About the app
iOS project realized with Swift, UIkit, Anchorage, Clean Architecture, UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource and MVVM + Coordinators patterns.
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The app is built with Clean Architecture and use the MVVM pattern for the presentation layer.
The app also use the Coordinators pattern to handle the navigation between controllers.
A Main Container resolves the DI between Data sources, Repositories and UseCases.
The app implements the flow (View + ViewController + ViewModel) -> UseCase -> Repository -> DataSource.
The ViewModel informs the view-controller using a state.
The app use the library Anchorage to improve and fasts the UI build process.
Folder Structure
- App (AppDelegate and LaunchScreen)
- Data (network manager)
- Core (main container and helper/common classes)
- Domain (entities models, data models, usecases and repositories)
- Views (viewmodels, viewcontrollers, views and assemblers)
- Navigation (coordinators)