The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode - with a mouse click.


The easiest way to install and switch between multiple versions of Xcode.

If you're looking for a command-line version of, try xcodes.



  • List all available Xcode versions from Xcode Releases' data or the Apple Developer website.
  • Install any Xcode version, fully automated from start to finish. Xcodes uses aria2, which uses up to 16 connections to download 3-5x faster than URLSession.
  • Just click a button to make a version active with xcode-select.
  • View release notes, OS compatibility, included SDKs and compilers from Xcode Releases.

Installation runs on macOS Big Sur 11.0 or later.

Homebrew Cask

brew install --cask xcodes

# These are Developer ID-signed and notarized release builds and don't require Xcode to already be installed in order to use.

Download a release

  1. Download the latest version here using the asset. These are Developer ID-signed and notarized release builds and don't require Xcode to already be installed in order to use.
  2. Move the unzipped to your /Applications directory


You'll need macOS 11 Big Sur and Xcode 12 in order to build and run

If you aren't a Robots and Pencils employee you'll need to change the CODE_SIGNING_SUBJECT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT build setting to your Apple Developer team ID in order for code signing validation to succeed between the main app and the privileged helper.

Notable design decisions are recorded in The Apple authentication flow is described in Apple.paw, which will allow you to play with the API endpoints that are involved using the Paw app.

xcode-install and fastlane/spaceship both deserve credit for figuring out the hard parts of what makes this possible.

Releasing a new version

Follow the steps below to build and release a new version of For any of the git steps, you can use your preferred tool, but please sign the tag.

" -p pushd Product ../scripts/ "" "@keychain:AC_PASSWORD" # Sign the .zip for Sparkle, note the signature in the output for later # If you're warned about the signing key not being found, see the Xcodes 1Password vault for the key and installation instructions. ../scripts/sign_update popd # Go to # If there are uncategorized PRs, add the appropriate label and run the Release Drafter action manually # Edit the latest draft release # Set its tag to the tag you just pushed # Set its title to a string with the format "$VERSION ($BUILD)" # Polish the draft release notes, if necessary # Add the signature to the bottom of the release notes in a comment, like: # Attach the zip that was created in the Product directory to the release # Publish the release # Update the [Homebrew Cask]( ">
# Update the version number in Xcode and commit the change, if necessary

# Question: Did anything in XPCHelper change? 
# - com.robotsandpencils.XcodesApp.Helper folder and HelperXPCShared
# - if so, bump the version number in com.robotsandpencils.XcodesApp.Helper target. 
# Note: you do not have to bump the version number if nothing has changed.
# Note2: If you do bump the version, the end user, must re-install the XPCHelper and give permission again.

# Increment the build number

# Commit the change
git add Xcodes/Resources/Info.plist
git commit -asm "Increment build number"

# Tag the latest commit
# Replace $VERSION and $BUILD below with the latest real values
git tag -asm "v$VERSIONb$BUILD" "v$VERSIONb$BUILD"

# Push to origin
git push --follow-tags

# Build the app
# Make sure you have the Xcode Selected you want to build with

# Notarize the app
# Do this from the Product directory so the app is zipped without being nested inside Product
# Create a app specific password on if you haven't already
# % xcrun altool --store-password-in-keychain-item "AC_PASSWORD" -u "
       " -p 

pushd Product
../scripts/ "" "@keychain:AC_PASSWORD" <MyOrg>

# Sign the .zip for Sparkle, note the signature in the output for later
# If you're warned about the signing key not being found, see the Xcodes 1Password vault for the key and installation instructions.

# Go to
# If there are uncategorized PRs, add the appropriate label and run the Release Drafter action manually
# Edit the latest draft release
# Set its tag to the tag you just pushed
# Set its title to a string with the format "$VERSION ($BUILD)"
# Polish the draft release notes, if necessary
# Add the signature to the bottom of the release notes in a comment, like:
<!-- sparkle:edSignature=$SIGNATURE -->
# Attach the zip that was created in the Product directory to the release
# Publish the release

# Update the [Homebrew Cask](


Made with ❤️ by Robots & Pencils

Twitter | GitHub

  • Add option to always have a version named

    Add option to always have a version named "" on activate

    Tell us how we can improve Xcodes This app is amazing and I use it all the time. The only thing I need to do manually right now is after upgrading to a new stable release and making it the active one, to rename it so it does not have the version in its name, which I don't want to have for the latest stable release.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I know that "make active" is the right approach, but some tools expect to have a path just called and therefore it's safer to have the latest stable just called that. See for example.

