๐Ÿ’ง A server-side Swift HTTP web framework.



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Vapor is an HTTP web framework for Swift. It provides a beautifully expressive and easy-to-use foundation for your next website, API, or cloud project.

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  • Vapor 3 async changes before alpha

    Vapor 3 async changes before alpha

    Discussion topics:

    • Stream notifications for errors
    • Stream close notification
    • Cascading notifications throughout streams (up the stream and/or down the stream)
    • Multiple future types
    • Lightweight versus easy to use futures
    • Timing out promises efficiently
    • Helpers for managing tasks on the event loop

    These topics explained from top to bottom:

    Error stream notifications

    Currently, stream notifications are handled by registering a closure. You can set a closure on the receiving/draining end of the stream, the result. But anywhere else will break the error chain unless explicitly passed on. This also prevents errors from cascading back. An error in TCP will trigger later in the process of handling the HTTP request, but the other way around doesn't work (Database errors cascading to the HTTP layer). That is still a useful feature, for example, for throwing 500 pages by default.

    let requests = socket.stream(to: HTTPParser)
    let responses = request.stream(to: myApp)
    responses.stream(to: socket)
    responses.catch { error in
      print("500 error")
    // At this moment, the socket does not find any errors, nor do the parser serializer

    Stream close notifications

    Closing streams is handled the same way, currently. We should decide if we want to keep that this way.

    // WebSocket.swift
    socket.onClose = {
    // WebSocket+SSL.swift
    socket.onClose = {
    // Chat.swift
    socket.onClose = {

    Cascading notifications

    As discussed in the error stream notification, cascading these errors can interrupt a process causing no additional unnecessary work to be executed. But this must be implemented with care. Interrupting in the middle of a registration form (adding the database entry, sending the email and 2 other ops) can prevent some ops from executing whilst others did execute.

    There should be sensible helpers for that.

    drop.get {
      return database.all(User.self, in: "SELECT * FROM users")
    class ErrorMiddleware: Middleware {
      func handle(request: Request, chainingTo responder: Responder) -> Future<Response> {
        let promise = Promise<Response>()
        return responder.respond(to: request).do(promise.complete).catch {
            promise.complete(Response(status: 500))
        return promise.future

    Multiple future types

    As of right now, futures are really easy to use and sensible. They conform to FutureType allowing extensibility and more (generic) integration. One such example is the conformance of Response to FutureType, effectively making Future(Response(...)) unnecessary bloat.

    Pseudocode Problem

    let users = database.all(User.self, in: "SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 100") // [User].count == 100

    If User is a struct of 10KB, [User] will be copied around 2 times with an overhead. Once to the future, once from the future to the handler. This copies around 2MB of extra data.

    Timing out promises

    Promises can be timed out whilst blocking, currently. But you cannot easily dispatch a task like this without manually interfacing with the DispatchQueue in a worker's eventloop. Having to block for waiting is not sensible, and against the async design. If an HTTP request is waiting for >30 and especially >60 seconds, you're pretty much guaranteed to have timed out. And if any client-side operation done by Vapor (such as calling stripe) times out after X seconds, we shouldn't keep the promise unfulfilled in memory.

    Use case

    // Throws a timeout after 5 seconds of waiting for a result
    return websocket.connect(to: "ws://localhost:8080/").map(timeout: .seconds(5)) { websocket in

    Helpers for managing tasks

    Finally, playing into this last topic. Many people are using websockets or other features that require cron-jobs. Some people may want to send a notification every minute for new chat messages, regardless of circumstances. Or send a ping to the client every 15 seconds to keep the connection open. They're very common use cases and should be covered from the start, especially with async.

    Use case

    websocket.worker.every(.seconds(15)) {
      // keep the connection alive
    opened by Joannis 34
  • Push Notification for iOS and Web

    Push Notification for iOS and Web

    Notification Service Extension is an interesting feature that can send plaintext or rich push notifications to iOS.

