When is a lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift.

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EventBus swift promise


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When is a lightweight implementation of Promises in Swift. It doesn't include any helper functions for iOS and OSX and it's intentional, to remove redundant complexity and give you more freedom and flexibility in your choices. It is type safe, thanks Swift generics, so you could create promises with whatever type you want.

When can easily be integrated into your projects and libraries to move your asynchronous code up to the next level.

Table of Contents

When Icon


To make asynchronous code more readable and standardized:

fetchJSON().then({ data: NSData -> [[String: AnyObject]] in
  // Convert to JSON
  return json
}).then({ json: [[String: AnyObject]] -> [Entity] in
  // Map JSON
  // Save to database
  return items
}).done({ items: [Entity] in
  self.items = items
}).error({ error in



A promise represents the future value of a task. Promises start in a pending state and then could be resolved with a value or rejected with an error.

// Creates a new promise that could be resolved with a String value
let promise = Promise<String>()
// Resolves the promise
// Or rejects the promise
// Creates a new promise that is resolved with a String value
let promise = Promise({
  return "String"
// Creates a new promise that is rejected with an Error
let promise = Promise({
  throw Error.notFound

Callbacks of the current promise and all the chained promises (created with then) are executed on the main queue by default, but you can always specify the needed queue in init:

let promise = Promise<String>(queue: dispatch_get_main_queue())


Adds a handler to be called when the promise object is resolved with a value:

// Create a new promise in a pending state
let promise = Promise<String>()
// Add done callback
promise.done({ value in
// Resolve the promise


Adds a handler to be called when the promise object is rejected with an Error:

// Create a new promise in a pending state
let promise = Promise<String>()
// Add fail callback
promise.fail({ error in
// Reject the promise

It's also possible to cancel a promise, which means it will be rejected with PromiseError.cancelled error. FailurePolicy can be used if you want to ignore this error in your fail handler:

// Create a new promise in a pending state
let promise = Promise<String>()
// This callback will not be called when a promise is cancelled
promise.fail({ error in
// This callback will be called when a promise is cancelled
promise.fail(policy: .allErrors, { error in
// Cancel the promise


Adds a handler to be called when the promise object is either resolved or rejected. This callback will be called after done or fail handlers.

// Create a new promise in a pending state
let promise = Promise<String>()
// Add always callback
promise.always({ result in
  switch result {
  case let .success(value):
  case let .failure(error):
// Resolve or reject the promise
promise.resolve("String") // promise.reject(Error.notFound)


Returns a new promise that can use the result value of the current promise. It means that you could easily create chains of promises to simplify complex asynchronous operations into clear and simple to understand logic.

A new promise is resolved with the value returned from the provided closure:

let promise = Promise<NSData>()

  .then({ data -> Int in
    return data.length
  }).then({ length -> Bool in
    return length > 5
  }).done({ value in


A new promise is resolved when the promise returned from the provided closure resolves:

struct Networking {
  static func GET(url: NSURL) -> Promise
   let promise 
   = Promise

   return promise

   then({ data 
   -> Promise

   return Networking.
   then({ data 
   return data.
   done({ value 

then closure is executed on the main queue by default, but you can pass a needed queue as a parameter:

promise.then(on: dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_UTILITY, 0))({ data -> Int in

If you want to use background queue there are the helper methods for this case:

promise1.thenInBackground({ data -> Int in

promise2.thenInBackground({ data -> Promise<NSData> in


Returns a new promise that can be used to continue the chain when an error was thrown.

let promise = Promise<String>()
// Recover the chain
  .recover({ error -> Promise<String> in
    return Promise({
      return "Recovered"
  .done({ string in
    print(string) // Recovered
// Reject the promise


Provides a way to execute callback functions based on one or more promises. The when method returns a new "master" promise that tracks the aggregate state of all the passed promises. The method will resolve its "master" promise as soon as all the promises resolve, or reject the "master" promise as soon as one of the promises is rejected. If the "master" promise is resolved, the done callback is executed with resolved values for each of the promises:

let promise1 = Promise<Int>()
let promise2 = Promise<String>()
let promise3 = Promise<Int>()

when(promise1, promise2, promise3)
  .done({ value1, value2, value3 in


Reactive extensions

Use the following extension in order to integrate When with RxSwift:

import RxSwift

extension Promise: ObservableConvertibleType {
  public func asObservable() -> Observable
   return Observable.
   create({ observer 
   done({ value 
   fail({ error 

   return Disposables.


