Matft is Numpy-like library in Swift. Function name and usage is similar to Numpy.



SwiftPM compatible CocoaPods compatible Carthage compatible license

Matft is Numpy-like library in Swift. Function name and usage is similar to Numpy.

Note: You can use Protocol version(beta version) too.

Feature & Usage

  • Many types

  • Pretty print

  • Indexing

    • Positive
    • Negative
    • Boolean
    • Fancy
  • Slicing

    • Start / To / By
    • New Axis
  • View

    • Assignment
  • Conversion

    • Broadcast
    • Transpose
    • Reshape
    • Astype
  • Univarsal function reduction

  • Mathematic

    • Arithmetic
    • Statistic
    • Linear Algebra


See Function List for all functions.



  • The MfArray such like a numpy.ndarray

    let a = MfArray([[[ -8,  -7,  -6,  -5],
                      [ -4,  -3,  -2,  -1]],
                     [[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                      [ 4,  5,  6,  7]]])
    let aa = Matft.arange(start: -8, to: 8, by: 1, shape: [2,2,4])
    mfarray = 
    [[[	-8,		-7,		-6,		-5],
    [	-4,		-3,		-2,		-1]],
    [[	0,		1,		2,		3],
    [	4,		5,		6,		7]]], type=Int, shape=[2, 2, 4]
    mfarray = 
    [[[	-8,		-7,		-6,		-5],
    [	-4,		-3,		-2,		-1]],
    [[	0,		1,		2,		3],
    [	4,		5,		6,		7]]], type=Int, shape=[2, 2, 4]


  • You can pass MfType as MfArray's argument mftype: .Hoge . It is similar to dtype.

    ※Note that stored data type will be Float or Double only even if you set MfType.Int. So, if you input big number to MfArray, it may be cause to overflow or strange results in any calculation (+, -, *, /,... etc.). But I believe this is not problem in practical use.

  • MfType's list is below

      public enum MfType: Int{
        case None // Unsupportted
        case Bool
        case UInt8
        case UInt16
        case UInt32
        case UInt64
        case UInt
        case Int8
        case Int16
        case Int32
        case Int64
        case Int
        case Float
        case Double
        case Object // Unsupported
  • Also, you can convert MfType easily using astype

    let a = MfArray([[[ -8,  -7,  -6,  -5],
                      [ -4,  -3,  -2,  -1]],
                     [[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                      [ 4,  5,  6,  7]]])
    print(a)//See above. if mftype is not passed, MfArray infer MfType. In this example, it's MfType.Int
    let a = MfArray([[[ -8,  -7,  -6,  -5],
                      [ -4,  -3,  -2,  -1]],
                     [[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                      [ 4,  5,  6,  7]]], mftype: .Float)
    mfarray = 
    [[[	-8.0,		-7.0,		-6.0,		-5.0],
    [	-4.0,		-3.0,		-2.0,		-1.0]],
    [[	0.0,		1.0,		2.0,		3.0],
    [	4.0,		5.0,		6.0,		7.0]]], type=Float, shape=[2, 2, 4]
    let aa = MfArray([[[ -8,  -7,  -6,  -5],
                      [ -4,  -3,  -2,  -1]],
                     [[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
                      [ 4,  5,  6,  7]]], mftype: .UInt)
    mfarray = 
    [[[	4294967288,		4294967289,		4294967290,		4294967291],
    [	4294967292,		4294967293,		4294967294,		4294967295]],
    [[	0,		1,		2,		3],
    [	4,		5,		6,		7]]], type=UInt, shape=[2, 2, 4]
    //Above output is same as numpy!
    >>> np.arange(-8, 8, dtype=np.uint32).reshape(2,2,4)
    array([[[4294967288, 4294967289, 4294967290, 4294967291],
            [4294967292, 4294967293, 4294967294, 4294967295]],
           [[         0,          1,          2,          3],
            [         4,          5,          6,          7]]], dtype=uint32)
    mfarray = 
    [[[	-8.0,		-7.0,		-6.0,		-5.0],
    [	-4.0,		-3.0,		-2.0,		-1.0]],
    [[	0.0,		1.0,		2.0,		3.0],
    [	4.0,		5.0,		6.0,		7.0]]], type=Float, shape=[2, 2, 4]



  • You can access specific data using subscript.

