
    Error: swift-package: error: multiple modules with the name JSON found
    fix: modules should have a unique name across dependencies

    I know you are using different JSON parser than Vapor, so how can I work around this name duplication?

    opened by syky27 7
  • Can this be the queue package Vapor is missing?

    Can this be the queue package Vapor is missing?

    I just saw this the other day And it's one of the things I talked with tanner & logan about.

    In php we had a queue system https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/queues

    But that was cause how php runs (request based)

    With Vapor we have a runtime so this load can be done on the webservers

    One feature (from doc) which is missing, is just firering a job once as an "async task" this can be useful for low response time apis.

    Is this something this package can do?

    Also thinking even further Moving the load away from webservers to another server (like the laravel queues system) can be very useful. and having it running as a queue with workers is a good way to deal high load.

    Just wanted to open a discussion. If you see this package can be that one day or it should be another package?

    Awesome work btw!

    // Casper

    opened by Casperhr 5
  • Failed to build on Ubuntu 16.04

    Failed to build on Ubuntu 16.04

    Hello! I'm trying to build project with "Jobs" package on my DigitalOcean droplet (Ubuntu 16.04). And I'm getting this errors:

    .build/checkouts/Jobs.git--5850231031452440998/Sources/Jobs.swift:269:5: warning: @discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary static func schedule(

    .build/checkouts/Jobs.git--5850231031452440998/Sources/Jobs.swift:279:12: warning: @discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary public static func schedule(

    .build/checkouts/Jobs.git--5850231031452440998/Sources/Jobs.swift:289:5: warning: @discardableResult declared on a function returning Void is unnecessary static func schedule(

    .build/checkouts/Jobs.git--5850231031452440998/Sources/Shell.swift:8:25: error: use of undeclared type 'Task' typealias Process = Task

    opened by yura-voevodin 4
  • Added support for specifying duration in hours

    Added support for specifying duration in hours

    I often want to dispatch jobs every other hour or similar. Would be nice with support for specifying the intervals/duration in hours.

    Let me know if you need any changes to this.

    opened by ksmandersen 1
  • How to resolve an error: 'seconds' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level?

    How to resolve an error: 'seconds' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level?

    When I try to call

    Jobs.oneoff(delay: 10.seconds) { }

    it shows an error:

    'seconds' is inaccessible due to 'internal' protection level

    How to resolve this?

    opened by joe528 1
  • Disabled JSON

    Disabled JSON

    People are having conflicts with Vapor's definition of JSON and vdka's. I'll just disable the import until JSON is done and I can get one/both of the packages to rename.

    opened by BrettRToomey 1
  • Update for Swift 4.2

    Update for Swift 4.2

    Using isEmpty seemed like the easiest way to retain backwards compatibility. Since this change will require a version change, should I update the README as well or will that be done in a release commit?

    opened by jmousseau 0
  • Recovery system and code cleanup

    Recovery system and code cleanup

    A more user-friendly way of handling errors and recoveries. Users can now run the error through a switch and recover differently based on the severity of the error.

    opened by BrettRToomey 0
  • Cancel a previously created job

    Cancel a previously created job

    Is there a way I can cancel a previous job by name? I want to schedule a job based on a user's input for a specific date, but they have the ability to update the date later on. Therefore I would need to cancel the previous job for that item and add a new one, or update the date of the current job.

    opened by MaherKSantina 0
  • Request: minutes

    Request: minutes

    I often find myself wanting to schedule jobs to run every X minutes. It would be nice to have a .minutes option instead of having to do (X*60).seconds.

    opened by kgn 0
  • Use of unresolved identifier 'Process'

    Use of unresolved identifier 'Process'

    Hi Guys,

    I'm getting an error Use of unresolved identifier 'Process' What this renamed in swift 4? I see that you guys are using swift 4 in some commits but I'm still getting this error.


    opened by cyberdude 1
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