    Is it available on Linux and macOS server side beside the pubsub method?

    opened by wildfiremedia 31
  • Server doesn't stop succesfully in CLI after opening WebSocket connections

    Server doesn't stop succesfully in CLI after opening WebSocket connections

    Steps to reproduce

    Create a simple Vapor app that opens WebSocket connections:

    import Vapor
    extension Application {
      func configure(
        onWebSocketOpen: @escaping (WebSocket) -> (),
        onWebSocketClose: @escaping (WebSocket) -> ()
      ) {
        webSocket("watcher") { _, ws in
          ws.onClose.whenComplete { _ in onWebSocketClose(ws) }
    final class Server {
      private struct Lifecycle: LifecycleHandler {
        weak var server: Server?
        /// Closes all active WebSocket connections
        func shutdown(_ app: Application) {
          try! EventLoopFuture<()>.andAllSucceed(
            server?.connections.map { $0.close() } ?? [],
            on: app.eventLoopGroup.next()
          print("shutdown finished")
      private var connections = Set<WebSocket>()
      private let app: Application
      init() throws {
        var env = Environment(name: "development", arguments: ["vapor"])
        try LoggingSystem.bootstrap(from: &env)
        app = Application(env)
          onWebSocketOpen: { [weak self] in
          onWebSocketClose: { [weak self] in
      /// Blocking function that starts the HTTP server
      func run() throws {
        defer { app.shutdown() }
        app.lifecycle.use(Lifecycle(server: self))
        try app.run()
    try Server().run()

    Expected behavior

    When this server app is started from command-line and any WebSocket connections are established, the server process can stopped quickly with Ctrl-C.

    Actual behavior

    The server process can't be stopped quickly with Ctrl-C. It hangs for about 5 seconds or so and then raises the following error:

    shutdown finished
    [ ERROR ] Could not stop HTTP server: Abort.500: Server stop took too long.
    ERROR: Cannot schedule tasks on an EventLoop that has already shut down. This will be upgraded to a forced crash in future SwiftNIO versions.


    These are the details of revelant package dependencies from Package.resolved:

            "package": "vapor",
            "repositoryURL": "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git",
            "state": {
              "branch": null,
              "revision": "88293674e2ea017691c56af20d0938dfff7ece04",
              "version": "4.27.0"
            "package": "websocket-kit",
            "repositoryURL": "https://github.com/vapor/websocket-kit.git",
            "state": {
              "branch": null,
              "revision": "b0736014be634475dac4c23843811257d86dcdc1",
              "version": "2.1.1"
    • Vapor Framework version: 4.27.0, but this was reproducible in versions as old as 4.5.0
    • Vapor Toolbox version: not installed
    • OS version: macOS 10.15.6
    opened by MaxDesiatov 30
  • Make number of threads in app.threadPool configurable

    Make number of threads in app.threadPool configurable

    The Vapor 4.0 documentation of "Async" suggest to run any blocking work in the background, such that several clients won't block each other. I've set up a new project from scratch and registered two routes:

    app.get("hello-again") { req -> String in
        print("hello-again requested")
        return "Hello, world, again!"
    app.get("hello") { req -> EventLoopFuture<String> in
        print("hello requested")
        let promise = req.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
        req.application.threadPool.submit { _ in
            print("(did some work)")
        return promise.futureResult.transform(to: "Hello, world!")

    If I request GET/hello and immediately GET/hello-again, GET/hello-again is served directly as expected. But if I request GET/hello and than immediately a second GET/hello, the second request waits for the first one to complete. Thus, the output in my console is:

    [ INFO ] GET /hello
    hello requested
    (did some work)
    [ INFO ] GET /hello
    hello requested
    (did some work)

    But from the documentation I would have rather expected:

    [ INFO ] GET /hello
    hello requested
    [ INFO ] GET /hello
    hello requested
    (did some work)
    (did some work)

    What am I missing?

    opened by devnikkin 30
  • Resource temporarily unavailable after 30 seconds

    Resource temporarily unavailable after 30 seconds

    Another socket issue that occurs after 30 seconds. It happens on Ubuntu 16.04 with Swift 3.0.1 and Vapor 1.1.10 on an EC2 instance running behind an Elastic Load Balancer:

    Server error: dispatch(Transport.StreamError.receive("There was a problem while receiving data.", Socket failed with code 11 ("Resource temporarily unavailable") [readFailed] "Unknown error"))

    Is it important or can we silence that error, too?

    opened by skreutzberger 29
  • Injecting dependencies into ResourceControllers

    Injecting dependencies into ResourceControllers

    How am I supposed to do this? Vapor requires me to register a type as a controller, not an object. The Controller protocol dictates this type should have a default initializer. Vapor then uses this initializer to create an object right before it calls one of the index, store, ... methods on it. This means I can't inject anything into the object because I can't initialize it.

    Wouldn't it be better to register an object as a controller, instead of a type? That's the way Blackfish does it, meaning I can inject my dependencies (model) via the initializer as follows (Blackfish code):

    app.use(path: "/api/students", controller: StudentsApiController(model: model))
    opened by svanimpe 29
  • Couldn't install vapor with homebrew

    Couldn't install vapor with homebrew "libssl.1.0.0.dylib not loaded"

    Steps to reproduce

    Tried installing vapor with homebrew with the official docs. Running all commands in zsh:

    brew tap vapor/tap
    brew install vapor/tap/vapor
    vapor --help

    Expected behavior

    vapor --help running properly without errors

    Actual behavior

    Screenshot 2019-11-24 at 01 09 41


    • Vapor Framework version:
    • Vapor Toolbox version: /usr/local/Cellar/vapor/3.1.10
    • OS version: MacOS 10.14.6
    opened by lil5 28
  • Xcode - no such module Vapor

    Xcode - no such module Vapor

    Hello, when I was trying to set up a small a vapor project I ran into an issue with the xcode project that gets created. I ran vapor new dragons, cd dragons, vapor xcode. When the xcode project opened up, I added a new file "Battles.swift" to the models folder, and edited the main.swift file to code in the image below. When I tried to build the app via xcode, I got this error "No such module 'Vapor'. " However, I was still able to build and run the vapor project via the command line. Not quite sure what the problem is. It might just be my machine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    opened by shayneptorres 25
  • tls server

    tls server

    • Vapor Version: 2.0
    • OS: macOS Sierra
    • OS Version: 10.12.6
    • Vapor Toolbox Version: 2.0.4

    the ServerSocket.swift in TLS module the function accept()->Self return self i changed it like this at the end of the function

        let c = InternetSocket(client, context)
        c.cSSL = ssl
        return c

    but then server always report error like this

    Server error: dispatch(Transport Layer Security Error: Undefined error: 0
    Identifier: TLS.TLSError.SSL_read (0))
    GET /info
    Server error: dispatch(Transport Layer Security Error: The operation did not complete; the same TLS/SSL I/O function should be called again later.
    Identifier: TLS.TLSError.SSL_read (-1))

    so it can't keep connect alive

    opened by vcxk 21
  • localization


    I18n support


    I don't think this feature needs an introduction actually; all of us know what internationalization is and why it's important for Vapor to support it. Anyway, in case this paragraph is mandatory: Vapor needs to support internationalization in order to become the greatest Swift based web framework. ๐Ÿ˜„


    One of the key features of every professional web framework is the I18n support. Right now Vapor lacks this feature and I think adding this we can make Vapor to be one step closer to the level of others web frameworks around the web.

    Proposed solution

    I believe the best place for the dictionaries is under the Resources/Locales folder. The structure to be used to separate each language is quite simple: a folder with the language code (es, en, jp, etc.) and as much files as the developer wants to organise its dictionaries under those folders.

    As Vapor has JSON format config files already, I propose to use this file format to store the dictionaries, so we can read them natively.

    An I18n class is going to take care about locales and site language switching.

    Code snippets

    I propose the static func t(_: String) method to do the translation of the key passed as argument.


    As you can see it's quite straightforward. That method just search for the key in the corresponding locale folder.