You can set MfSlice (see below's list) to subscript.

  • MfSlice(start: Int? = nil, to: Int? = nil, by: Int = 1)
  • Matft.newaxis
  • ~< //this is prefix, postfix and infix operator. same as python's slice, ":"

(Positive) Indexing

  • Normal indexing

    let a = Matft.arange(start: 0, to: 27, by: 1, shape: [3,3,3])
    mfarray = 
    [[[	0,		1,		2],
    [	3,		4,		5],
    [	6,		7,		8]],
    [[	9,		10,		11],
    [	12,		13,		14],
    [	15,		16,		17]],
    [[	18,		19,		20],
    [	21,		22,		23],
    [	24,		25,		26]]], type=Int, shape=[3, 3, 3]
    // 21


  • If you replace : with ~<, you can get sliced mfarray. Note that use a[0~<] instead of a[:] to get all elements along axis.

    print(a[~<1])  //same as a[:1] for numpy
    mfarray = 
    [[[	9,		10,		11],
    [	12,		13,		14],
    [	15,		16,		17]]], type=Int, shape=[1, 3, 3]
    print(a[1~<3]) //same as a[1:3] for numpy
    mfarray = 
    [[[	9,		10,		11],
    [	12,		13,		14],
    [	15,		16,		17]],
    [[	18,		19,		20],
    [	21,		22,		23],
    [	24,		25,		26]]], type=Int, shape=[2, 3, 3]
    print(a[~<~<2]) //same as a[::2] for numpy
    //print(a[~<<2]) //alias
    mfarray = 
    [[[	0,		1,		2],
    [	3,		4,		5],
    [	6,		7,		8]],
    [[	18,		19,		20],
    [	21,		22,		23],
    [	24,		25,		26]]], type=Int, shape=[2, 3, 3]

Negative Indexing

  • Negative indexing is also available That's implementation was hardest for me...

    mfarray = 
    [[[	0,		1,		2],
    [	3,		4,		5],
    [	6,		7,		8]],
    [[	9,		10,		11],
    [	12,		13,		14],
    [	15,		16,		17]]], type=Int, shape=[2, 3, 3]
    mfarray = 
    	[], type=Int, shape=[0, 3, 3]
    //print(a[~<<-1]) //alias
    mfarray = 
    [[[	18,		19,		20],
    [	21,		22,		23],
    [	24,		25,		26]],
    [[	9,		10,		11],
    [	12,		13,		14],
    [	15,		16,		17]],
    [[	0,		1,		2],
    [	3,		4,		5],
    [	6,		7,		8]]], type=Int, shape=[3, 3, 3]*/

Boolean Indexing

  • You can use boolean indexing.

    Caution! I don't check performance, so this boolean indexing may be slow

    Unfortunately, Matft is too slower than numpy...

    (numpy is 1ms, Matft is 7ms...)

    let img = MfArray([[1, 2, 3],
                                   [4, 5, 6],
                                   [7, 8, 9]], mftype: .UInt8)
    img[img > 3] = MfArray([10], mftype: .UInt8)
    mfarray = 
    [[	1,		2,		3],
    [	10,		10,		10],
    [	10,		10,		10]], type=UInt8, shape=[3, 3]

Fancy Indexing

  • You can use fancy indexing!!!

    let a = MfArray([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
    a[MfArray([0, 1, 2]), MfArray([0, -1, 0])] = MfArray([999,888,777])
    mfarray = 
    [[	999,		2],
    [	3,		888],
    [	777,		6]], type=Int, shape=[3, 2]
    a.T[MfArray([0, 1, -1]), MfArray([0, 1, 0])] = MfArray([-999,-888,-777])
    mfarray = 
    [[	-999,		-777],
    [	3,		-888],
    [	777,		6]], type=Int, shape=[3, 2]


