This application was created as a practice and shows a simply VIPER master-detail application.



This application was created as a practice and shows a simply VIPER master-detail application. Main screen shows a list of characters of Marvel Universe, where user can search by "nameStartsWith". The results are limited by page. This value may be replaced on MUConstants.swift file. This screen provides also a pagination section, where user can navigate between them. All data shown on this app is obtained from public API

Created with 🛠

  • Xcode 13.1
  • Cocoapods 1.10.1

Steps to build ▶️

  • Run pod install to install project dependencies.
  • You need create account on API page documentatión in order to obtain your private and public API key. After obtain them, put this information on fields Public Marvel Api Key and Private Marvel Api Key of info.plist allocated as marvel/Core/OtherFiles/Info.plist
  • You can build and laun the app.

Next steps 🚀

The development of this structure of app is not completed. Will be complete it over time.

Improve detail view

Adding information about events, and adding actions to comic and series button.

Add tests

Adding necesary test to project.

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