Dyci-main - Dynamic Code Injection Tool for Objective-C


# DyCI – Dynamic Code Injection

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/DyCI/dyci-main Carthage compatible

This tool allows you to inject code into running iOS application, without restarting it.

  1. DyCI is not about loading new code in application.
  2. DyCI is about speeding up development.
  3. Each time, you are using DyCI, it saves you time.


Uninstall DyCI before updating Xcode. If you don't you may need to reinstall xcode. We're currenlty working on this issue... If you've already expirienced this issue - remove and reinstall Xcode.


1. Install on machine

This is done once per machine. See details on installation page.

2. Add to your project

DyCI needs to integrate with the project as well. If you are using CocoaPods you can add this to your podfile

pod 'dyci', :git => 'https://github.com/DyCI/dyci-main.git'

If you prefer a manual approach you can read about it in the wiki.

Reasons, why do you need this tool

  • apply small logic changes in no time
  • when working with UI and animations you can see the results immediately
  • It's good for debugging purposes. Remember, you can inject any code at runtime, add log statements etc.

Compared to other tools

  • You need minimum moves to enable dyci
  • You aren't writing some kind of script, you are writing your code!
  • You don't need to prepare/modify/lock your code for dyci
  • Your changes are always saved (they will not be discarded on next run)

How it works

You can read all about it in the How it works wiki.


ic-Tac-Toe game

Tic-Tac-Toe Game recreation


  • There's an interactive demo in the workspace found in the Dynamic Code Injection folder.
  • Krzysztof Zabłocki created KZPlayground.


Please, do not use this tool in your real applications, that you will publish to the App Store. DyCI won't work on devices by default, by purpose. Dynamic code injection is good for development, but it will leave huge security hole if you put it in your application.


Please open any issue, but be sure to read the FAQ before you do:-)

Other Tools

There's few other tools those works kind'a the same, so if you don't like dyci - you can try those


Taykalo Paul, ptaykalo@stanfy.com.ua
Find me on twitter.

  • Xcode 8 support ?

    Xcode 8 support ?

    I ran a sample project from unsigned Xcode 8 installed with DyCI plugin. After injecting source, the console mentions injection is successful but I do not see any change on simulator. The operation done was simply changing background color of a Single Page app. Please let know if I am missing anything.

    opened by kaustubhkabra 15
  • Failing to compile/inject if path contains non-ascii-symbols

    Failing to compile/inject if path contains non-ascii-symbols

    dyci-main installation sucess,but ,i have got this message when i building the project:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang", line 22, in filename = indexFileLocation + hashlib.md5(className).hexdigest() TypeError: Unicode-objects must be encoded before hashing Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/clang failed with exit code 1

    opened by LengBinBin 13
  • inject for code only work for the files in pods directory when working with workspace with several projects

    inject for code only work for the files in pods directory when working with workspace with several projects

    Using with dyci, I found a strange problem:when working with cocoapods, inject code(^X) can only work for the third party files in pods folders, but not work for the files in the project folders(always pop up 'Failed to inject code, Couldn't load index file' hint)

    My pod file is like the following:

    workspace 'space.xcworkspace'

    target 'Base' do xcodeproj 'project1.xcodeproj' platform :ios, '5.0' pod 'dyci', :git => 'https://github.com/DyCI/dyci-main.git' pod 'MBProgressHUD' end

    target 'Case' do xcodeproj 'project2.xcodeproj' platform :ios, '5.0' pod 'MagicalRecord' pod 'dyci', :git => 'https://github.com/DyCI/dyci-main.git' end

    opened by allentofight 13
  • dyci failing on Xcode 7.1

    dyci failing on Xcode 7.1

    I use dyci via KZPlaygrounds for AudioKit's playgrounds (http://audiokit.io/playgrounds/) and recently I've been getting this error on Xcode 7.1. Can someone point me in the right direction to tracking down the problem?

