A Swift library for creating and exporting CoreML Models in Swift



Swift Swift Package Manager compatible ver License: MIT Documentation

A Swift Library for creating CoreML models in Swift.

Work in progress

This library expose a (function builder based) DSL as well as a programmatic API (see examples below).

The library also implement Codable protocol allowing to print and edit CoreML model in JSON format.

The library is not "official" - it is not part of Apple CoreML and it is not maintained.

This library use the Apple Swift Protocol Buffer package and compile and import to Swift the CoreML ProtoBuf datastructures defined from the GitHub Apple CoreMLTools repo - https://github.com/apple/coremltools/tree/master/mlmodel/format

This package could be used to export Swift For TensorFlow models or to generate new CoreML models from scratch providing a much swifty interface compared to directly using the Swift compiled CoreML protobuf data structures.

CoreML models generated with this library could be potentially personalized (trained) partially or entirely using the CoreML runtime.

CoreML support much more then Neural Network models but this experimental library is only focused, at the moment, on Neural Network support.

End to end test case exporting a real S4TF model at: https://github.com/JacopoMangiavacchi/TestSwiftCoreMLTools

Sample projects using this library to create and train Core ML models on device

LeNet Convolutional Neural Network for MNIST dataset

Transfer Learning with Categorical Embedding



Neural Network Support (work in progress)


  • InnerProduct
  • Convolution
  • Embedding
  • Flatten
  • Pooling
  • Permute
  • Concat

Activation Functions

  • Linear
  • ReLu
  • LeakyReLu
  • ThresholdedReLu
  • PReLu
  • Tanh
  • ScaledTanh
  • Sigmoid
  • SigmoidHard
  • Elu
  • Softsign
  • Softplus
  • ParametricSoftplus
  • Softmax

Loss Functions

  • MSE
  • CategoricalCrossEntropy


  • SGD
  • Adam

Export Swift for TensorFlow sample scenario

Trivial Swift for TensorFlow model

struct LinearRegression: Layer {
    var layer1 = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 1, outputSize: 1, activation: identity)

    func callAsFunction(_ input: Tensor<Float>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        return layer1(input)

var s4tfModel = LinearRegression()
// Training Loop ...

Export to CoreML using DSL approach

let coremlModel = Model(version: 4,
                        shortDescription: "Trivial linear classifier",
                        author: "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
                        license: "MIT",
                        userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.1"]) {
    Input(name: "dense_input", shape: [1])
    Output(name: "output", shape: [1])
    NeuralNetwork {
        InnerProduct(name: "dense_1",
                     input: ["dense_input"],
                     output: ["output"],
                     weight: s4tfModel.layer1.weight.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     bias: s4tfModel.layer1.bias.flattened().scalars,
                     inputChannels: 1,
                     outputChannels: 1)

Export a CoreML personalizable (re-trainable) model using DSL approach

let coremlModel = Model(version: 4,
                        shortDescription: "Trivial linear classifier",
                        author: "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
                        license: "MIT",
                        userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.1"]) {
    Input(name: "dense_input", shape: [1])
    Output(name: "output", shape: [1])
    TrainingInput(name: "dense_input", shape: [1])
    TrainingInput(name: "output_true", shape: [1])
    NeuralNetwork(losses: [MSE(name: "lossLayer",
                               input: "output",
                               target: "output_true")],
                  optimizer: SGD(learningRateDefault: 0.01,
                                 learningRateMax: 0.3,
                                 miniBatchSizeDefault: 5,
                                 miniBatchSizeRange: [5],
                                 momentumDefault: 0,
                                 momentumMax: 1.0),
                  epochDefault: 2,
                  epochSet: [2],
                  shuffle: true) {
        InnerProduct(name: "dense_1",
                     input: ["dense_input"],
                     output: ["output"],
                     weight: s4tfModel.layer1.weight.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     bias: s4tfModel.layer1.bias.flattened().scalars,
                     inputChannels: 1,
                     outputChannels: 1,
                     updatable: true)

Example code to export and save to a CoreML model data file

let model = Model(...){ ... }
let coreMLData = model.coreMLData
try! coreMLData.write(to: URL(fileURLWithPath: "model.mlmodel"))