  • Note that returned subscripted mfarray will have base property (is similar to view in Numpy). See numpy doc in detail.

    let a = Matft.arange(start: 0, to: 4*4*2, by: 1, shape: [4,4,2])
    let b = a[0~<, 1]
    b[~<<-1] = MfArray([9999]) // cannot pass Int directly such like 9999
    mfarray = 
    [[[	0,		1],
    [	9999,		9999],
    [	4,		5],
    [	6,		7]],
    [[	8,		9],
    [	9999,		9999],
    [	12,		13],
    [	14,		15]],
    [[	16,		17],
    [	9999,		9999],
    [	20,		21],
    [	22,		23]],
    [[	24,		25],
    [	9999,		9999],
    [	28,		29],
    [	30,		31]]], type=Int, shape=[4, 4, 2]

Function List

Below is Matft's function list. As I mentioned above, almost functions are similar to Numpy. Also, these function use Accelerate framework inside, the perfomance may keep high.

* means method function exists too. Shortly, you can use a.shallowcopy() where a is MfArray.

^ means method function only. Shortly, you can use a.tolist() not Matft.tolist where a is MfArray.

  • Creation
Matft Numpy
*Matft.shallowcopy *numpy.copy
*Matft.deepcopy copy.deepcopy
Matft.nums numpy.ones * N
Matft.nums_like numpy.ones_like * N
Matft.arange numpy.arange
Matft.eye numpy.eye
Matft.diag numpy.diag
Matft.vstack numpy.vstack
Matft.hstack numpy.hstack
Matft.concatenate numpy.concatenate
*Matft.append numpy.append
*Matft.insert numpy.insert
*Matft.take numpy.take
  • Conversion
Matft Numpy
*Matft.astype *numpy.astype
*Matft.transpose *numpy.transpose
*Matft.expand_dims *numpy.expand_dims
*Matft.squeeze *numpy.squeeze
*Matft.broadcast_to *numpy.broadcast_to
*Matft.conv_order *numpy.ascontiguousarray
*Matft.flatten *numpy.flatten
*Matft.flip *numpy.flip
*Matft.clip *numpy.clip
*Matft.swapaxes *numpy.swapaxes
*Matft.moveaxis *numpy.moveaxis
*Matft.sort *numpy.sort
*Matft.argsort *numpy.argsort
^MfArray.toArray ^numpy.ndarray.tolist
^MfArray.toFlattenArray n/a
*Matft.orderedUnique numpy.unique
  • File
Matft Numpy
Matft.file.loadtxt numpy.loadtxt
Matft.file.genfromtxt numpy.genfromtxt
Matft.file.savetxt numpy.savetxt
  • Operation

    Line 2 is infix (prefix) operator.

