An iOS Library that makes shadows management easy on UIView.


ShadowView is an iOS Shadow library that makes view's shadow implementation easy and sweet πŸŽ‰ 🎊 .

Swift Version Build Status License CocoaPods Compatible Platform

Add simple shadows to add a gaussian blurred projection (as a shadow) to any UIView.

Table of contents


  • Add shadow easily from the storyboard and programmatically.
  • Add a gaussian blurred projection of your view (like iOS 10 music app).
  • Customize the border width and border color of any view from storyboard .


  • iOS 9.0+
  • Xcode 8



You can use CocoaPods to install ShadowView by adding it to your Podfile:

source ''
platform :ios, '9.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'ShadowView'


  1. Install Carthage via Homebrew
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
  1. Add github "PierrePerrin/ShadowView" to your Cartfile.

  2. Run carthage update.

  3. Drag ShadowView.framework from the Carthage/Build/iOS/ directory to the Linked Frameworks and Libraries section of your Xcode project’s General settings.

  4. Add $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/ShadowView.framework to Input Files of Run Script Phase for Carthage.


  1. Download and drop all files in ShadowView directory in your project.
  2. Nice Job the best shadow library is now installed! πŸŽ‰ 🎊 🎈


To get the full benefits import ShadowView wherever you import UIKit

import UIKit
import ShadowView

How it works

Normal Shadows

This shadow framework uses default CoreGraphics shadows by adding it the the layer of the view.

layer.shadowColor : CGColor
layer.shadowRadius : CGFloat
layer.shadowOffset : CGSize
layer.shadowOpacity : Float
layer.shadowPath : CGPath?

Projected Gaussian Shadows

Here the implemation is different. A shadow container need to be added and all views that needs a blurred shadow need to be subviews of this container. The container takes a screen of all it's subviews and then apply blur on it.

Usage example

With Storyboard

Normal Shadows

Any view has new paramerters in the storyboar that you can change in order to add a customize shadow to your view.

Projected Gaussian Shadows

Add an UIView to you ViewController, change it class to ShadowView and insert in it all view that needs a blurred shadow.


Normal Shadows

Set the shadows parameters to your view and it the shadow will appear! 🌟

view.shadowRadius = 5
view.shadowOffset =
view.shadowColor =
view.shadowOpacity = 0.3

Projected Gaussian Shadows

Create you container ShadowView and then add views that need Shadows inside of it.

    let exampleShadowContainerView = ShadowView()
    let imageView = UIImageView(image: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "sample.jpg"))

    override func loadView() {

        exampleShadowContainerView.frame = self.view.bounds
        exampleShadowContainerView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth,.flexibleHeight]
        exampleShadowContainerView.shadowOffset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 10)
        exampleShadowContainerView.shadowRadius = 20

        self.exampleShadowContainerView.addSubview(imageView) =

    override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
        imageView.frame.size = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200) =

Please see the example for more prescisions.


//Shared Paramerters

@IBInspectable public var shadowRadius : CGFloat

@IBInspectable public var shadowOffset : CGSize

@IBInspectable public var shadowColor : UIColor?

@IBInspectable public var shadowOpacity : Float

//Normal Shadow

@IBInspectable var shadowPath : CGPath?

//ShadowView only

///It changes the size of the projected shadow view.
@IBInspectable var shadowScale : CGFloat

///Changes the tint color of the blurred image
@IBInspectable var shadowTintColor : UIColor

///Changes the saturation of the blurred image (default:1)
@IBInspectable var shadowSaturation : CGFloat


Don't use Views like Sliders or ActivityIndicators, the shadow don't update un real-time. It's preferable to use statics Views like Labels, images...


We would love you for the contribution to ShadowView, check the LICENSE file for more info. If you find an issue, open a ticket on it.


Pierre Perrin –

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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  • addSubview so lag

    addSubview so lag

    When I add the shadowContainerView be the subview. It's so slow and feel lag.

    ShadowView *shadowContainerView = [[ShadowView alloc] init]; shadowContainerView.frame = self.bounds; shadowContainerView.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight); shadowContainerView.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(0, self.shadowOffset); shadowContainerView.shadowRadius = self.radius; shadowContainerView.shadowScale = 0.9;

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    [self addSubview: shadowContainerView]; //this line make the program so slow and lag [shadowContainerView addSubview:_frontImgView]; =;

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  • Is it still working?

    Is it still working?

    I tried to use it with a collection view I could'n find the: shadowView.highPerformanceBlur Could you give more detailed info about how to use it programmatically? I would love to use this framework, it seems awesome!

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