    What would you like to see? How would you like it to work? Besides the existing "Active" button, there could also be a "Default name" button. Or alternatively, there could be an option in the preferences stating something like "Remove version suffix from currently active Xcode apps name".

    opened by Jeehut 18
  • 'Make active' button has no effect

    'Make active' button has no effect

    Describe the bug With Xcode 12.4 as my current default, tapping 'make active' on 12.5 does nothing.

    To Reproduce set your default to 12.4 (or likely other) and then tap 'make active' on 12.5

    Expected behavior I expected it would make 12.5 the default

    Screenshots attached


    • OS: 11.2.3
    • Xcodes: 1.0.5 (6)
    Screen Shot 2021-04-27 at 11 34 03 AM bug 
    opened by paulthorsteinson 16
  • Unable to install Xcode

    Unable to install Xcode

    Describe the bug I am unable to install Xcode using Xcodes.

    To Reproduce Launch app, log in, choose an Xcode version to install.

    Expected behavior The version should install.

    Screenshots I see an error message.



    • OS: macOS 12.3 beta
    • Xcodes: 13.0 (10)
    opened by jordanekay 12
  • Can't install Xcode version 13.1

    Can't install Xcode version 13.1

    Describe the bug Can't install Xcode version 13.1 after 13.2 installed

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. start app
    2. press install button
    3. see popUp with err

    Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Installation started

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Знімок екрана 2021-12-14 о 23 22 23


    • OS: 12.0.1 (21A559)
    • Xcodes: 13.2
    opened by khorbushko 11
  • Unable to download Xcode without dev account

    Unable to download Xcode without dev account

    In the latest version it is impossible to download any version of Xcode if the user is not signed into a currently participating developer account.

    Up until the last version it was possible to download Xcode without a participating dev. account. It is possible to download and use both the betas and stable versions of Xcode without a dev account from


    • OS: macOS Monterey 12.0.1
    • Xcodes: 1.2.0
    opened by Nikipe 10
  • Cannot download and install some version of Xcode

    Cannot download and install some version of Xcode

    Describe the bug When I try to install Xcode, I get the following error message.

    Could not install Xcode This archive "" is corrupt and cannot be expanded.

    I downloaded it directly from with success.

    To Reproduce Data Source = "Xcode Releases"

    1. Select 11.7 (11E801a). or 12.5.1 (12E507).
    2. Push [Install] button.
    3. Then the error message appears.

    Expected behavior Starts downloading selected Xcode normally.

    Screenshots SS_2022-11-15_14 06 13


    • OS: macOS Ventura 13.0.1
    • Xcodes: 1.8.0 with Japanese Language.
    opened by hackenbacker 9
  • Allow Log in with Federated Apple ID

    Allow Log in with Federated Apple ID

    Tell us how we can improve Xcodes At larger organizations that have enrolled in the Federated Authentication it's not possible to log in to Xcodes.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Unable to log in with federated Apple ID image

    What would you like to see? How would you like it to work? It'd be good to check if the email address is enrolled in federated authentication first and redirect to the IDP.

    opened by radloffl 9
  • Crash when navigating to the Experiments tab on macOS 13 developer beta

    Crash when navigating to the Experiments tab on macOS 13 developer beta

    Describe the bug When I navigate to the Experiments tab on macOS 13, the app crashes, however, when opening the app again and opening settings, the experiments tab is shown normally. Also, after navigating to another tab, the updates tab will crash the app as well.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Open, open preferences, click on experiments.