Matft Numpy
  • Universal Fucntion Reduction
Matft Numpy
e.g.) Matft.ufuncReduce(a, Matft.add)
e.g.) numpy.add.reduce(a)
e.g.) Matft.ufuncAccumulate(a, Matft.add)
e.g.) numpy.add.accumulate(a)
  • Math function
Matft Numpy
Matft.math.sin numpy.sin
Matft.math.asin numpy.asin
Matft.math.sinh numpy.sinh
Matft.math.asinh numpy.asinh
Matft.math.sin numpy.cos
Matft.math.acos numpy.acos
Matft.math.cosh numpy.cosh
Matft.math.acosh numpy.acosh
Matft.math.tan numpy.tan
Matft.math.atan numpy.atan
Matft.math.tanh numpy.tanh
Matft.math.atanh numpy.atanh
Matft.math.sqrt numpy.sqrt
Matft.math.rsqrt numpy.rsqrt
Matft.math.exp numpy.exp
Matft.math.log numpy.log
Matft.math.log2 numpy.log2
Matft.math.log10 numpy.log10
*Matft.math.ceil numpy.ceil
*Matft.math.floor numpy.floor
*Matft.math.trunc numpy.trunc
*Matft.math.nearest numpy.nearest
*Matft.math.round numpy.round
Matft.math.abs numpy.abs
Matft.math.reciprocal numpy.reciprocal
Matft.math.power numpy.power
Matft.math.square numpy.square
Matft.math.sign numpy.sign
  • Statistics function
Matft Numpy
*Matft.stats.mean *numpy.mean
*Matft.stats.max *numpy.max
*Matft.stats.argmax *numpy.argmax
*Matft.stats.min *numpy.min
*Matft.stats.argmin *numpy.argmin
*Matft.stats.sum *numpy.sum
Matft.stats.maximum numpy.maximum
Matft.stats.minimum numpy.minimum
*Matft.stats.sumsqrt n/a
*Matft.stats.squaresum n/a
*Matft.stats.cumsum *numpy.cumsum
  • Random function
Matft Numpy
Matft.random.rand numpy.random.rand
Matft.random.randint numpy.random.randint
  • Linear algebra
Matft Numpy
Matft.linalg.solve numpy.linalg.solve
Matft.linalg.inv numpy.linalg.inv
Matft.linalg.det numpy.linalg.det
Matft.linalg.eigen numpy.linalg.eig
Matft.linalg.svd numpy.linalg.svd
Matft.linalg.pinv numpy.linalg.pinv
Matft.linalg.polar_left scipy.linalg.polar
Matft.linalg.polar_right scipy.linalg.polar
Matft.linalg.normlp_vec scipy.linalg.norm
Matft.linalg.normfro_mat scipy.linalg.norm
Matft.linalg.normnuc_mat scipy.linalg.norm
  • Interpolation

Matft supports only natural cubic spline. I'll implement other boundary condition later.

Matft Numpy
Matft.interp1d.cubicSpline scipy.interpolation.CubicSpline


I use Accelerate framework, so all of MfArray operation may keep high performance.

let a = Matft.arange(start: 0, to: 10*10*10*10*10*10, by: 1, shape: [10,10,10,10,10,10])
let aneg = Matft.arange(start: 0, to: -10*10*10*10*10*10, by: -1, shape: [10,10,10,10,10,10])
let aT = a.T
let b = a.transpose(axes: [0,3,4,2,1,5])
let c = a.transpose(axes: [1,2,3,4,5,0])
let posb = a > 0
import numpy as np

a = np.arange(10**6).reshape((10,10,10,10,10,10))
aneg = np.arange(0, -10**6, -1).reshape((10,10,10,10,10,10))
aT = a.T
b = a.transpose((0,3,4,2,1,5))
c = a.transpose((1,2,3,4,5,0))
posb = a > 0
  • Arithmetic test
Matft time Numpy time
let _ = a+aneg 863μs a+aneg 1.04ms
let _ = b+aT 4.47ms b+aT 4.31ms
let _ = c+aT 5.30ms c+aT 2.92ms
  • Math test
Matft time Numpy time
let _ = Matft.math.sin(a) 1.80ms np.sin(a) 14.7ms
let _ = Matft.math.sin(b) 8.24ms np.sin(b) 15.8ms
let _ = Matft.math.sign(a) 30.4ms np.sign(a) 1.37ms
let _ = Matft.math.sign(b) 35.6ms np.sign(b) 1.42ms
  • Bool test
Matft time Numpy time
let _ = a > 0 7.27ms a > 0 855μs
let _ = a > b 13.3ms a > b 1.83ms
let _ = a === 0 9.91ms a == 0 603μs
let _ = a === b 22.3ms a == b 1.78ms
  • Indexing test
Matft time Numpy time
let _ = a[posb] 1.07ms a[posb] 1.29ms

Matft achieved almost same performance as Numpy!!!