    Failed (1) Playground: Recompiled AudioKitPlayground/AudioKitPlayground/Playground.m Executing: /usr/bin/python /Users/aure/.dyci/scripts/dyci-recompile.py /Users/aure/Developer/AudioKit/Playgrounds/AudioKitPlayground/AudioKitPlayground/Playground.m

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/aure/.dyci/scripts/dyci-recompile.py", line 177, in runAndFailOnError(compileString) File "/Users/aure/.dyci/scripts/dyci-recompile.py", line 19, in runAndFailOnError stderr=subprocess.PIPE) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 710, in init errread, errwrite) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py", line 1335, in _execute_child raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

    Failed (1) Playground: Recompiled AudioKitPlayground/AudioKitPlayground/Playground.m

    opened by aure 12
  • Getting failed to inject code issue

    Getting failed to inject code issue

    Getting Red dote with

    Couldn't load index file '/Users/paritoshraval/.dyci/index/e6130ba5ea97b4e47a5751c29c67eaaa' (/Users/paritoshraval/Desktop/Old Desktop/Old Code/Codes1/MyTest123/MyTest123/ViewController.m). Use default compilation instead

    I am using subproject and clean , successfully compile it. but even getting issue.I am using xcode 6.3

    Please help.

    opened by paritoshraval100 11
  • Problems with integration.

    Problems with integration.

    I had add dyci to my project via cocoa pods. After few hours I get such message:

    2012-11-26 23:39:23.034 Runtime test[28859:c07]
    2012-11-26 23:39:23.036 Runtime test[28859:c07] ================================================= 2012-11-26 23:39:23.037 Runtime test[28859:c07] Found new DCI ... Loading 2012-11-26 23:39:23.069 Runtime test[28859:c07] DCI was successfully loaded 2012-11-26 23:39:23.069 Runtime test[28859:c07] Searching classes to inject 2012-11-26 23:39:23.075 Runtime test[28859:c07] Injecting class : ARViewController 2012-11-26 23:39:23.076 Runtime test[28859:c07] Injecting meta class : ARViewController 2012-11-26 23:39:23.076 Runtime test[28859:c07] Class (ARViewController) and their subclasses instances would be notified with 2012-11-26 23:39:23.076 Runtime test[28859:c07] - (void)updateOnClassInjection 2012-11-26 23:39:23.077 Runtime test[28859:c07] Class was successfully injected 2012-11-26 23:39:23.077 Runtime test[28859:c07]

    But nothing had changed on my screen. After ^x combination. Could you explain why it could be so.

    opened by Samback 11
  • Failed to inject Xib files

    Failed to inject Xib files

    I can inject .m files,but I can's inject .xib files.The following is the error information.How to fix it?

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/guangxikatsurahayashishouzanku/.dyci/scripts/dyci-recompile.py", line 125, in resultCode = copyResource(xibFilename, DYCI_ROOT_DIR) File "/Users/guangxikatsurahayashishouzanku/.dyci/scripts/dyci-recompile.py", line 82, in copyResource shutil.copy(source, bundlePath) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 119, in copy copyfile(src, dst) File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/shutil.py", line 83, in copyfile with open(dst, 'wb') as fdst: IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/Users/guangxikatsurahayashishouzanku/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/59909BFB-FD4C-412F-B04F-79C1A396F7DB/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/49287987-1933-40D8-8433-79F54AD402A8/test-40-AutoLayout.app/Demo1ViewController.nib'

    opened by qq237761250 10
  • Carthage support

    Carthage support

    Added support for adding dyci as a dependency using Carthage. Right now you can add dyci to your Cartfile using this line:

    git "git@github.com:olegam/dyci-main.git" "master"
    opened by olegam 9
  • DYCI directory path is invalid.

    DYCI directory path is invalid.

    I am getting this message, but Ctrl+X not working for me. Directory path has (null) instead of my username.