    The static func changeLanguage(_: String) method will change the current selected locale to the language code passed as parameter in the call.



    As I18n class is quite atomic I don't expect any impact to Vapor applications.

    Alternatives considered

    I think about using yaml instead json due to the vast use of yaml format in web frameworks but json is natively supported by Swift so Vapor get less dependencies to third party libraries this way.

    Decision (For Moderator Use)

    On May 26th, 2016, the community decided to approve this proposal.

    opened by kerunaru 21
  • improve git functionality for `vapor new`

    improve git functionality for `vapor new`

    Currently every project created with vapor new is based on the vapor example project. That results in boilerplate code which is more suitable for demonstration purposes than actual starting ground for new projects. In example the mustache example functionality and dependency likely is going to be removed every time.

    The solution would be to introduce the example argument for the vapor command line application, which creates an new project based on the example. In parallel the new argument will be modified to create a barebone project with just the minimal content necessary to get going (requires a new repository as a source). In addition there is an option (argument --template, other suggestions welcome) to specify the repository to use as the template for creating a new project.

    This enables new starting points when creating new projects.


    vapor new Vaporizer

    Creates a new project in the Vaporizer directory based on the minimal, default project template. Invokes dependency installation and build automatically (vapor build).

    vapor new Vaporizer --template=https://github.com/alomvar/vapor-blog-template

    Creates a new project in the Vaporizer directory based on the provided project template (a Git repository). Invokes dependency installation and build automatically (vapor build).

    vapor example

    Creates a new project in VaporExample based on the official Vapor example project. Invokes dependency installation and build automatically (vapor build) and runs it afterwards.

    opened by peterthomashorn 21
  • `HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader` error not returned to client

    `HTTPServerProtocolUpgrader` error not returned to client

    Describe the bug

    The WebSocket routeโ€™s shouldUpgrade closure can throw an error. The closure can also return nil, which would cause NIOWebSocketServerUpgrader to throw NIOWebSocketUpgradeError.unsupportedWebSocketTarget.

    The error is logged by the catch-all HTTPServerErrorHandler channel handler. However, there is no response sent to the client.

    To Reproduce

    routes.webSocket { request in
       throw Abort(.badRequest)
    } onUpgrade: { (request, webSocket) in


    routes.webSocket { request in
       return nil
    } onUpgrade: { (request, webSocket) in

    Expected behavior

    An appropriate HTTP response should be returned to the client. Perhaps we could even reuse ErrorMiddleware to generate the response.


    • Vapor Framework version: 4.67.5
    • Vapor Toolbox version: 18.6.0
    • OS version: macOS 12.6.2
    opened by fumoboy007 0
  • Crash during upload

    Crash during upload

    Describe the bug

    When i try to upload a file . Server Crash . Please see attached screenshot

    This issue may be related to https://github.com/vapor/multipart-kit/issues/86

    To Reproduce

    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Upload a file larger than 1 mb


    • Vapor Framework version: 4.67.0
    • Vapor Toolbox version:
    • OS version: Mac Mini M1 (Ventura 13.0) Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 6 29 51 PM Screenshot 2022-12-03 at 6 30 02 PM

    Additional context

    Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by varungakhar 2
  • Response.Body(stream:) is not async/await ready

    Response.Body(stream:) is not async/await ready

    Describe the bug

    Vapor has the option for chunk streaming of the body.

    Response(body: .init(stream: { writer in

    People may want to use async functions to get the results which they will write in the response Because this function doesn't accept async code, it needs to be wrapped inside Task. But for writing buffer Vapor uses writeAndFlush function from NIO. This function calls eventLoop.assertInEventLoop and it asserts self.inEventLoop This returns true if the current NIOThread is the same as the NIOThread that is tied to this EventLoop. Although code builds successfully, at runtime it crashes through Task thread and event loop thread are different

    opened by Higher08 0
  • Add mocked client + subclass of XCTestCase

    Add mocked client + subclass of XCTestCase

    I have created a spy client, in order to stub the response and also being able to verify the request.