When is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'When'

For RxSwift extensions you can use CocoaPods subspecs:

pod 'When/RxSwift'

When is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "vadymmarkov/When"


Vadym Markov, markov.vadym@gmail.com


Credits for inspiration go to PromiseKit and Then.


Check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


When is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • When.BarrierQueue


    Hello! I found what barrier queue is concurrent:


    let barrierQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "When.BarrierQueue", attributes: DispatchQueue.Attributes.concurrent)

    But it must be serial to behave as real barrier. Misprint?

    opened by MontakOleg 5
  • WhenRx as an optional dependency?

    WhenRx as an optional dependency?

    Is there any way to include When as a dependency via Carthage and have it not pull down RxSwift et al? I won't be using that part of the library and it basically introduces a huge overhead to my Cartfile checkouts and builds otherwise.

    opened by timsearle 4
  • Added 'When' dependency to RxWhen-tvOS target

    Added 'When' dependency to RxWhen-tvOS target

    Setup: Carthage only

    Issue: When integrating When using carthage bootstrap, and not specifying the platforms, the build fails.

    Reason: Promise+Rx.swift requires the When module, to which the linking was not included in the target and thus breaking the build.

    If this was deliberate, and the change I propose is breaking/I have to go another route to solve this issue, please say so.

    Disclaimer: I have never developed for tvOS, and am not aware of any restrictions that might be triggered by this, but given the fact that iOS works in the exact same way, and 'Allow app extension API only' is deselected, I have no reason to assume it'll fail.

    opened by daneov 2
  • Default DispatchQueue

    Default DispatchQueue

    Maybe queue should be optional? Regularly I want execute promise callback in same queue where promise was created. I want set queue explicitly for async operations. Now i am change default queue from .main to 'instant', but i want rework dispatch in my fork in future. If you agreed with me i can make PR.

    Sorry for bad english.

    opened by ghfghfg23 2
  • Add @discardableResult to promises that run in different queues

    Add @discardableResult to promises that run in different queues

    This fixes warnings that occur when you use promises with dispatch queues. The fix is to add @discardableResult so that you don't have to keep a reference of the promise result.

    opened by zenangst 2
  • Calling 'when' with more than 3 promises

    Calling 'when' with more than 3 promises

    I stumbled upon a case where I need to pass 4 promises to the when function, and they all return different types. Therefore I can't use the function that receives an Array<T>.

    Is there a specific reason to limit the function to 3 promises? Or is it just because it would need to repeat pretty much similar pieces of code for each number of inputs?

    opened by guilhermearaujo 1
  • Aligned iOS deployment target with targets

    Aligned iOS deployment target with targets

    Both targets

    • When-iOS
    • RxWhen-iOS

    Both target iOS 8, as does the downstream dependency RxSwift, but the project's iOS Deployment Target was set to 9.2. This was brought to my attention when building hyperoslo/Malibu with Xcode 10.

    This PR aligns those versions.

    opened by daneov 1
  • Duplicate bundle identifier for When and RxWhen

    Duplicate bundle identifier for When and RxWhen

    When and RxWhen both have the same bundle identifier which prevents using both at the same time. Also, RxWhen depends on When, which means both are meant to be used at the same time.


    Proposed Solution: Rename the Bundle identifiers for RxWhen to RxWhen-iOS, RxWhen-Mac, etc.

    opened by ludovicarnold 1
  • Added Linux Support

    Added Linux Support

    Tests won't be possible quite yet cos Quick/Nimble haven't updated their Package.swift files quite yet, but I can confirm building works.

    In case you'd like to check it out, I'd suggest downloading Docker for mac and running

    1. docker run -it --privileged --volume (pwd)":/package" ibmcom/swift-ubuntu:4.0.3 /bin/bash to enter a shell
    2. cd package (that's the directory we mounted)
    3. swift build (try writing a script or 2 to make sure nothing's borked 😉 )
    opened by codeOfRobin 1
  • Done handlers not called if promise already resolved

    Done handlers not called if promise already resolved

    This code will print 5:

    let promise = Promise<Int>(queue: DispatchQueue.global())
    promise.done { result in

    But this is not:

    let promise = Promise<Int>(queue: DispatchQueue.global())
    promise.done { result in

    This behavior is by design?

    opened by MontakOleg 1
  • Promise: Make cancel an open function

    Promise: Make cancel an open function

    This change opens up cancel() to be overriden in other modules. This will be used in the Malibu framework (https://github.com/hyperoslo/malibu) to be able to use the latest version of When.

    opened by JohnSundell 1
Vadym Markov
iOS Software Engineer
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