※Swift's performance test was conducted in release mode

However, as you can see the above table, Matft's boolean operation is toooooooo slow...(Issue #18)

So, a pull request is very welcome!!


Caution: I strongly recommend to use SwiftPM!!


  • Import
    • Project > Build Setting > + Build Setting
    • Select Rules select
  • Update
    • File >Swift Packages >Update to Latest Package versions update


  • Set Cartfile

    Cartfile carthage update ###or append '--platform ios' ">
    echo 'github "jjjkkkjjj/Matft"' > Cartfile
     carthage update ###or append '--platform ios'
  • Import Matft.framework made by above process to your project


  • Create Podfile (Skip if you have already done)

    pod init
  • Write pod 'Matft' in Podfile such like below

    target 'your project' do
      pod 'Matft'
  • Install Matft

    pod install


Feel free to ask this project or anything via

  • Add fancy indexing

    Add fancy indexing

    Hey, I'm just curious if there are any plans to implement "fancy indexing", where you can pass a list of indeces to an MfArray, and return the items at those indeces, like in numpy. Thanks, its a great library so far.

    opened by ALMerrill 10
  • memory leak...

    memory leak...

    I wrote pointer's value without initializing, too many many many memory leaks were occurred :)

    See ref Use move or initialize first.

    Bad code eg. here, here, here #

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 9
  • Complex support

    Complex support

    To use vdsp, DSPSplitComplex seems to be needed according to documents

    To use blas package, DSPComplex will be needed according to this discussion

    to achieve to support complex type, using DSPComplex is ideal? I must check the difference between DSPComplex and DSPSplitComplex at first.

    DSPComplex is the consecutive float values.

    Complex data are stored as ordered pairs of floating-point numbers. Because they are stored as ordered pairs, complex vectors require address strides that are multiples of two.

    by document

    On the other hand, DSPSplitComplex is stored in different memories

    A structure that represents a single-precision complex vector with the real and imaginary parts stored in separate arrays.

    by document

    So I need to implement the function to connect this difference of memory layout

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 8
  • Wrong Shape after

    Wrong Shape after "ufuncReduce add"


    I think there is a bug in ufuncReduce. This code

    Matft.ufuncReduce(mfarray: MfArray([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] as [Double]), ufunc: Matft.add)


    MfArray([55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    I would expect that I would get scalar or array of shape [1]. What am I doing wrong please?

    opened by mlajtos 5
  • Boolean Indexing support ?

    Boolean Indexing support ?

    Hi ! Thanks for open sourcing your code.

    Would you mind suggesting the best way to do boolean indexing like numpy ? for example, I can do this in numpy easily

    import numpy as np
    img = np.array([
        [1, 2, 3],
        [4, 5, 6],
        [7, 8, 9]
    ], dtype=np.uint8)
    img[img > 3] = 10
    # [[ 1  2  3]
    # [10 10 10]
    # [10 10 10]]

    I tried to do it element-wise but I found the performance is significantly slower than using Swift Array

    var testing = Array(repeating: 1, count: 160000)
    var bar = MfArray(testing, shape: [400,400])
    var start = Date()
    for i in 0..<400 {
        for j in 0..<400 {
            bar[i,j] = bar[i,j] as! Int + 1
    print("\(start.timeIntervalSinceNow * -1) seconds elapsed")
    //3.706043004989624 seconds elapsed
    start = Date()
    for i in 0..<400 {
        for j in 0..<400 {
            let index1D = i*400+j
            testing[index1D] = testing[index1D] + 1
    print("\(start.timeIntervalSinceNow * -1) seconds elapsed")
    //0.05165994167327881 seconds elapsed

    Thanks !

    opened by Ykid 4
  • Support for atan2

    Support for atan2

    Thanks for great library!

    Is there any way to get atan2 from combining 2 MfArrays? Like this:

    let R = MfArray([a, b ,c])
    let x = atan2((R[2, 1], R[2, 2])

    The issue for us is that we're porting the code from numpy logic, and functionality like that is supported there. E.g. we can retrieve single Double from the expression like R[2, 1] so we're struggling now on how to get similar behaviour.

