WWDC 2021 Student Challenge
🧍 HumanScan: an interactive playground for scanning, rigging, and applying animations to real-life 3D human models
🧍 HumanScan: an interactive playground for scanning, rigging, and applying animations to real-life 3D human models
__.swift Now, __.swift is version 0.2.0! With the chain of methods, __.swift became more flexible and extensible. Documentation: http://lotz84.github.
SNTabBarDemo-Swift Cool TabBar How To Use // MARK: - setup private func setu
Swift When - supporting switch expressions in Swift! What is it? Basically, it a
swift-compute-runtime Swift runtime for Fastly Compute@Edge Getting Started Crea
Horizontal Picker View Customizable horizontal picker view component written in
swift-highlight is a pure-Swift data structure library designed for server applications that need to store a lot of styled text. The Highlight module is memory-efficient and uses slab allocations and small-string optimizations to pack large amounts of styled text into a small amount of memory, while still supporting efficient traversal through the Sequence protocol.
Sovran-Swift: Small, efficient, easy. State Management for Swift
Approximate Approximate floating point equality comparisons for the Swift Programming Language. Introduction Approximate is a Swift package that provi
iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a Swift app, named 'iPose', for iPhone's pose measurement based on Swift. This is a side project to
References : https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift (free) https://gelecegiyazanlar.turkcell.com.tr/konu/swift-ile-ios-programlama (free)
インターン後改善したところ RepositoryのMock化を行って、ViewModelのテストを可能にした RepositoryやViewModelをコンストラクタインジェクションを使ってDI Repository自体のテストを実装できるように、URLSessionのAdapterを定義してスケジ
MultiTainment Simple multiplication game for kids. Possible to choose how many questions they want to answer and how hard shoud it be. Simple funny in
FaceLibrary Challenge on day 77/78, creating an application where you can name a
BCSwiftTor Opinionated pure Swift controller for Tor, including full support for
Swift Markdown is a Swift package for parsing, building, editing, and analyzing Markdown documents.
Swift-DocC is a documentation compiler for Swift frameworks and packages aimed at making it easy to write and publish great developer docum
SwiftFoundation Cross-Platform, Protocol-Oriented Programming base library to complement the Swift Standard Library. Goals Provide a cross-platform in
Swift 스위프트의 기초 1. Swift의 기본 2. 변수와 상수 [3. 데이터 타입 기본] [4. 데이터 타입 고급] 5. 연산자 6. 흐름 제어 7. 함수 8. 옵셔널 객체지향 프로그래밍과 스위프트 9. 구조체와 클래스 10. 프로퍼티와 메서드 11. 인스턴스 생
swift-ndi Swift wrapper around NewTek's NDI SDK. Make sure you extracted latest