    Expected behavior The app does not crash


    • OS: macOS 13.0
    • Xcodes: 1.6.0

    To be honest, I don't know if I should report this to you all or to apple, so let me know if it is more appropriate to submit a feedback to apple about this.

    opened by Candygoblen123 8
  • Implement install functionality

    Implement install functionality

    This adds install functionality to Xcodes. I took the XcodeInstaller code from xcodes and quickly ported it to Combine. The way that these publishers are used seems un-idiomatic, as the different installation steps are set in handleEvents operators, and the publishers all have a Void output type. It might be more appropriate to, for example, have the publishers send XcodeInstallState values instead, and I think we can revisit this after this is merged.

    Things that require sudo in xcodes use the helper, which is installed "on demand" from the user's perspective.

    I had to change how works because the combination of combineLatest(_:), subscribe(on:) and Deferred seemed to cause one of the security validation publishers to be subscribed to after the result value had already been sent.

    This doesn't include aria2 support, yet. I commented it out when I brought the xcodes code over, and plan on looping back to that soon.

    I added tests for the happy path to make sure that the XcodeInstallState is updated correctly. There are tests for both the Apple and Xcode Releases data sources, as the version information available in each is slightly different before the Xcode is actually installed, and so comparisons get tricky.


    Find an Xcode you don't have and click Install. Wait ⌛ Make sure that the UI updates at the appropriate times (set breakpoints and/or watch Activity Monitor to get a sense of what's being done under the hood) Make sure that when it's done, the Make Active and Open buttons are shown and work.

    You should be able to do this without having installed the helper first (use ./Scripts/ to remove it if you're not sure), or with it already installed.

    Relates to #4

    opened by interstateone 8
  • Unable to install Xcode:

    Unable to install Xcode: "ProcessExecutionError"

    Describe the bug I couldn't download Xcode 14.2 until I deleted ~/Library/Application Support/com.robotsandpencils.XcodesApp & restarted Xcodes. I was able to kick off downloading other versions of Xcode, though I didn't run those to completion as part of the test.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Here is my corrupt com.robotsandpencils.XcodesApp folder, I guess replace yours with this to experience the issue:

    Expected behavior Download of Xcode 14.2 should complete.

    Screenshots CleanShot 2022-12-20 at 10 14 29@2x


    • OS: Ventura 13.1
    • Xcodes: 1.9.0 (17)
    opened by iandundas 7
  • Xcodes downloads html page as xip file rather than xip

    Xcodes downloads html page as xip file rather than xip

    (EDIT: I have a workaround in the first comment below but leaving open so devs are notified and can handle http status codes/invalid xip files correctly)

    Describe the bug Attempting to download the Xcode 14.1 (current latest) gives an error.

    The operation couldn’t be completed. (ProcessExecutionError(process: <NSConcreteTask: 0x600000886210>, standardOutput: "", standardError: ""))

    I did originally get the "downloading 1/6" notification followed by an error (I am not 100% sure if it was the same error). Now hitting install I get the "unarchiving 2/6" notification with the above error. The original error happened a few seconds after I hit install so it is not downloading, unsure why it is skipping to unarchiving.

    I have used Xcodes many times in the past without failure. This is the first time since updating to macOS Ventura.

    I went and looked at my local Xcode storage that Xcodes downloads to and there is a Xcode-14.1.0+14B47b.xip file there. It is 30kb. Opening it up in VSCode I can see it is html. I won't paste the full file but this hopefully gives an indication of why.

    	<title>Unauthorized - Apple Developer</title>
    	<meta name="omni_page" content="Unauthorized" />
    	<meta name="Description" content="The page you requested does not exist.">

    I am not using Xcodes with a logged in Apple account, I have been in the past but I managed to get Xcode 14.0 without being logged in thanks to that great 1.8 update so I don't think it's an issue with my creds being expired or anything.

    To Reproduce

    1. Open Xcodes
    2. Click install on Xcode 14.1

    Expected behavior Xcode installs like it has for me many times in the past.

    Screenshots NA


    • OS: Ventura (13.0)
    • Xcodes: 1.8.0 (16)
    • Hardware: 2018 Mac Mini (Intel)
    opened by beeradmoore 7
  • Unable to download Xcode with Federated Apple ID

    Unable to download Xcode with Federated Apple ID

    Describe the bug

    • Unable to download Xcode without authorization
    Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 7 47 36 PM
    • Unable to log in with Federated Apple ID
    Screen Shot 2023-01-03 at 7 48 26 PM

    Expected behavior


    • Xcode can be downloaded without authorization


    • macOS: 12.5.1 (21G83)
    • Xcodes: 1.9.0
    opened by alteral 0
  • Could you build Xcodes so it supports older OSes?