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by kkaun 3
  • Adding demo for image processing

    Adding demo for image processing

    Hi jjjkkkjjj,

    Great work on bring Numpy to Swift!!!

    I am learning how to do inference within CoreML using Swift.

    So far I have gotten the UIImage from an image picker and I need to do preprocessing e.g. resize, transpose, normalize(mean=(0,0,0), std=(1,1,1))

    And after hours and hours searching, Swift just proofed that it is not a language which is friendly for image processing. And I found your Repo here which has all the amazing feature I need.

    So I think it is very helpful if you could add a demo for this.


    opened by franva 3
  • Convert MfArray back to regular Swift's Array with a specific type

    Convert MfArray back to regular Swift's Array with a specific type

    Hi @jjjkkkjjj . After I did some math transformations in a MfArray, I want to convert it back to a Swift's Array. What's the most efficient way to do it using your library?

    For example, I want to convert the MfArray back to [Int]. Right now I'm doing it this way:

    let swiftArrayAny = Array(someMfArray).data)
    guard let swiftArrayInt32 = swiftArrayAny as? [Int32] else {
    let swiftArrayInt = { Int($0) }
    opened by alwc 3
  • Multidimensional MfArray with different length Arrays in axis 1

    Multidimensional MfArray with different length Arrays in axis 1

    Hello, I need to write a lot of python (numpy) code in swift and there I found your library. It would be a great help. Is it possible to create MfArrays that have different lengths at axis=1. Here is an example of what I mean:

        [1, 2, 3, 4],
        [1, 2, 3],
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    If so, how would I need to instantiate the array?

    opened by sthuettr 2
  • Passing strange arguments in subscription

    Passing strange arguments in subscription

    let a = try! Matft.mfarray.broadcast_to(MfArray([[2, 5, -1],
                                                                 [3, 1, 0]]), shape: [2,2,2,3])
    let b = a[0~, ~1, ~~2]
    b[0, ~1] = MfArray([222]) >>>>>>> Precondition failed: -2 is out of bounds for axis 1 with 1: file

    subscription arguments [0, ~1] was passed as Int of Array [0, -2]...

    It's strange

    bug invalid 
    opened by jjjkkkjjj 2
  • Subscript’s getter and setter

    Subscript’s getter and setter

    If I don’t use generics in MfArray, subscript’s getter and setter must be handled as Any. However, using Any type causes unexpected error or performance loss.

    MfArray<MfType: MfTypable>{
    let a = MfArray<Int>([1,2,3])
    //Getter and setter
    //Note that scalar will be handled only
    subscript(indices: Int...) -> MfType{
    //Note that MfArray will be handled only
    subscript(mfslices: MfSlice...) -> MfArray{
    opened by jjjkkkjjj 2
  • Copy On Write implementation

    Copy On Write implementation

    I think it is easier for Matft to implement COW than I expected. Because MfArray has a data class, which is MfData, all we have to do are 2 points. First add “mutating” keyword into conversion method and subscript function. Second check the _isView property in those “mutating” function and then replace the referenced MfData into the new one if the _isView is true.

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 2
  • Image processing

    Image processing

    Create OpenCV Mat by

    and pass it by “with” statements.

    simple image processing function is vImage Module

    FFFF means float types (8888 means UInt8)

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 5
  • Other Cubic spline Interpolation

    Other Cubic spline Interpolation

    Now, I just have implemented natural cubic spline only. Other boundary condition(clamped, not a knot, periodic) is not supported Ref:

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 0
  • Boolean Indexing is slow

    Boolean Indexing is slow

    Regarding #17

    Official boolean indexing code is

    SIMD function is

    opened by jjjkkkjjj 9
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A lightweight library to calculate tensors in Swift, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's

TensorSwift TensorSwift is a lightweight library to calculate tensors, which has similar APIs to TensorFlow's. TensorSwift is useful to simulate calcu

Qoncept, Inc. 323 Oct 20, 2022
A Swift library for creating and exporting CoreML Models in Swift

SwiftCoreMLTools A Swift Library for creating CoreML models in Swift. Work in progress This library expose a (function builder based) DSL as well as a

Jacopo Mangiavacchi 140 Dec 5, 2022
A Swift deep learning library with Accelerate and Metal support.

