`SwiftUI` Framework Learning and Usage Guide. 🚀


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This article refers to SwiftUI apple example and records the results of the exploration here, I hope to be helpful to you.

For the content described in this article, by default you have some experience based on Swift language development, so it will not describe every detail in detail; if you have doubts about Swift syntax, you can learn Swift Grammar.

When learning and using SwiftUI, if you have any questions, you can join the SwiftUI QQ Group: 18552966 to discuss communication.

中文版 🇨🇳

⭐️ Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time

💻 Requirements

  • macOS 15
  • Xcode 11.0
  • iOS 13.0


Basic View


State and Data Flow


Basic View


Text is used to display one or more lines of text content with the same effect as UILabel, but it is even better.

If you want to create Text, just create it with Text("SwiftUI"); With chained syntax, you can also add multiple attributes to the text, such as fonts, colors, shadows, spacing between top left and right, and so on.


    .shadow(color: .black, radius: 1, x: 0, y: 2)
View running results

HStack and VStack controls are used to host multiple views, as mentioned later.



TextField is used to add a normal input box, which is often used as a text input.


TextField(self.$name, placeholder: self.nameText, onEditingChanged: { changed in
    print("onEditing: \(changed)")
}) {
    print("userName: \(self.name)")
.frame(height: 50)
.padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 20, bottom: 0, trailing: 20))
View running results



SecureField is generally used as a password input. It is used in the same way as TextField. The example and the running effect are the same as TextField.


The Image control is used to display images, example:

    .frame(width: 100,
           height: 100,
           alignment: .center)
View running results



webImage is used to download the web image, use the URLSession to download the original Image after successful download; you can also use Kingfisher in the downloadWebImage function .


var body: some View {
        Image(uiImage: self.uiImage ?? placeholderImage)
            .onAppear(perform: downloadWebImage)
            .frame(width: 80,
                   height: 80,
                   alignment: .center)
            .onTapGesture {
                print("Tap ")
View running results



Button is used to respond to click events.


Button(action: {
}) {
   Text("I'm a Button")
View running results



Waiting for release.


Waiting for release.


NavigationButtonPage is used to push to the next navigation page.


NavigationLink(destination: NavigationButtonPage()) {
View running results


PresentationButton is deprecated

PresentationButton is used to pop up a page. has deprecated, please use NavigationLink



EditButton is used to trigger the editing state, just use the navigationBarItems setting when using it.


navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton())
View running results



Waiting for release.


Picker can customize the selector of the data source.


Picker(selection: $leftIndex, label: Text("Picker")) {
    ForEach(0..<leftSource.count) {
    }.frame(width: UIScreen.main.bounds.width/2)
View running results



DatePicker is used to select the absolute date of the control.


                DatePicker(selection: $server.date, 
                in: server.spaceDate, 
                displayedComponents: .date, label: {
View running results



Toggle is used to switch the selected state, for example:

Togglele(isOn: $isOn) {
    Text("State: \(self.isOn == true ? "Open":"open")")
View running results



Slider A control for selecting values from a finite range of values, example:

Slider(value: $data.rating)
View running results



Stepper is used to increase or decrease the value, example:

Stepper(value: $value, step: 2, onEditingChanged: { c in
}) {
    Text("Stepper Value: \(self.value)")
View running results


SegmentedControl is deprecated

SegmentedControl is used for segmentation condition selection, example:

SegmentedControl(selection: $currentIndex) {
    ForEach(0..<items.count) { index in
    }.tapAction {
        print("currentIndex: \(self.currentIndex)")
View running results



WebView is used to display an open web page, example:

struct WebViewPage : UIViewRepresentable {
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView  {
        return WKWebView()
    func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) {
        let req = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "https://www.apple.com")!)
View running results



UIViewController is used to display the UIViewController that opens UIKit in SwiftUI and opens the SwiftUI View in UIViewController.


First define:

struct ControllerPage<T: UIViewController> : UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    typealias UIViewControllerType = UIViewController
    func makeUIViewController(context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ControllerPage>) -> UIViewController {
        return T()
    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: UIViewController, context: UIViewControllerRepresentableContext<ControllerPage>) {
        debugPrint("\(#function)\(type(of: T.self))")

Then use this:

NavigationButton(destination: ControllerPage<UIKitController>()) {
    PageRow(title: "UIViewController",subTitle: "Open UIViewController")

View running results




HStack is used to arrange the subviews on a horizontal line.


HStack {
    Text("made in China.")
    Divider() // Just add a line.
    Text("the People's Republic Of China.")
View running results



VStack is used to arrange the subviews on a vertical line.


VStack {
    Text("made in China.")
    Divider() // Just add a line.
    Text("the People's Republic Of China.")
View running results



ZStack is used to override the subview, aligned on two axes.


ZStack {
    Text("made in China.")
    Divider() // Just add a line.
    Text("the People's Republic Of China.")
View running results



List list container to display a list of data.


List(0..<5) { item in
    Text("Hello World !")
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("List"), displayMode: .large)
View running results



ScrollView is a scroll view container.


ScrollView {
        .frame(width: 300, height: 300, alignment: .center)
    Text("Views and ... user interface.")
    .border(Color.gray.gradient, width: 1)
View running results



ForEach is used to present a view based on a collection of existing data.


let data = (0..<5)
var body: some View {
    ForEach(data) { e in
        Text("Hello \(e)")
            .font(.system(size: 25, design: .monospaced))
View running results



Group is used to aggregate multiple views, and the properties set on the Group will be applied to each child view.


Group {
    Text("Hello World !")
    Text("Hello World !")
View running results



Waiting for release.


Section is used to create the header/footer view content, which is generally used in conjunction with the List component.