    To reduce boilerplate code, I created a XCTVaporTestCase. You don't need to configure the application every time. And tearing it down. All is being handled by XCTVaporTestCase.

    You just simply do this:

    final class ExampleTests: XCTVaporTestCase {
         func test_example() throws {
               try client.stubResponse(httpStatus: .ok)
    opened by Kithin 9
  • WebSocket Connects Before Server Can Configure It?

    WebSocket Connects Before Server Can Configure It?

    Bug Description

    I'm probably holding it wrong: It seems a server can not configure a new WebSocket before Vapor establishes the WebSocket connection. This means the client requesting the connection receives it before the server even had a chance to configure the WebSocket, i.e. before the WebSocket even has its input handler set.

    This has led to a flaky and hard to find (infuriating) bug, where the client's first sent data sometimes got totally lost because it arrived 15 milliseconds too early. My preliminary workaround is to let the client wait 100 ms to increase the probability that the server has its stuff together when the client actually uses the WebSocket connection.

    To Reproduce

    Establish a WebSocket connection between client and server and let the client send data immediately after its successful WebSocket request.

    Server side:

    myRouteBuilder.webSocket("websocket") { request in
    } onUpgrade: { request, newWebsocket in
        // ๐Ÿข Too late. Vapor has already established the connection, so the client has already sent data.
        newWebsocket.onBinary { ws, bufferedBytesFromWebSocket in
            // do somethin with the incoming data

    The workaround in the client, where it waits before sending the first data:

    let server = try await createServer(forLanguageNamed: codebase.languageName)
    try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 100_000_000)
    _ = try await server.request(.initialize(folder: codebase.folder))

    Expected behavior

    I expect to be able to configure the WebSocket before it is offered to the client. Either onUpgrade would be called before the connection is finally established with the client, or there would be some other means to get a hold of the WebSocket โ€“ ideally even before deciding on whether to upgrade the connection, because that decision can depend on whether the WebSocket can even be configured. I honestly (naively) would expect that in shouldUpgrade I can create and return the WebSocket that is then passed to onUpgrade.

    Also, I would expect the documentation of Vapor WebSockets to reflect the current implementation โ€“ for example changes made in April 2021 and in October 2020.


    • macOS 13.1
    • Xcode 14.2
    • Vapor 4.67.5
    • The client uses URLSessionWebSocketTask
    opened by flowtoolz 3
  • HTTPServerErrorHandler: Improve Error Handling for HTTPParserError

    HTTPServerErrorHandler: Improve Error Handling for HTTPParserError

    Invalid HTTP previously just closed the connection, but did not actually handle the errors.

    This PR uses an adapted version of https://github.com/apple/swift-nio/blob/main/Sources/NIOHTTP1/HTTPServerProtocolErrorHandler.swift to properly catch exceptions if they occur.

    Closes: https://github.com/vapor/vapor/issues/2921

    opened by fred-sch 1
  • 4.68.0(Jan 6, 2023)

    This patch was authored by @sevki and released by @0xTim.

    Enable back deployment of Vapor's concurrency APIs on older Apple platforms.

    This also drops support for Swift versions < 5.5.2 to match SwiftNIO

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.67.5(Dec 16, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @Joannis and released by @0xTim.

    Fixes a bug where a streaming body from a request was not processing a chunk, causing the request to stall. This happened when a handler was being set at the exact moment a chunk was being processed, causing the chunk to be added to a now irrelevant array that was just processed while switching to a streaming callback.

    See #2906

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.67.4(Nov 17, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @Joannis.

    Fixes a bug where an Array of Dates wouldn't be encoded or decoded when using URL encoding.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.67.3(Nov 15, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @0xTim.

    Fixes a bug where abandoned requests mean that the stream callback is never invoked. This happens when a client sends a request, the server starts processing it but hasn't constructed the Response and then the client closes early. The response is discarded, as is the stream callback so it never gets invoked. This fixes that issue

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 4.67.2(Nov 9, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @michal-tomlein and released by @0xTim.

