A Swift implementation of a Flickr-search application that uses MVVM and ReactiveCocoa


ReactiveCocoa, Swift and MVVM

This application is a Swift-port of an MVVM / ReactiveCocoa example application I wrote a few months ago.



This project uses a combination of both CocoaPods and git submodules. The reason for this is that the current version of ReactiveCocoa is not compatible with Swift, as detailed in this blog post.

This project uses CocoaPods, therefore to get started you must first install the dependencies:

pod install

Open the workspace in Xcode, and select the ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch target, build and run.

  • Updates to work with Swift 1.2 / Xcode 6.3

    Updates to work with Swift 1.2 / Xcode 6.3

    Hey Colin – Thanks for the sample code! I made some (albeit quick/naive) changes to fix the build breakage caused by Swift 1.2 Xcode 6.3. Let me know if anything's not right.

    opened by patr1ck 2
  • 'RACSignal' does not have a member named 'NOT

    'RACSignal' does not have a member named 'NOT"

    used the latest sdwebimage and ReactiveCocoa pods, now I get an error in FlickrSearchViewController.swift, which says ''RACSignal' does not have a member named 'NOT".

    this happens on line: viewModel.executeSearch.executing.NOT() ~> RAC(loadingIndicator, "hidden")

    any idea what's wrong?

    opened by alexwald 2
  • correct typo in ViewModelServices

    correct typo in ViewModelServices

    I learned a lot from this project! Thanks!

    this pull request changes the spelling of "ViewMolde" to "ViewModel" in ViewModelServices.swift.

    opened by frankctan 1
  • ReactiveCocoa.h not found in BridgingHeader file

    ReactiveCocoa.h not found in BridgingHeader file

    Hey Colin, thanks for this example project! But unfortunately I cannot get it to run.

    What I have done:

    git clone https://github.com/ColinEberhardt/ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch.git
    cd ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

    vim Podfile, change pod 'SDWebImage' to '3.7.1' as instructed per https://github.com/ColinEberhardt/ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch/issues/1

    pod install
    open ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch.xcworkspace

    Change target to ReactiveSwiftFlickrSearch cmd + B (Build)

    Error in BridgingHeader.h "ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.h file not found" Since that file is located here: ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoaFramework/ReactiveCocoa/ReactiveCocoa.h I tried changing the import line to that path but that didn't work.

    I have tried adding the ReactiveCocoa framework as a target dependency to the Flickr project, in Build Phases but to no avail. In Build phases then I pressed the topmost left plus button, chose "New Copy Files Phase", chose "Framework" as "Destination" and pressed the plus button i the bottom and chose ReactiveCocoa.framework and tried building, but to no avail.

    What am I doing wrong?

    I would very much like to get this project working!

    Thank you very much for any help!

    opened by Sajjon 1
  • SDWebImage compile error

    SDWebImage compile error

    Love this project, thanks. Now, SDWebImage 3.6 produces a compile error. https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/736 Updating Podfile to pod 'SDWebImage', '3.7.1' solves issue.

    opened by mmtootmm 1
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 0
  • Update to the latest CocoaPods version (1.0.1).

    Update to the latest CocoaPods version (1.0.1).

    With the latest installed version of CocoaPods (1.0.1) pod install command fails with an error. The reason is that now you have to define Xcode target name in a Podfile. This commit adds the target name and updates CocoaPods version in the Podfile.lock.

    opened by artemsmikh 0
  • Diffs/animations, and multiple sections

    Diffs/animations, and multiple sections

    I love the concepts behind this library and I actually built my own for dealing with UICollectionView in a reactive manner.

    There's a couple of challenges/problems I've come across, some that this library faces too.

    • Multiple Sections

    This one isn't really a problem, I solved it by making my initializer look like:

    init(collectionView: UICollectionView, dataSignal: SignalProducer<[[T]], NoError>, supplementarySignal: SignalProducer<[String: [T]], NoError>?) { }

    where the data signal is an array of arrays to represent multiple sections. I'm not sure that there is a better way to do it.

    • Diffs

    Every time the data signal changes, the table view reloads all it's data. But what about, instead of using AnyObject, use generic parameters that conform to Equatable so you can produce diffs of the previous and current data arrays?

    This becomes really tricky when dealing with multiple sections because it's hard to produce a diff on multi-dimensional arrays, especially in a reactive way. Right now, I'm using Dwift to produce the diffs but the closest I can come right now is calculating the diffs as a side-effect:

            self.data.producer.observeOn(UIScheduler()).throttle(0.1, onScheduler: QueueScheduler.mainQueueScheduler).on(next: { [unowned self] in
                guard let collectionView = self.collectionView else { return }
                for (index, element) in $0.enumerate() {
                    if index == self.diffCalculators.count {
                        let calculator = CollectionViewDiffCalculator<T>(collectionView: collectionView, initialRows: element)
                        calculator.sectionIndex = index
                    } else {
                        let calculator = self.diffCalculators[index]
                        calculator.rows = element

    @ColinEberhardt would you have any suggestions on how to improve upon that?

    opened by thebarndog 0
Colin Eberhardt
Hi - I'm Colin.
Colin Eberhardt
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