Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.

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EventBus SwiftTask

SwiftTask Circle CI

Promise + progress + pause + cancel + retry for Swift.


How to install

See ReactKit Wiki page.



// define task
let task = Task<Float, String, NSError> { progress, fulfill, reject, configure in

    player.doSomethingWithProgress({ (progressValue: Float) in
        progress(progressValue) // optional
    }, completion: { (value: NSData?, error: NSError?) in
        if error == nil {
        else {

    // pause/resume/cancel configuration (optional)
    configure.pause = { [weak player] in
    configure.resume = { [weak player] in
    configure.cancel = { [weak player] in


// set success & failure
task.success { (value: String) -> Void in
    // do something with fulfilled value
}.failure { (error: NSError?, isCancelled: Bool) -> Void in
    // do something with rejected error

// you can call configured operations outside of Task-definition

Notice that player has following methods, which will work nicely with SwiftTask:

  • doSomethingWithProgress(_:completion:) (progress callback as optional)
  • pause() (optional)
  • resume() (optional)
  • cancel() (optional)

One of the best example would be Alamofire (networking library) as seen below.

Using Alamofire

typealias Progress = (bytesWritten: Int64, totalBytesWritten: Int64, totalBytesExpectedToWrite: Int64)
typealias AlamoFireTask = Task<Progress, String, NSError>

// define task
let task = AlamoFireTask { progress, fulfill, reject, configure in, "", destination: somewhere)
    .progress { bytesWritten, totalBytesWritten, totalBytesExpectedToWrite in

        progress((bytesWritten, totalBytesWritten, totalBytesExpectedToWrite) as Progress)

    }.response { request, response, data, error in

        if let error = error {




// set progress & then
task.progress { (oldProgress: Progress?, newProgress: Progress) in


}.then { (value: String?, errorInfo: AlamoFireTask.ErrorInfo?) -> Void in
    // do something with fulfilled value or rejected errorInfo


Task can retry for multiple times by using retry() method. For example, task.retry(n) will retry at most n times (total tries = n+1) if task keeps rejected, and task.retry(0) is obviously same as task itself having no retries.

This feature is extremely useful for unstable tasks e.g. network connection. By implementing retryable from SwiftTask's side, similar code is no longer needed for player (inner logic) class.

task.retry(2).progress { ... }.success { ...
    // this closure will be called even when task is rejected for 1st & 2nd try
    // but finally fulfilled in 3rd try.

For more examples, please see XCTest cases.

API Reference


Define your task inside initClosure.

let task = Task<Float, NSString?, NSError> { progress, fulfill, reject, configure in

    player.doSomethingWithCompletion { (value: NSString?, error: NSError?) in
        if error == nil {
        else {

In order to pipeline future task.value or task.errorInfo (tuple of (error: Error?, isCancelled: Bool)) via then()/success()/failure(), you have to call fulfill(value) and/or reject(error) inside initClosure.

Optionally, you can call progress(progressValue) multiple times before calling fulfill/reject to transfer progressValue outside of the initClosure, notifying it to task itself.

To add pause/resume/cancel functionality to your task, use configure to wrap up the original one.

// NOTE: use weak to let task NOT CAPTURE player via configure
configure.pause = { [weak player] in
configure.resume = { [weak player] in
configure.cancel = { [weak player] in

task.progress(_ progressClosure:) -> task

task.progress { (oldProgress: Progress?, newProgress: Progress) in
}.success { ... }

task.progress(progressClosure) will add progressClosure to observe old/new progressValue which is notified from inside previous initClosure. This method will return same task, so it is useful to chain with forthcoming then/success/failure.

task.then(_ thenClosure:) -> newTask

task.then(thenClosure) will return a new task where thenClosure will be invoked when task is either fulfilled or rejected.