    Could you build Xcodes so it supports older OSes?


    I was happy to see that an app like this exists. I was then sad after downloading every version from the most recent one down to 1.0 and discovering that none of them will run on Catalina.

    I somehow hacked the Catalina installer to work on this old Mac mini Server, but I don't quite remember how I did it, but I do remember it was a bit of a nightmare, and I definitely don't wanna go down that route again.

    Is there any chance you could start building Xcodes so that it runs on OSes previous to Big Sur? It doesn't seem like there's any particular reason it would require Big Sur?

    Thanks :)

    opened by DanielSmedegaardBuus 3
  • Create Rosetta Alias Option

    Create Rosetta Alias Option

    Tell us how we can improve Xcodes Related: #321 #333 #312

    Create an alias to the rosetta version for that Xcode version in /Applications. That way you can run both a Rosetta version and the Apple silicon version.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

    Can use the command line instead of using Xcodes (re #333 #321)

    I work on some applications that only work in Rosetta but would like to use Apple silicon for everything else.

    What would you like to see? How would you like it to work?

    Have another version of the same Xcode version in the Application folder but the open in rosetta setting is checked. You can't do this with an alias. And a duplicate consumes too much disk space.

    Would be great if this was automated and the icon was updated to show that it is rosetta.

    opened by twodayslate 0
  • Add filter option to show released and RC xcodes while still hiding betas

    Add filter option to show released and RC xcodes while still hiding betas

    Tell us how we can improve Xcodes I usually don't want to see all xcode versions, sometimes I want to only see the released versions, which the release only filter is useful for. However, I'd love to also have the option to see release candidates in this list, since very often those RCs will just become the released version in time.

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. not a problem, just a convenience i'd like added

    What would you like to see? How would you like it to work? Implementation isn't as important, but I could see it either being implemented as a new "Releases and RCs only" filter, this behavior just being defaulted into the "Releases Only" filter, or perhaps as a preference checkbox to "include unreleased RCs in the releases only filter". any of these (or some other solution that i haven't thought of) could work, though changing the behavior of "releases only" might not be agreeable to some folks, so making it an option would likely be the best solution for all.

    I'm undecided if it should just show all RCs, or if it should show RCs after the current released version, since I know 14.1 RC1 had some bug that necessitated an RC2 release, so showing RCs newer than the latest release may be the safest thing to do.

    opened by klundberg 0
  • Can't sign into Apple ID

    Can't sign into Apple ID

    Describe the bug Install Xcodes via brew install --cask xcodes Open XCodes Attempt to install Xcodes 14.1 (latest) - get error message that I need to sign into Apple ID first Sign into AppleID Get 2FA message, enter code correctly via both text message and apple device code Get error code "412" trying to sign in, told to report as a bug, so here I am

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: See above

    Expected behavior Successful 2FA using either text messaged code or apple device code

    Screenshots Screen Shot 2022-12-04 at 3 54 24 PM


    • OS: MacOS Monterey 12.5
    • Xcodes: 1.9.0 (17)
    opened by dmorr041 1
  • v1.9.0b17(Nov 23, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    This returns the requirement of having to log in via your Apple username/password when using xcodereleases. 😢


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Improve Spanish localization in Preferences (#322) @DannyJJK
    • Adds an option to save beta versions with -beta symlink (#304) @leon-wolf
    • add error message when trying to uninstall Xcode if file not found (#306) @leon-wolf
    • move download settings to own PreferencePane (#305) @leon-wolf

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Switch Xcode releases back to using Apple Auth :( (#328) @MattKiazyk
    • fix: Preference button on toolbar not working on Mac OS 13 Ventura (#303) @chedabob

    🌎 Localization

    • Add brazilian portuguese localization (#260) @brunomunizaf
    • Add Dutch localization (#307) @jfversluis
    • Fix localization on UnsupportedFileFormat (#309) @tt37
    • Remove localization from links (#308) @jfversluis
    • Typo in German Localization File (#296) @nklasio

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.8 to 3.0.11 (#310) @dependabot
    • Add new (#318) @MattKiazyk
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.8.0b16(Sep 17, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    Xcodes now DOES NOT require any Apple ID and password when downloading Xcode! 🎉

    At long last! you no longer are required to provide your Apple username and password in order to download Xcode (as long as your using XcodeReleases datasource).