CoreML model creation with programmatic API

var model = Model(version: 4,
                  shortDescription: "Trivial linear classifier",
                  author: "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
                  license: "MIT",
                  userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.1"])

model.addInput(Input(name: "dense_input", shape: [1]))
model.addOutput(Output(name: "output", shape: [1]))
model.addTrainingInput(TrainingInput(name: "dense_input", shape: [1]))
model.addTrainingInput(TrainingInput(name: "output_true", shape: [1]))
model.neuralNetwork = NeuralNetwork(losses: [MSE(name: "lossLayer",
                                                 input: "output",
                                                 target: "output_true")],
                                    optimizer: SGD(learningRateDefault: 0.01,
                                                   learningRateMax: 0.3,
                                                   miniBatchSizeDefault: 5,
                                                   miniBatchSizeRange: [5],
                                                   momentumDefault: 0,
                                                   momentumMax: 1.0),
                                    epochDefault: 2,
                                    epochSet: [2],
                                    shuffle: true)

model.neuralNetwork.addLayer(InnerProduct(name: "layer1",
                                         input: ["dense_input"],
                                         output: ["output"],
                                         weight: [0.0],
                                         bias: [0.0],
                                         inputChannels: 1,
                                         outputChannels: 1,
                                         updatable: true))

YAML / JSON Format model persistence (Codable)

Example CoreML model in YAML format

version: 4
shortDescription: Trivial linear classifier
author: Jacopo Mangiavacchi
license: MIT
  SwiftCoremltoolsVersion: '0.1'
    name: dense_input
    - 1
    featureType: float
    name: output
    - 1
    featureType: float
    name: dense_input
    - 1
    featureType: float
    name: output_true
    - 1
    featureType: float
  - type: mse
      name: lossLayer
      input: output
      target: output_true
    type: sgd
      learningRateDefault: 1e-2
      learningRateMax: 3e-1
      miniBatchSizeDefault: 5
      - 5
      momentumDefault: 0e+0
      momentumMax: 1e+0
  epochDefault: 2
  - 2
  shuffle: true
  - type: innerProduct
      name: layer1
      - dense_input
      - output
      - 0e+0
      - 0e+0
      inputChannels: 1
      outputChannels: 1
      updatable: true

Example CoreML model in JSON format

  "author" : "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
  "shortDescription" : "Trivial linear classifier",
  "version" : 4,
  "license" : "MIT",
  "userDefined" : {
    "SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.1"
  "inputs" : {
    "dense_input" : {
      "name" : "dense_input",
      "shape" : [1],
      "featureType" : "float"
  "outputs" : {
    "output" : {
      "name" : "output",
      "shape" : [1],
      "featureType" : "float"
  "trainingInputs" : {
    "output_true" : {
      "name" : "output_true",
      "shape" : [1],
      "featureType" : "float"
    "dense_input" : {
      "name" : "dense_input",
      "shape" : [1],
      "featureType" : "float"
  "neuralNetwork" : {
    "layers" : [
        "type" : "innerProduct",
        "base" : {
          "output" : [
          "outputChannels" : 1,
          "weight" : [0],
          "input" : [
          "bias" : [0],
          "inputChannels" : 1,
          "updatable" : true,
          "name" : "layer1"
    "optimizer" : {
      "type" : "sgd",
      "base" : {
        "momentumDefault" : 0,
        "momentumMax" : 1,
        "learningRateMax" : 0.3,
        "miniBatchSizeRange" : [5],
        "miniBatchSizeDefault" : 5,
        "learningRateDefault" : 0.01
    "losses" : [
        "type" : "mse",
        "base" : {
          "name" : "lossLayer",
          "input" : "output",
          "target" : "output_true"
    "shuffle" : true,
    "epochDefault" : 2,
    "epochSet" : [2]
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  • GAN models

    GAN models

    Hi, amazing to see an initiative for ML trainning on Mac! ; )

    Would it be possible to export a model from Pytroch to coreml, and then train (not inference) this coreml model on a mac?

    opened by alelordelo 5
  • Might work on improving this in the future

    Might work on improving this in the future

    Very good work @JacopoMangiavacchi, I have been eyeing this repository for over a year.