This case is similar to JavaScript's promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected).

thenClosure can be two types of closure form:

  1. thenClosure: (Value?, ErrorInfo?) -> Value2 (flow: task => newTask)
// let task will be fulfilled with value "Hello"

task.then { (value: String?, errorInfo: ErrorInfo?) -> String in
    // nil-check to find out whether task is fulfilled or rejected
    if errorInfo == nil {
        return "\(value!) World"
    else {
        return "\(value!) Error"
}.success { (value: String) -> Void in
    println("\(value)")  // Hello World
  1. thenClosure: (Value?, ErrorInfo?) -> Task (flow: task => task2 => newTask)
// let task will be fulfilled with value "Hello"

task.then { (value: String?, errorInfo: ErrorInfo?) -> Task<Float, String, NSError> in
    if errorInfo == nil {
        // let task2 will be fulfilled with value "\(value!) Swift"
        let task2 = ...
        return task2
    else {
        return someOtherTask
}.success { (value: String) -> Void in
    println("\(value)")  // Hello Swift

task.success(_ successClosure:) -> newTask

Similar to then() method, task.success(successClosure) will return a new task, but this time, successClosure will be invoked when task is only fulfilled.

This case is similar to JavaScript's promise.then(onFulfilled).

// let task will be fulfilled with value "Hello"

task.success { (value: String) -> String in
  return "\(value) World"
}.success { (value: String) -> Void in
  println("\(value)")  // Hello World

task.failure(_ failureClosure:) -> newTask

Just the opposite of success(), task.failure(failureClosure) will return a new task where failureClosure will be invoked when task is only rejected/cancelled.

This case is similar to JavaScript's promise.then(undefined, onRejected) or promise.catch(onRejected).

// let task will be rejected with error "Oh My God"

task.success { (value: String) -> Void in
    println("\(value)") // never reaches here
}.failure { (error: NSError?, isCancelled: Bool) -> Void in
    println("\(error!)")  // Oh My God

task.try(_ tryCount:) -> newTask

See Retry-able section.

Task.all(_ tasks:) -> newTask

Task.all(tasks) is a new task that performs all tasks simultaneously and will be:

  • fulfilled when all tasks are fulfilled
  • rejected when any of the task is rejected

Task.any(_ tasks:) -> newTask

Task.any(tasks) is an opposite of Task.all(tasks) which will be:

  • fulfilled when any of the task is fulfilled
  • rejected when all tasks are rejected

Task.some(_ tasks:) -> newTask

Task.some(tasks) is a new task that performs all tasks without internal rejection, and is fulfilled with given tasks's fulfilled values. Note that this new task will be fulfilled with empty value-array, even though all tasks are rejected.

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    Add `on(success:failure:)` for adding side-effects.

    This is a new feature and improvement on #50 to add side-effects after completion (success or failure) of task.

    Please see SwiftTaskTests.swift#L425-L474 for more detail.


    Using Self for returning value will fail in Xcode 7.0, but not in 7.1.

    opened by inamiy 9
  • implement zip function

    implement zip function

    would be great to have a zip function that takes two tasks with different progress, value and error types and returns a task that returns a tuple of values.

    I've implemented the function with the signature

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    but unfortunately I'm unable to call it without the error:

    Cannot invoke 'zip' with an argument list of type '(Task<Void, String, String>, Task<Void, String, String>)'
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  • Failure return `value`

    Failure return `value`

    Maybe I'm completely confused about the way this works, but shouldn't a failureClosure return Void? Currently, it's trying to return the Value type.

    The README shows failure returning Void, which makes sense. Why is the failureClosure returning the value? If the task has failed, shouldn't there be no value?

    I'm unable to use this, because, for the task I'm trying to create, if the task has failed, I can't return a value, since the value doesn't exist.

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  • Add retry(_:condition:) method.

    Add retry(_:condition:) method.

    Hi, I want conditional retryable feature. In my use case, I want retry failed task with date time predication like this.

    task.retry(5) { () -> Bool in
      let now = NSDate()
      return == .OrderedAscending
    }.success { (value) -> Void in

    What do you think about this?

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  • Add retryable feature.