    The generator parameter in Array.random(count:using:) was unused in what appears to be a copy-paste error. This change passes it down to FixedWidthInteger.random(using:), which was the original intention.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.67.1(Nov 3, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @patrick-zippenfenig and released by @0xTim.

    Expire and Last-Modified header were encoding the hour part in 12h format (hh) instead of 24h format (HH). This results in timestamps being 12 hours off for all afternoon hours. This fixes the format used to follow the spec correctly and adds tests to ensure no regressions.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 4.67.0(Nov 3, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @mcritz and released by @0xTim.

    This PR wraps Request.Body.drain() as a modern Swift AsyncSequence<ByteBuffer, Error>.

    This is useful to stream bytes from request rather than collecting them in memory. Example: A route could handle a multigigbyte file upload like this:

    do {
        let nioFileHandle = try NIOFileHandle(path: filePath, mode: .write)
        var offset: Int64 = 0
        for try await bytes in req.body {
            try await req.application.fileio.write(fileHandle: nioFileHandle,
                                                   toOffset: offset,
                                                   buffer: bytes,
                                                   eventLoop: req.eventLoop).get()
            offset += Int64(bytes.readableBytes)
            try nioFileHandle.close()
    } catch {
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.66.1(Oct 13, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @MahdiBM and released by @0xTim.

    Lock has recently been deprecated in favor of NIOLock.


    All Locks have been renamed to NIOLock.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.66.0(Oct 13, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @Joannis and released by @0xTim.

    If a third-party library or user defined code crashed a Vapor app, the Vapor Application deinit will crash the app before the real issue pops up. This leads to frustrating debug sessions

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.65.2(Sep 14, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @rkreutz and released by @gwynne.

    We can update application.storage from within HTTPServer, this way we can keep any changes that happen to the configuration internally up-to-date with the application storage.

    This possibly has the least changes and less surface of potential flaws, since we are only adding an extra param and working on top of it. However, now we are setting the application storage from within HTTPServer, there is no issue with that, is just that now we have 2 places changing the storage for the config.

    Resolves #2755

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.65.1(Aug 18, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @grahamburgsma and released by @0xTim.

    Add missing protocol ExpressibleByStringLiteral to HTTPHeaders.Name. The implementation init(stringLiteral:) was there, but the actual protocol was missing.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.65.0(Aug 4, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @Lukasa and released by @0xTim.


    When using NIOSSL it is sometimes necessary to completely take over the certificate verification logic. NIOSSL exposes a callback for this, but it's currently hidden from Vapor users. We should let them get access to this callback.


    • Added the callback to the HTTPServer configuration struct.
    • Plumbed the callback through.
    • Added some invalid test certs to the resources for the tests.
    • Added a test to confirm the override functions correctly.


    Users can override client cert validation.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.64.0(Jul 25, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @K1NXZ and released by @0xTim.

    Validate a regular expression pattern


    struct TestContent: Codable, Validatable {
        static func validations(_ validations: inout Validations) {
            validations.add("numbersOnly", as: String.self, is: .pattern("^[0-9]*$"))
        let numbersOnly: String
        init(numbersOnly: String) {
            self.numbersOnly = numbersOnly
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.63.0(Jul 21, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @gwynne.

    The new subscript simplifies "provider" implementations that extend Application and use its Storage instance without complex initialization requirements:

    extension Application {
        public struct Foo {
            final class Storage { /* content which needs no special initialization */ }
            struct Key: StorageKey { typealias Value = Storage }
            let application: Application
            // Before:
            var storage: Storage {
                if self.application.storage[Key.self] == nil { self.initialize() }
                return self.application.storage[Key.self]!
            func initialize() { self.application.storage[Key.self] = .init() }
            // After:
            var storage: Storage { self.application.storage[Key.self, default: .init()] }
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.62.2(Jul 20, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @BasPeter and released by @0xTim.
    • Required parameter in add(each) now taken into account for validation
    • Add tests for required false test case
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.62.1(Jul 4, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @0xTim.