    • No more 2FA prompts!
    • No more errors when you haven't signed the latest developer EULA!
    • No more nervous feeling giving your password to a 3rd Party.


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Add ability to download Xcode without logging in using XcodeReleases (#290) @MattKiazyk

    🌎 Localization

    • Fix French Translation (#288) @florentmorin
    • updated German translation (#285) @drct
    • Added Turkish missing translations in 1.7.0 (#277) @egrimo
    • Fix "Unarchiving" localization in Japanese (#280) @swiftty
    • Update Localizable.strings for Russian language (2) (#271) @duffpod
    • Update zh_Hans localizations. (#270) @megabitsenmzq

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Fix Finnish language name typo in README (#284) @marcusziade
    • Update readme with Taiwan flag (#274) @ymhuang0808
    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 (#276) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.6 to 3.0.7 (#272) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.7.0b15(Aug 9, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    Please follow us on Twitter at @xcodesapp to be notified when new releases happen!


    Support for 5 new languages! Thanks to all the 1st time contributors! 🎉 We're up to 14 supported languages!

    🚀 Enhancements

    • Ability to change the installation directory (#268) @MattKiazyk
    • Add option to rename Xcode to on select. (#267) @MattKiazyk
    • Use monospaced digit font for download progress (#264) @gredman
    • Adds Copy Release Notes URL context menu (#255) @d-date
    • Turkish Language Improvements & WWDC Message Localization (#246) @egrimo

    🌎 New Languages

    • Add Finnish Localization (#262) @marcusziade
    • Add Japanese Localization (#249) @tatsuz0u
    • Add Ukrainian Localization (#259) @gelosi
    • Add German Localization (#243) @drct
    • Add Traditional Chinese Localization (#240) @itszero

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Fix macOS Ventura crash on Settings View (#258) @GetToSet
    • Fix crash on sign in sheet cancel (#257) @swiftty
    • Update Release Date format on InfoPane for better localization (#251) @d-date
    • Fix minimum version supported localization alert message (#253) @MattKiazyk
    • Fixed wrong localization key for Github Repo in AboutView (#248) @duffpod

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 (#269) @dependabot
    • Bump tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10 in /AppCast (#266) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 (#263) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.3 to 3.0.4 (#241) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.6.0b14(Jun 5, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    Please follow us on Twitter at @xcodesapp to be notified when new releases happen!


    Support for 4 new languages! Thanks to all the 1st time contributors! 🎉

    🚀 Enhancements

    • Adding Italian localization 🇮🇹 (#229) @gualtierofrigerio
    • Adding Chinese-Simplified localizations. 🇨🇳 (#222) @megabitsenmzq
    • Add Korean Localization 🇰🇷 (#233) @ryan-son
    • Adding Turkish Language 🇹🇷 (#219) @egrimo
    • Update Localizable.strings for Russian language (#234) @duffpod
    • Added a new bottom status bar @MattKiazyk
    • Updated unxip binary to latest @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 (#236) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.5.0b13(May 12, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    Please follow us on Twitter at @xcodesapp to be notified when new releases happen!

    Localization Support 🎉

    Salut Hola привет नमस्ते

    Xcodes now supports localization! Included in v1.5 is 4 languages thanks to our amazing contributors below! We've added Spanish, French, Russian and Hindi!

    Want to add another language - just make a PR on the Github

    🚀 Enhancements

    • Hindi Localization (#212) @KGurpreet
    • French Localization (#210) @dompepin
    • Russian Localization (#208) @alexmazlov
    • Spanish Localization (#205) @cesartru88
    • Support Localization (#203) @MattKiazyk

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Fixes some localization formatting (#206) @MattKiazyk
    • Fix: Load create SymLink preference on start (#202) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Update Sparkle to 2.1 (#218) @MattKiazyk
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.4.0b12(Apr 14, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.