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    This pull request brings a new retryable feature for future ver 2.1.0.

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    with n-1 failure-able.


    task.try(3).success { ...
        // this closure will be called even when task is rejected for 1st & 2nd try 
        // but fulfilled in 3rd try.
    // shorthand
    (task ~ 3).then { ... }
    opened by inamiy 5
  • Progress propagation

    Progress propagation

    I am having problems getting progress events to propagate up the chain of tasks.

    I have a lower level String task that will generate progress. Then, upon success I want to convert that String value to in Int if possible or an error otherwise. I expect progress handlers on both tasks to be called whenever progress changes on the lower level task. Is this a valid expectation?

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    class ProgressTest: QuickSpec {
        override func spec() {
            var stringTask: Task<Float, String, NSError>!
            var stringTaskProgressHandler: (Float ->Void)?
            var stringTaskProgressValue: Float?
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                }.progress { oldValue, newValue in
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                intTask = stringTask.success { stringValue -> Task<Float, Int, NSError> in
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                        return Task(value: intValue)
                    } else {
                        return Task(error: NSError(domain: "test", code: 123, userInfo: nil))
                }.progress { oldValue, newValue in
                    intTaskProgressValue = newValue
            describe("when string task has progress") {
                beforeEach {
                it("string task progress should fire") {
                it("should propagate progress to intTask") {
                    // ************ This test fails! ************


    opened by mjbeauregard 4
  • Failure in Task.all() make recursive calls

    Failure in Task.all() make recursive calls

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                }.failure { (errorInfo: ErrorInfo) -> Void in
                        for task in tasks {
                            task.cancel()  // <- this call invokes ".failure" of another task in the same context
    opened by aKentaroIchima 3
  • Create tasks manager to retain tasks

    Create tasks manager to retain tasks

    Is it possible to retain task while it is executed in one scope? I have found that tasks deinit after creating )) even they are returned from success block of other task. Probably we need something that will retain task while it is executing like in next example:

    public class Task<Progress, Value, Error> {
        class func createTask<Progress, Value, Error>(initClosure: InitClosure) -> Task<Progesss, Value, Error> {
            // Paused
            let task = Task<Progesss, Value, Error>(paused: true, initClosure: initClosure)
            task.onFinish = {
                TasksRegistry.unregister(task) // Release
            TasksRegistry.register(task) // Retain
            return task

    Or is there any other ways to do so?

    opened by Koshub 3
  • chain Task.all more than once, last `then` not called.

    chain Task.all more than once, last `then` not called.

    Under the following conditions, last then not called.

    • Task.all chain more than once
    • all tasks is empty

    what would be a good way to do it?

    Sample code

    final class Image {
      let url: String
      var downloaded: Bool = false
      var converted: Bool = false
      typealias DownloadTask = Task<NSProgress, String, NSError?>
      typealias ConvertTask = Task<NSProgress, String, NSError?>
      init(url: String) {
        self.url = url
      func download() -> DownloadTask {
        return DownloadTask { progress, fulfill, reject, configure in
          // download image and cache
          self.downloaded = true
          return fulfill("path to image")
      func convert() -> ConvertTask {
        return ConvertTask { progress, fulfill, reject, configure in
          // convert image
          self.converted = true
          return fulfill("path to converted image")
    func downloadAndConvertAll() {
      let images = [
        Image(url: ""),
        Image(url: ""),
        Image(url: ""),
      // I want to exclude downloaded image
      let downloadTasks = images.filter { !$0.downloaded }.map { $ }
      // downloadTasks.count == 0 and convertTasks.count == 0 => doSomething not called
      Task.all(downloadTasks).then { _ -> Task<Image.ConvertTask.BulkProgress, [String], NSError?> in
        // I want to exclude converted image
        let convertTasks = images.filter { !$0.converted }.map { $0.convert() }
        return Task.all(convertTasks)
      }.then { _ in
    func doSomething() {

    found workaround

    Task.all(downloadTasks.count > 0 ? downloadTasks : [Image.DownloadTask(value: "dummy")])


    Task.all(convertTasks.count > 0 ? convertTasks : [Image.ConvertTask(value: "dummy")])
    opened by taka0125 3
  • add .success / .failure methods that cause sideeffects only

    add .success / .failure methods that cause sideeffects only

    It will be handy if we could just add event handlers without changing values or types of Tasks (now SwiftTask requires .success / .failure closures to return a new value or Task). In particular, it's painful to use .failure when you just want to add an event handler and don't want to recover from failures, because it still requires successful return value.