    2014-10-31 16:44:09.073 MyApp[7479:293707] DYCI directory path is : /Users/(null)/.dyci/ 2014-10-31 16:44:09.080 MyApp[7479:293707] ============================================ 2014-10-31 16:44:09.080 MyApp[7479:293707] DYCI : Dynamic Code Injection was started... 2014-10-31 16:44:09.080 MyApp[7479:293707] To disable it, paste next line in your application:didFinishLaunching: method :

    [NSClassFromString(@"SFDynamicCodeInjection") performSelector:@selector(disable)];

    2014-10-31 16:44:09.080 MyApp[7479:293707] or 2014-10-31 16:44:09.080 MyApp[7479:293707] Simply remove dyci from dependencies

    opened by friendtam 9
  • Autosave on CTRL + X ?

    Autosave on CTRL + X ?

    Hi, fantastic job, really !

    It's there a way to auto save when pressing CTRL + X ? It's not easy to CMD+S and CTRL +X each time, or i have a problem with my installation ?


    enhancement vote more 
    opened by skrew 8
  • not work in ios7

    not work in ios7

    i run it on ios6 simulator it works,but in ios7 ,i can't go into the viewController view,just in a blackColor state~ but when i remove the dyci framework in build phases and rerun xcode i can go into the view controller view ,。it seems that the dyci.framework is not work in iOS 7

    example project is needed 
    opened by jonz-tech 8
  • Symbol not found expected in flat namespace

    Symbol not found expected in flat namespace

    I try to use DyCI in my project, but when i press ctrl + =, error happened. After searching on google, i still can not find what is the problem. Here is the error message:

    2016-08-17 11:31:05.744 beiliao[7207:815699] Couldn't load file Error : dlopen(/Users/huangzeyu/.dyci/dyci4239950.dylib, 10): Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_BLAccountRestartRequest Referenced from: /Users/huangzeyu/.dyci/dyci4239950.dylib Expected in: flat namespace in /Users/huangzeyu/.dyci/dyci4239950.dylib

    does anyone get any idea?

    opened by iosanimations 11
  • No recompiler found to handle this file(xxx)

    No recompiler found to handle this file(xxx)

    When I run control+x in my project,i get back this error message: No recompiler found to handle this file(xxx).i don't know why will get this error message. Please help me to solve this problem.thanks

    opened by Sniper-yj 0
  • Couldn't load file Error

    Couldn't load file Error

    Couldn't load file Error : dlopen(/Users/phil/.dyci/dyci2931960.dylib, 10): Symbol not found: _llvm_gcda_emit_arcs Referenced from: /Users/phil/.dyci/dyci2931960.dylib Expected in: flat namespace in /Users/phil/.dyci/dyci2931960.dylib

    opened by cdoky 1
  • Retain class observers

    Retain class observers

    Observers are referenced as __unsafe_unretained, but sometimes observers released, leading to crash on notification. Fix this by retaining observers.

    Other approach may be keeping week references to observers, but i've took simple way :)

    example project is needed 
    opened by zintus 6
  • Separate DYCI to tool-projects

    Separate DYCI to tool-projects

    Now there are next projects, coupled within one

    • Installation Scripts
    • Python based Clang Proxy and Recompiler scripts (Command-line plugin)
    • AppCode Plugin
    • Xcode Plugin

    It will make sense to distribute them to different repositories since work on them can be parallelized

    opened by PaulTaykalo 0
  • There should be way to recompile files without clang proxying (No IDE)

    There should be way to recompile files without clang proxying (No IDE)

    For now there's only way to find how the file was compiled - is to use clang proxying scheme. There' should be way to do it without proxying, like in #87 for Xcode

    opened by PaulTaykalo 0
  • 1.6(May 28, 2015)

    Hi guys there's some features were added to DYCI

    Some bugs were fixed, and some weren't:) there's not so much time I can spend on upgrading DYCI, but.

    Injection without clang proxy

    With this release, Xcode plugin will try to find compilation line without using dyci index, right from the Xcode structure itself. If this won't work, it will fallback to previous behaviour and use python script (dyci-recompile)

    What does this mean for you:
    If you're using Xcode only and injecting only code .h, .m files, you can try to use Dyci installation without clang proxying. In order to do this, you need to uninstall previous version of DYCI, and install it by running ./install.sh -s

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.5.4(Aug 16, 2014)

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