Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line



Easily generate cross platform Swift framework projects from the command line.

SwiftPlate will generate Xcode projects for you in seconds, that support:

  • CocoaPods
  • Carthage
  • Swift Package Manager
  • iOS
  • macOS
  • watchOS
  • tvOS
  • Linux

Just run swiftplate, and you’ll be presented with a simple step-by-step guide:



Using Homebrew (recommended)

$ brew install swiftplate
$ swiftplate

Using Make

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git
$ cd swiftplate
$ make

Using Marathon

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git
$ marathon run swiftplate/main

Using the Swift interpreter directly

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git
$ swift swiftplate/main.swift

Using Xcode

$ git clone git@github.com:JohnSundell/SwiftPlate.git
$ open swiftplate/SwiftPlate.xcodeproj

Command line arguments

Besides using the guide to input information, SwiftPlate also supports command line arguments when launched. When a certain piece of information is supplied through an argument, SwiftPlate won't ask for that information when run. These are the arguments currently supported:

Name Description Long parameter Short parameter
Destination Where the generated project should be saved --destination -d
Project name The name of your project --project -p
Author name Your name --name -n
Author email Your email (for Podspec) --email -e
GitHub URL Any URL you'll be hosting the project at (for Podspec) --url -u
Organization name The name of your organization --organization -o
Repo Any custom SwiftPlate repository that should be used for templates --repo -r
Force Prevent user prompt at the end (for CIs etc.) --force -f

Questions or feedback?

Feel free to open an issue, or find me @johnsundell on Twitter.

  • Linux support missing from cross-platform?

    Linux support missing from cross-platform?

    Noticed that Swift libraries that are to be run on Linux have one slight variation in the testing that is missing from SwiftPlate.

    Swift Package Manager (swift package init --type library) does additionally the following:

    In Tests/{PROJECT}Tests/{PROJECT}Tests.swift it adds:

        func testExample() {
            // This is an example of a functional test case.
            // Use XCTAssert and related functions to verify your tests produce the correct results.
            XCTAssertEqual({PROJECT}().text, "Hello, World!")
        static var allTests : [(String, ({PROJECT}Tests) -> () throws -> Void)] {
            return [
                ("testExample", testExample),

    the example assert is related to boilerplate code in the Sources/ implementation, but the allTests is more interesting, as that is the convention for the slightly different testing flow for Swift encountered under Linux.

    For Linux it adds another, related file Tests/LinuxMain.swift. Its contents:

    import XCTest
    @testable import {PROJECT}Tests

    Could the "cross-platformness" of SwiftPlate be updated to include libraries on Linux?

    opened by idcrook 8
  • Dependencies


    Not sure if I'm being stupid here or not, but what's the best way of managing subdependencies with this? For Cocoapods I could specify them in the podspec via s.dependency ... but can't really install them without a Podfile (something that would require an .xcworkspace as well).

    Also those using the framework project built like this will probably have to use my dependency manager of choice as well, which is far from ideal. Is there a way to work around this? Or is it just not practical working with subdependencies when making a framework for use with all three currently used dependency managers?

    opened by kiliankoe 7
  • Optional Gather coverage data

    Optional Gather coverage data

    Hi John, First of all, thanks for this tool, it has been very helpful for me. Do you think that an option to enable the "Gather coverage data" for all the testing targets would be useful? Does it suit in this project? If so, I would like to work on that and prepare a PR.

    feature request 
    opened by adellibovi 5
  • Added Linux library Unit testing to boilerplate

    Added Linux library Unit testing to boilerplate

    • Did NOT add a question about Linux support. Instead, added to Templates/ code that will still work unchanged under macOS, *OS. This is related to other details that I will describe.

    • do not see a conventional way to conditionally include snippets into a Template/ output file, so instead I added a conditional extension for Linux only. Snippets ability would be useful in many ways: include example unit testing code and an example object (struct, e.g.) in the Sources/ if, and only if, an optional Boolean such as "Linux Unit testing support" was added to user prompt.