    I may make PRs to PythonKit as a result of side-loading Swift on Colab such as subclassing and passing lambdas between Swift and Python. That would instantly make this repo feature-complete on macOS (by importing coremltools as a Python library). Then, we could slowly wean the fork off of Python until it can run on iOS.

    I'm currently resurrecting Swift for TensorFlow so that it can be used to train on iOS, and a feature-complete Swift counterpart for Python CoreMLTools would make Swift even stronger in the data science work.

    It all depends on how much time you have to dedicate to this, because I'm racing against time to beat PyTorch at a Metal backend. Expect at least one month before any of these changes can happen.

    opened by philipturner 0
  • Support for CVPixelBuffer input?

    Support for CVPixelBuffer input?

    When creating a neural network using the DSL approach, for example

     let model = Model(version: 4,
                                            shortDescription: "custom model",
                                            author: "sgttwld",
                                            license: "MIT",
                                            userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.0.12"]) {
                        Input(name: "image", shape: [3, 416, 416])
                        Output(name: "output", shape: [80], featureType: .float)
                        TrainingInput(name: "image", shape: [3, 416, 416])
                        TrainingInput(name: "output_true", shape: [1], featureType: .int)
                        NeuralNetwork(losses: [CategoricalCrossEntropy(name: "lossLayer",
                                                   input: "output",
                                                   target: "output_true")],
                                      optimizer: Adam(learningRateDefault: 0.0001,
                                                     learningRateMax: 0.3,
                                                     miniBatchSizeDefault: 128,
                                                     miniBatchSizeRange: [128],
                                                     beta1Default: 0.9,
                                                     beta1Max: 1.0,
                                                     beta2Default: 0.999,
                                                     beta2Max: 1.0,
                                                     epsDefault: 0.00000001,
                                                     epsMax: 0.00000001),
                                      epochDefault: UInt(epoch),
                                      epochSet: [UInt(epoch)],
                                      shuffle: true) {
                            Convolution(name: "conv1",
                                         input: ["image"],
                                         output: ["outConv1"],
                                         outputChannels: 16,
                                         kernelChannels: 3,
                                         nGroups: 1,
                                         kernelSize: [3, 3],
                                         stride: [1, 1],
                                         dilationFactor: [1, 1],
                                         paddingType: .valid(borderAmounts: [EdgeSizes(startEdgeSize: 0, endEdgeSize: 0),
                                                                             EdgeSizes(startEdgeSize: 0, endEdgeSize: 0)]),
                                         outputShape: [],
                                         deconvolution: false,
                                         updatable: true)
                            ReLu(name: "relu1",
                                 input: ["outConv1"],
                                 output: ["outRelu1"])
                            Pooling(name: "pooling1",
                                         input: ["outRelu1"],
                                         output: ["outPooling1"],
                                         poolingType: .max,
                                         kernelSize: [2, 2],
                                         stride: [2, 2],
                                         paddingType: .valid(borderAmounts: [EdgeSizes(startEdgeSize: 0, endEdgeSize: 0),
                                                                             EdgeSizes(startEdgeSize: 0, endEdgeSize: 0)]),
                                         avgPoolExcludePadding: true,
                                         globalPooling: false)
                            Flatten(name: "flatten1",
                                         input: ["outPooling1"],
                                         output: ["outFlatten1"],
                                         mode: .last)
                            InnerProduct(name: "hidden1",
                                         input: ["outFlatten1"],
                                         output: ["outHidden1"],
                                         inputChannels: 685584,
                                         outputChannels: 80,
                                         updatable: true)
                            Softmax(name: "softmax",
                                    input: ["outHidden1"],
                                    output: ["output"])

    then the resulting model requires MLMultiArray inputs. Any chance we can get support for CVPixelBuffer inputs?

    opened by sgttwld 0
Jacopo Mangiavacchi
Microsoft Senior Data Scientist - Intrapreneur at the Microsoft Garage - Google ML Developer Expert (GDE) - Former +IBM Senior Engineer
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