Serrano Aiming to offering popular and cutting edge techs in deep learning area on iOS devices, Serrano is developed as a tool for developers & resear

pcpLiu 51 Nov 17, 2022
A simple deep learning library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrations.

Illustration2Vec illustration2vec (i2v) is a simple library for estimating a set of tags and extracting semantic feature vectors from given illustrati

Masaki Saito 661 Dec 12, 2022
The Swift machine learning library.

Swift AI is a high-performance deep learning library written entirely in Swift. We currently offer support for all Apple platforms, with Linux support

Swift AI 5.9k Jan 2, 2023
Artificial intelligence/machine learning data structures and Swift algorithms for future iOS development. bayes theorem, neural networks, and more AI.

Swift Brain The first neural network / machine learning library written in Swift. This is a project for AI algorithms in Swift for iOS and OS X develo

Vishal 331 Oct 14, 2022
Accelerated tensor operations and dynamic neural networks based on reverse mode automatic differentiation for every device that can run Swift - from watchOS to Linux

DL4S provides a high-level API for many accelerated operations common in neural networks and deep learning. It furthermore has automatic differentiati

Palle 87 Dec 29, 2022
Realtime yoga pose detection and classification plugin for Flutter using MLKit

ML Kit Pose Detection Plugin Flutter plugin for realtime pose detection using MLKit's Blazepose. License Copyright (c) 2021 Souvik Biswas, Bharat Bira

Souvik Biswas 8 May 5, 2022
Sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple and a custom model generated by coremltools.

CoreML-samples This is the sample code for Core ML using ResNet50 provided by Apple. ResNet50 can categorize the input image to 1000 pre-trained categ

Yuta Akizuki 39 Nov 11, 2022
DL4S provides a high-level API for many accelerated operations common in neural networks and deep learning.

DL4S provides a high-level API for many accelerated operations common in neural networks and deep learning. It furthermore has automatic differentiati

DL4S Team 2 Dec 5, 2021
Takes those cursed usernames you see on social networks and lets them be accessible to screen readers.

AccessibleAuthorLabel ?? Takes those cursed usernames you see on social networks and lets them be accessible to screen readers so everyone can partake

Christian Selig 40 Jan 25, 2022
WhatPet - A basic app that classifies images of dogs, cats and rabbits using CoreML

WhatPet ✓ A basic app that classifies images of dogs, cats and rabbits using Cor

Micaella Morales 0 Jan 6, 2022
CoreMLSample - CoreML Example for in app model and download model

CoreMLSample Sample for CoreML This project is CoreML Example for in app model a

Kim Seonghun 2 Aug 31, 2022
Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks

mtcnn-caffe Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks. This project provide you a method to update mu

Weilin Cong 500 Oct 30, 2022
Shallow and Deep Convolutional Networks for Saliency Prediction

Shallow and Deep Convolutional Networks for Saliency Prediction Paper accepted at 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVP

Image Processing Group - BarcelonaTECH - UPC 183 Jan 5, 2023
Models and examples built with TensorFlow

Welcome to the Model Garden for TensorFlow The TensorFlow Model Garden is a repository with a number of different implementations of state-of-the-art

null 74.9k Dec 29, 2022
🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.

English | 简体中文 | 繁體中文 | 한국어 State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow ?? Transformers provides thousands of pretrained models

Hugging Face 77.1k Dec 31, 2022
👀 iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images.

Faces Vision Demo iOS11 demo application for age and gender classification of facial images using Vision and CoreML. Model This demo is based on the a

Cocoa AI 300 Dec 9, 2022