    This is a workaround for #2742. This ensures the request body is available in the middleware rather than it failing silently.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.62.0(Jun 15, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @josercc and released by @0xTim.

    Conform Bool to Content to allow Bool types to be returned to the top level

    app.get("isOK") { req in
        return true
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.61.1(Jun 6, 2022)

    โš ๏ธ Security Update โš ๏ธ

    This release fixes an issue where the URLEncodedFormDecoder was vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack. Largely nested data would cause a stack overflow crash. We recommend upgrading to this release as soon as possible. For more details see the security advisory GHSA-qvxg-wjxc-r4gg.

    This has been designated as CVE-2022-31019

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.61.0(Jun 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fix issue with tail content-range headers by @BennyDeBock in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2840
    • Clean up use of C targets in Vapor by @gwynne in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2832
    • Update depencendy as it's now required by @0xTim in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2842
    • Expose Response's Upgrader field by @GNMoseke in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2817
    • Support for peerAddress on Request by @paunik in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2822

    New Contributors

    • @GNMoseke made their first contribution in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2817
    • @paunik made their first contribution in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2822

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/vapor/vapor/compare/4.60.3...4.61.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.60.3(May 31, 2022)

    โš ๏ธ Security Update โš ๏ธ

    This release fixes an issue where the FileMiddleware was vulnerable to a Denial of Service attack. Invalid range headers could cause the application to crash. If using FileMiddleware we recommend upgrading to this release as soon as possible. For more details see the security advisory GHSA-vj2m-9f5j-mpr5.

    This has been designated as CVE-2022-31005

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.60.2(May 26, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @BennyDeBock and released by @0xTim.

    Fix the byte count calculation in FileIO when handling a range.

    Resolves #2834

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.60.1(May 23, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @BennyDeBock.

    Adds a reason to the Abort statement as well as adding a log statement for debugging

    closes #2720

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.60.0(May 20, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Add international email validator by @BennyDeBock in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2829
    • Add flag to enable/disable metrics by @valerianb in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2827
    • Update AHC version which allows us to enable missing tests by @0xTim in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2814
    • Expose the Channel's ByteBufferAllocator in Request and Response by @0xTim in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2595

    New Contributors

    • @valerianb made their first contribution in https://github.com/vapor/vapor/pull/2827

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/vapor/vapor/compare/4.59.1...4.60.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.59.1(May 17, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @BennyDeBock.

    Correctly handle the filename* ContentDisposition header to be compliant with RFC-5987 as described in RFC 6266. This allows handling of unicode and other format characters in filenames.

    Resolves https://github.com/vapor/vapor/issues/2802

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 4.59.0(May 16, 2022)

  • 4.58.0(May 13, 2022)

    This patch was authored and released by @BennyDeBock.

    closes #2659

    Adds a function called delete to remove a cached value. I wasn't able to override the method with ExpressableByNilLiteral? instead of T? without making breaking changes

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.57.1(May 12, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @MaxDesiatov and released by @0xTim.

    According to MDN, .mjs is an extension that JavaScript files with support for EcmaScript Module system can use. The lack of this extension in the mapping causes some browsers to throw 'text/plain' is not a valid JavaScript MIME type. error.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 4.57.0(Apr 17, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @AndreYonadam and released by @0xTim.

    This adds the ability to perform asynchronous work in the beforeRequest and afterResponse closures in XCTVapor.


    try await app.test(.GET, "/hello", beforeRequest: { req async throws in
      let currentUsersCount = try await User.query(on: app.db).count()
    }, afterResponse: { res async throws in
      let newUsersCount = try await User.query(on: app.db).count()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.56.0(Apr 15, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @AndreYonadam and released by @0xTim.

    This adds support for custom failure descriptions when running validations. This allows you to customise the any unreadable keys and allows you to provide localized failure descriptions for each Validation.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.55.4(Apr 9, 2022)

    This patch was authored by @SusanDoggie and released by @0xTim.

    Fix a compilation error in the latest Swift nightlies due to using String.lazy.split(separator:), which is not needed

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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