A custom ImageView that is used to cover the surface of other view like a scratch card, user can swipe the mulch to see the view below.




platform Swift license

GIF Showcase




iOS 8.0+ Xcode 7.2+ Swift 4.0



pod "MCScratchImageView"


Just drag MCScratchImageView.swift to the project tree



If you use CocoaPods, first import MCScratchImageView

import MCScratchImageView

Define the class variables

var scratchImageView: MCScratchImageView!

Initialize it

// init()
scratchImageView = MCScratchImageView()
// init(frame:)
scratchImageView = MCScratchImageView(frame: yourRect)

Or use StoryBoard.

Set the mask image & radius

// use default touch point radius
// use custom touch point radius
scratchImageView.setMaskImage(yourUIImage, spotRadius: 100)

Implement the delegate methods:

// set the delegate
scratchImageView.delegate = ***

/* ... */

// implement the MCScratchImageViewDelegate method
extension YourController: MCScratchImageViewDelegate {
    func mcScratchImageView(_ mcScratchImageView: MCScratchImageView, didChangeProgress progress: CGFloat) {
        print("Progress did changed: " + String(format: "%.2f", progress))
        if (progress >= 0.8) {

API declaration

// current scratched progress
public var progress: CGFloat
// Determin the radius of the touch point
private(set) var spotRadius: CGFloat = 45.0

// set the mask image & radius
public func setMaskImage(_ image: UIImage)
public func setMaskImage(_ image: UIImage, spotRadius: CGFloat)

// scratch all mask fields
public func scratchAll()

Example Project

In "Example" folder.


  • Don't set the scratchImageView.image directlly, you need to use setMaskImage(paras) to set the mask image.
  • Don't set the touch point radius (var spotRadius: CGFloat) directlly.
  • The contentMode should use default resize mode.


Minecode, minecoder@163.com


MCScratchImageView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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  • Not working when Background view Dynamically

    Not working when Background view Dynamically

    Hey @Minecodecraft thanks for the lib . Im new to swift , and try to run this lib through react-native.

    Problem : the scratch action doesn't work as soon as i add backgroundView ( mainImageView) .

    Here is my Example :

    class ScratchCardView: UIView {
      override init(frame: CGRect){
        let mainImageView = UIImageView(image:UIImage(named:"pin.jpg"))
        mainImageView.frame = CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:300,height:300)
        var scratchImageView: MCScratchImageView!
        scratchImageView = MCScratchImageView(frame:CGRect(x:0,y:0,width:300,height:300))
        scratchImageView.setMaskImage(UIImage(named:"pin.jpg")!, spotRadius: 10)

    as soon as I comment self.addSubview(mainImageView) it works !

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