Section(header: Text("I'm header"), footer: Text("I'm footer")) {
    ForEach(0..<3) {
        Text("Hello \($0)")
View running results


Form A container for grouping controls used for data entry, such as in settings or inspectors.


Form {
   TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)
   TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName)
View running results



NavigationView is used to create a view container that contains the top navigation bar.


NavigationView {
            Text("🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧜‍♂️🧜‍♀️🧞‍♂️🧞‍♀️").blur(radius: 5)
            Text("Swifter Swifter")
View running results



TabView is used to create a view container that contains the bottom ** TabBar**.


TabView(selection: $index) {
    ForEach(0..<imgs.count) { item in
        TabItemPage(index: item)
View running results



Waiting for release.


Waiting for release.



Alert is used to display a bullet reminder that needs to be associated with a trigger event.


alert(isPresented: $showAlert, content: {
            Alert(title: Text("确定要支付这100000000美元吗?"),
                  message: Text("请谨慎操作\n一旦确认,钱款将立即转入对方账户"),
                  primaryButton: .destructive(Text("确认")) { print("转出中...") },
                  secondaryButton: .cancel())
View running results



ActionSheet is used to pop up a selection box.


ActionSheet(title: Text("Title"),
            message: Text("Message"),
    [.default(Text("Default"), onTrigger: {
        self.showSheet = false
    }),.destructive(Text("destructive"), onTrigger: {
        self.showSheet = false
        self.showSheet = false


.actionSheet(isPresented: $showSheet, content: {sheet})
View running results



Modal is used to pop up a view.


Modal(Text("Modal View"),onDismiss: {
    print("View Dismiss !")
View running results



Popover is used to pop up a view, see the results below.


.popover(isPresented: $showPop, content: {
View running results


📎 About

  • The code involved in the above example is in this repository code. It is recommended to download and run the view.
  • If you have better usage and suggestions about SwiftUI, look forward to sharing it!
  • If there are omissions and errors in the examples in this article, please create a Issue !

✉️ Contacts

email : hi@jinxiansen.com

微博 : @晋先森

📄 License

SwiftUI is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • 'String' is not convertible to 'String?'

    'String' is not convertible to 'String?'

    xcode Version 11.0 beta 2 (11M337n) 模拟器:iphone xr ios 13

    运行 PageRow(title: "WebView",subTitle: "用于展示一个打开的网页") 报错内容:'String' is not convertible to 'String?'


    opened by iosApem 11
  • How about a Q&A?

    How about a Q&A?

    感谢分享! 现在我们已经知道了如何使用各个UI组件, 那么下一步, 如何使用SwiftUI来实现更深层次的UI功能定制? 比如:

    • 如何使TextField失去焦点?
    • 如何定制TextField的键盘样式?
    • 如何指定TextField的contentType?
    • 如何为每个页面指定键盘(textInputContextIdentifier)? 还有其他等等更多, 能否整合一个Q&A页面, 请大家解答各种这样的问题?

    Now we know how to compose view controllers by SwiftUI. But then?

    • How to 'resign first responder' for a TextField manually?
    • How to customize keyboard type of TextField?
    • How to provide contentType of TextField?
    • How to provide textInputContextIdentifier for views? And more...
    good first issue 
    opened by likeSo 3
  • viewDidLoad equivalent?

    viewDidLoad equivalent?

    Hi, Currently I am looking into TabbedView and I have a question. I was managed to create a simple app containing two tabs and now I am trying to load the data once after the tab was loaded. I tried using onAppear method but unfortunately it is called every time a tab was selected. Any ideas how to handle such logic?

    opened by Reak45 2
  • Big sur  not working

    Big sur not working


    macOS version: Big sur 11.0.1

    Xcode version: 12.2


    Describe your problem: 这下面的Demo跑不起来了 https://github.com/Jinxiansen/SwiftUI/tree/doc

    opened by huangboju 1
  • remove .DS_Store and prevent it from reappearing

    remove .DS_Store and prevent it from reappearing

    macOS’s .DS_Store files shouldn’t be in a repository. This pull removes the existing one and updates .gitignore to prevent another instance from being committed.

    opened by LucasLarson 1
  • Popover drag to dismiss seems buggy

    Popover drag to dismiss seems buggy


    macOS version: 10.15.4

    Xcode version: 11.5

    iOS version: 13.5.1


    Popover drag to dismiss seems buggy

    Describe your problem:

    Check the gif: Jun-05-2020 11-26-24

    opened by PetrGuan 1
  • SwiftUI issue

    SwiftUI issue


    macOS version: 10.15.4 Xcode version: 11.4.1


    初学者,TextField那儿按照楼主的方法全都报错了,后来我找到了这个是正确的的 TextField("User Name", text: $username, onEditingChanged: { (value) in print("onEditingChanged:\(self.name)") }) { print("onCommit:\(self.name)") }} .padding(10) .frame(height: 50) .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle()) .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 20, bottom: 0, trailing: 20)) Describe your problem:

    opened by Jamxscape 1
  • 'roundedBorder' is deprecated: Use `RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle` directly instead.

    'roundedBorder' is deprecated: Use `RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle` directly instead.


    macOS version: 10.15

    Xcode version: 11.0 beta 6


    Describe your problem:

    Seems that using this line for TextField .textFieldStyle(.roundedBorder) is now deprecated. The correct way should be .textFieldStyle(RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle())

    So now the new example should be:

    TextField(self.$name, placeholder: self.nameText, onEditingChanged: { changed in
        print("onEditing: \(changed)")
    }) {
        print("userName: \(self.name)")
    .frame(height: 50)
    .padding(EdgeInsets(top: 0, leading: 20, bottom: 0, trailing: 20))
    opened by uguizu 1
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