add text(multiple line support) to imageView, edit, rotate or resize them as you want, then render the text on image



StickerTextView is an subclass of UIImageView. You can add multiple text to it, edit, rotate, resize the text as you want with one finger, then render the text on Image.


  • You can add multiple Text to StickerTextView at the same time
  • Multiple line Text support
  • Rotate, resize the text with one finger
  • Set the Color, alpha, font, alignment, TextShadow, lineSpacing...... of the text
  • StickerTextView also handle the process of rendering text on Image
  • Written in Swift



Just drag the Source files into your project(To get the latest version, please install manually)


To integrate StickerTextView into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile and run pod install:

0.1.1" ">
pod "JLStickerTextView", "~> 0.1.1"

To get the latest version:

"" ">
pod "JLStickerTextView", :git =>



First, import JLStickerTextView, then subclass the UIImageView, which you want to add text on, to JLStickerImageView, like this:

import JLStickerTextView
class ViewController: UIViewController {
	@IBOutlet var stickerView: JLStickerImageView!

If you use Storyboard, you also need connect the UIImageView to JLStikcerImageView Class in Identity Inspector.

Add new Label

It is quite easy to add new label to current StickerImageView:


Set the Label

You can set the color, font , alignment, alpha.... of the label.(check all avaliable text attributes)

stickerView.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor()

Note: when you set the properties, you make change to the current selected TextLabel.

Render Text on Image

When you feel good, you are going to render the Text on Image and save the image:

let image = stickerView.renderTextOnView(stickerView)
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image!, nil, nil, nil)

Customize the StickerTextView appearance

Customize stickerTextView appearance is very strightforward:

//Set the image of close Button
stickerView.currentlyEditingLabel.closeView!.image = UIImage(named: "cancel")
//Set the image of rotate Button
stickerView.currentlyEditingLabel.rotateView?.image = UIImage(named: "rotate")
//Set the border color of textLabel
stickerView.currentlyEditingLabel.border?.strokeColor = UIColor.redColor().CGColor

Note: closeView and rotateView are both UIimageView, while border is CAShapeLayer

Scale stickerView proportionally

This function is not complete yet, I just make it to fit my requirement.


When you render the text on UIImageView whose content mode is AspectFit, it is possible you will get some unwanted border. This function will scale UIImageView to fit the image.

Avaliable Text Attributes Reference(Let's add more 😉 )

Key JLStickerImageView Property value Type
Font .fontName String
Alignment .textAlignment NSTextAlignment
Alpha .textAlpha CGFloat
textColor .textColor UIColor
lineSpacing .lineSpacing CGFloat
TextShadow .textShadowOffset CGSize
.textShadowColor UIColor
.textShadowBlur CGFloat


Any suggestion, request, pull are welcome. If you encounter any problem, feel free to create an issue.

If you want to add more text attributes:

  1. Please fork this project
  2. Define the attribute you want in JLAttributedTextView.swift
  3. implement user interface in JLStickerImageVIew.swift
  4. Write appropriate docs and comments in the
  5. Submit a pull request


Here are some ideas:

  • More options for text(eg: lineSpacing)
  • Interface to customize the appearance of StickerLabelView(close Button, rotate button, border,etc)
  • More general solution for Scaling stickerView proportionally
  • Support placeholder


Based on

Also inspired by

  • Seems to be poorly formatted and no longer maintained

    Seems to be poorly formatted and no longer maintained

    First of all, really thanks for your repo to provide me some nice initial ideas on creating my own stickerView.

    I just wonder if the owner is still maintaining this repo. If not, I'd someday post my solution here for convenience.

    opened by yo1995 1
  • Failed to compile and run the example

    Failed to compile and run the example

    I tried to compile and run the example. I followed both approach (the manual and the Pod) both were unsuccessful.

    For the Pod attempt, I couldn't pass the error againest import JLStickerTextView, the error is : Cannot load underlying module for 'JLStickerTextView'. I'm using Xcode version 7.3 and used the Example.xcworkspace file. I cleaned and ran again but no luck. My Pod version is the latest and was able to include other pods like SwiftyJSON.

    I even downloaded the Xcode 8 beta 6 to try it, and it was worst because it seems the code is not yet upgraded to swift 3.0

    I'm happy to try anything you may suggest and I'm so greatful for your help screen shot 2016-08-20 at 9 41 06 pm

    opened by alisa140 1
  • Swift Support

    Swift Support

    I am able to run the example but, while adding it in my swift project using pod it is giving me below error when I imported JLStickerTextView.

    Could not build Objective-C module 'JLStickerTextView'

    Can you please suggest how I can use this in my project?

    opened by harshjoshi096 0
  • Update to Swift 3.1

    Update to Swift 3.1

    Update framework to Swift 3.1 Important: This version have to update master branch to v0.1.2 for Cocoapods, later I'll have to update the pods in the example project.

    opened by pedrohr99 0
  • TextLable is going outside parent

    TextLable is going outside parent

    i have added JLSticker textView in my code but i am facing two issue

    1. how can i set width constraint whenever i add text it goes outside the screen but i want to convert my text in multiple line
    2. when i rotate or increase size of view it goes outside of parent view how we can manage to limit it to it's parent Screenshot 2020-05-22 at 1 22 30 PM
    opened by Khushboo-gupta-123 0
  • Video Editing

    Video Editing

    Hi @luiyezheng great tutorial many useful, how to change - - - - - border line,

    i want to develop a same to same as on video editing any idea how to do that as a multiple sticker with bubble add a different different timeline ?

    opened by Mitesh-Mewada 0
  • Editing Time cursor issue

    Editing Time cursor issue

    There is something wrong when I want to write something in textview from the middle position cursor goes at the end of the text. Please resolve this issue ASAP.

    opened by KrishnaPatell 0
  • When text is selected everything becomes white

    When text is selected everything becomes white

    When I select a text inside the JLAttributedTextView, everything becomes white.

    Normally it looks like this

    screen shot 2018-04-12 at 3 23 21 pm

    But after selecting the texts, it becomes like this

    screen shot 2018-04-12 at 3 23 38 pm

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