    This PR adds .success / .failure methods which have closures of returning type Void for their arguments. You pass a closure returns nothing (or Void), and you get a new Task nearly identical to previous one but it keeps the closure as an event handler.

    This change disables handling Tasks with Void as the Value type (eg. Task<Progress, Void, Error>), but no one might want to use such creepy Tasks :wink:

    opened by tamamachi 3
  • Handling multiple error types.

    Handling multiple error types.

    This pull request will fix by:

    • [x] improving type-inference for overloaded then()/success()/failure() to not use the wrong one
    • [x] using then() to promote Task type from Task<P1, V1, E1> to Task<P2, V2, E2> (including E1 -> E2 Error type change)

    For more information, please see MultipleErrorTypesTests.swift.


    let task1: Task1 = self.request1()
    task1.success { _ -> Task2 in
        return self.request2() // let's say, this task will fail
    }.then { value, errorInfo -> Void in
        // NOTE:
        // Though `errorInfo` will still be non-nil, `errorInfo!.error` will become as `nil`
        // if Task1 and Task2 have different Error types.

    If Task1 and Task2 have different Error types and request2 fails, you will still receive errorInfo as non-nil, but now errorInfo!.error will become as nil.

    This is because there is no way to convert request2's error back to task1's Error type (which is required in success() task-flow).

    To avoid this default behavior, it is user's job to add error-conversion logic to maintain same Error type throughout the task-flow, by adding another type-promotable then()/success()/failure().

    opened by inamiy 3
  • Publicly visible Swift 3 Support

    Publicly visible Swift 3 Support

    I see that there is a branch for Swift 3 support open. What is the roadmap for having the Swift 3 branch merged and available publicly via cocoapods?

    (Specifically, looking to consume the library in a podspec, where the branch cannot be specified)

    opened by stephengazzard 3
  • Some strange behaviour

    Some strange behaviour

    Can you help please? Found some case when failure block is called after task is fulfilled. I don't understand how could it be possible but from stacktrace of XCode cancel method is called from task deinit. This cause the task to be handled as canceled in my code, but I has fulfilled it. I don't understand what I made wrong.

    screen shot 2016-10-03 at 10 16 08 pm
    opened by Koshub 0
  • Implement when function

    Implement when function

    I implement "when" method. It corresponds to multiple value type.


    • success pattern
            let task1 = Task<Float, String, NSError?> { fulfill, reject in fulfill("Success") }
            let task2 = Task<Float, Int, NSError?> { fulfill, reject in fulfill(1) }
            let task3 = Task<Float, Double, NSError?> { fulfill, reject in fulfill(1.1) }
            Task<Float, (String, Int, Double), NSError>.when((task1, task2, task3)).success { (string, int, double) -> Void in
                print(string) // -> Success
                print(int) // -> 1
                print(double) // -> 1.1
            }.failure { (error, isCancelled) -> Void in

    *failure pattern

            let task1 = Task<Float, String, String> { fulfill, reject in fulfill("Success") }
            let task2 = Task<Float, Int, String> { fulfill, reject in fulfill(1) }
            let task3 = Task<Float, Double, String> { fulfill, reject in  reject("Rejected") }
            Task<Float, (String, Int, Double), String>.when((task1, task2, task3)).success { (string, int, double) -> Void in
            }.failure { (error, isCancelled) -> Void in
                print(error) // -> Optional("Rejected")
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