    • tested under macOS. running testStructure.py passed.

    • compilation under Linux will fail, due to testExample not being defined (see above about example unit testing code)

    opened by idcrook 5
  • License put in by default

    License put in by default

    It looks like the generated files have the MIT License put in by default at the top of all files. Though it doesn't really make a difference to my org (we're open sourcing most of our stuff), people might have a problem with it. screen shot 2016-11-23 at 4 42 27 pm

    opened by codeOfRobin 5
  • Make Directories Dynamically

    Make Directories Dynamically

    Instead of throwing an error if a directory doesn't exist, the script now generates directories dynamically.

    Just a rough/dirty implementation for now.

    opened by ArtSabintsev 5
  • New SwiftPlate release

    New SwiftPlate release

    opened by 3lvis 4
  • Fix for python syntax error in testStructure.py

    Fix for python syntax error in testStructure.py

    • since the file has non-ASCII characters, it can fail with a compile error if the doc type is not specified. This edit corrects for that.

    Platform: macOS 10.12, Python 2.7.12

    Error example

    $ python ../SwiftPlate/testStructure.py test

    File "testStructure.py", line 30
    SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file testStructure.py on line 30, but no encoding declared; see http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0263/ for details
    opened by idcrook 4
  • Add .gitignore file

    Add .gitignore file

    Hi! SwiftPlate is awesome, thanks for creating it. I was wondering if it makes sense to include a default .gitignore file for Xcode/Swift projects, I've seen other tools like this doing it.

    opened by dani-mp 3
  • Replaced MIT license header with Xcode header #19

    Replaced MIT license header with Xcode header #19

    This PR replaces the MIT headers in {PROJECT}.swift and {PROJECT}Tests.swift with headers Xcode would generate.

    But I am not sure how to handle different licenses.

    opened by vknabel 3
  • Does not build under Linux

    Does not build under Linux

    Not sure if this is a requirement for this project-- or is supported-- but wanted to put an issue out there. It might never be supported.

    I do not need this for myself as I can build/run SwiftPlate on macOS, and once I have the boilerplate build, I can use git clones to share in Linux environment.

    building under linux

    I tried to build SwiftPlate from recent clone on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04), and get build errors. Most of them look like they are Swift Core library/Foundation related, which is known to be lagging in completeness compared to macOS/*OS.

    $ swift ../SwiftPlate/main.swift test
    ../SwiftPlate/main.swift:56:16: error: value of type 'ObjCBool' (aka 'Bool') has no member 'boolValue'
            return objCBool.boolValue
                   ^~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
    ../SwiftPlate/main.swift:176:19: error: use of unresolved identifier 'Process'
        let process = Process()
    Foundation.NSProgress:1:12: note: did you mean 'NSProgress'?
    open class NSProgress : Foundation.NSObject {
    Foundation.ProcessInfo:1:12: note: did you mean 'ProcessInfo'?
    open class ProcessInfo : Foundation.NSObject {

    Process changed to CommandLine?

    I didn't really dig much into these errors. Googling the Process() one yielded something that would appear to related, but after further investigation, I do not think it is: Rename Process to CommandLine [SE-0086] https://github.com/apple/swift/commit/f65c1390cb23395fde5a798fb6731b32a31ec452

    The change referred to has been in place for a while on Swift 3 branch.

    I was able to confirm that Process is available in Foundation on macOS, but is not present in Foundation on Linux (at this time).

    Platform versions

    OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1

    $ swift --version
    Swift version 3.0.1 (swift-3.0.1-RELEASE)
    Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    $ uname -a
    Linux vader 4.4.0-49-generic #70-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 11 16:40:34 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    opened by idcrook 3
  • Error while creating a new project

    Error while creating a new project

    Error output

    🚀  Starting to generate project SmartAPI...
    👉  Removing any previous temporary folder...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Making temporary folder (/Users/Amadeu/Developer/swiftplate_temp)...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Making a local clone of the SwiftPlate repo...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Copying template folder...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Removing temporary folder...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Filling in template...
    An error was encountered 🙁
    Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=264 "The file “A.cpython-36.pyc” couldn’t be opened because the text encoding of its contents can’t be determined." UserInfo={NSFilePath=/Users/Amadeu/Developer/AREPL-vscode/test/manualAreplTests/__pycache__/A.cpython-36.pyc}
    opened by amadeu01 2
  • Missing path in target (swift-tools-version:4.0)

    Missing path in target (swift-tools-version:4.0)

    If I will generate project using swiftplate there isn't path attribute in target in Package.swift. Because of that I am unable to install framework as dependency through package manager.

    After adding path: "Sources" installation is possible.

    Source https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0162-package-manager-custom-target-layouts.md

    opened by jcislinsky 0
  • Error when using `--repo`option

    Error when using `--repo`option

    I have this error when trying to do swiftplate -r ./swiftplate:

    🚀  Starting to generate project Test...
    👉  Removing any previous temporary folder...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Making temporary folder (Test/swiftplate_temp)...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Making a local clone of the SwiftPlate repo...
    ✅  Done
    👉  Copying template folder...
    An error was encountered 🙁
    Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The folder “Template” doesn’t exist." UserInfo={NSFilePath=Test/swiftplate_temp/SwiftPlate/Template, NSUserStringVariant=(
    ), NSUnderlyingError=0x7f926940afa0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-43 "fnfErr: File not found"}}

    Maybe I'm missing something ? 🤔 It work well without the option -r

    opened by ajacquelin 0
  • Template creation

    Template creation

    I use cookiecutter and my custom template for project generation. I guess you have the same problem - it's very hand to update or create a new template. How you do it? It would be great if you add a command for template generation based on existing project. I want to write a script for it, but if you have a plan for it, I'll wait 😃

    opened by artemnovichkov 2
  • 1.4.0(Jul 19, 2017)

    • The default license header put into each source file now matches Xcode's defaults (thanks @vknabel!)
    • Fixes for inserting today's date into the header of each source file (thanks @vknabel, @sorenmortensen & @gperdomor!)
    • README, LICENSE files are now ignored if they already exist (thanks @alexaubry!)
    • Fixes for main.swift being overwritten (thanks @vijaytholpadi!)
    • Generated projects now use the latest Xcode (8.3) settings (thanks @pixyzehn!)
    • Generated projects now include a .gitignore file (thanks @danielmartinprieto!)
    • Generated Xcode project now includes groups for Sources and Tests (thanks @KieranHarper!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.0(Jan 23, 2017)

    SwiftPlate can now infer most information it needs from the file system & your git config! 🎉

    The following information is optionally inferred (if you leave it blank while running swiftplate):

    • Project name: Name of the folder where you're generating the project.
    • Author name: The value of git config --global user.name.
    • Author email: The value of git config --global user.email.
    • GitHub URL: Any remote git origin URL that you have setup in your project folder.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.1(Jan 14, 2017)

    • Code coverage is now enabled in all projects that SwiftPlate generates (thanks @adellibovi!)
    • You can now launch SwiftPlate with --force (or -f) to prevent it from asking for confirmation before creating your project (thanks @codeOfRobin!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.0(Jan 10, 2017)

    • Full command line argument support (see README for more information)
    • You can now specify a local repo that should be used for SwiftPlate's template (very useful for development, and also enables custom templates).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.1(Jan 8, 2017)

  • 1.1.0(Nov 26, 2016)

    • SwiftPlate now has a Makefile that enables you to easily install it (implemented by @codeOfRobin)
    • SwiftPlate will now generate projects that are Linux compatible (implemented by @idcrook)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0(Nov 21, 2016)

    Initial release of SwiftPlate, which makes it easy to generate cross platform Swift framework projects that are compatible with CocoaPods, Carthage & Swift Package Manager.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
John Sundell
I build apps, games and Swift developer tools! Passionate about open source & developer productivity. You can follow me on Twitter @JohnSundell.
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