    Please follow us on Twitter at @xcodesapp to be notified when new releases happen!

    🚀 Enhancements

    Remember to turn on the Unxip Experiment for faster unxipping!

    Adds option to create symbolic link at Path (#198) @MattKiazyk

    • Some 3rd party services and libraries check specifically for which Xcodes doesn't support as we separate the version numbers. This adds the ability to make a Symbolic Link called that points to the xcode version you want.

    Add Preference to make Symbolic Link Automatic on Xcode Select (#200) @MattKiazyk

    • In addition to the above enhancement. Go to Preferences > Advanced to automatically create the symbolic link to whichever Xcode version you make Active/Select.
    • Note this will not work if you are manually setting via Xcode or command line.

    Add check for min MacOS version when installing (#199) @MattKiazyk

    • Sometimes we don't update our MacOS as quickly as Apple would like us to. When you install an Xcode version, we will now check it's minimum supported MacOS version and prompt you as a warning.

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    Use a fixed locale for API response date parsing (#196) @aerickson14

    • If your Mac was set to a date time preference not of North America, Xcodes had trouble decoding a DateTime string. Thanks to @SimonRice for the detail on fixing that.

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (#197) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 2.1.7 to 3.0.1 (#195) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.3.1b11(Mar 29, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    🧪 Experiments

    Included in this release is the ability to turn on experiments inside of Xcodes! (Settings > Experiments) In the first experiment - thanks to the wonderful work of - unxipping speed is increased by up to 70% on some newer Macs.

    This experiment is turned OFF by default - so make sure you increase your productivity by trying this new experiement!

    🚀 Enhancements

    • add a unxip experiment for faster unxipping (#179) @MattKiazyk
    • Show a message when user is not authorized yet (#165) @qyzdo

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Allow Non-Paid Apple Developer to download versions. (#168) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Fix typo (#191) @jordanekay
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#186) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 (#170) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 (#166) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.3.0b10(Feb 8, 2022)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    🧪 Experiments

    Included in this release is the ability to turn on experiments inside of Xcodes! (Settings > Experiments) In the first experiment - thanks to the wonderful work of - unxipping speed is increased by up to 70% on some newer Macs.

    This experiment is turned OFF by default - so make sure you increase your productivity by trying this new experiement!

    🚀 Enhancements

    • add a unxip experiment for faster unxipping (#179) @MattKiazyk
    • Show a message when user is not authorized yet (#165) @qyzdo

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Allow Non-Paid Apple Developer to download versions. (#168) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from 2.1.6 to 2.1.7 (#170) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.5 to 2.4.0 (#166) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.2.0b8(Oct 22, 2021)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Better handling of when AppleId is not a developer (#159) @MattKiazyk
    • Adds a quick toolbar option for opening preferences (#158) @MattKiazyk
    • Adds ability to switch the local cache directory (#155) @MattKiazyk
    • Add new filter for Release or Beta versions (#153) @Binlogo
    • Add Xcode release date to info pane in (#147) @provTheodoreNewell

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Better handling of duplicate builds and buttons not working (#156) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • now builds on Xcode 12.5.1 (previously 12.4.0)
    • Bump addressable from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 in /AppCast (#161) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.3.5 (#160) @dependabot
    • Bump rexml from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 in /AppCast (#140) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/cache from 2.1.5 to 2.1.6 (#136) @dependabot
    • Updates developer dir on CI runs to xcode 12.5 (#150) @MattKiazyk

    We're at 1.6k 🌟 on Github! Thank you for your support! Please spread the word! The more developers on Xcodes, the less pain in the world!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.1.0b7(Jun 7, 2021)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    • Handle required log in scenarios better instead of showing errors (#127) @aerickson14
    • Create universal aria2 binary (#123) @senmu

    🚀 Enhancements

    • Adds MacOS notifications (#126) @MattKiazyk Turn on via Settings!
    • Show sign in errors inline on sign in view (#129) @aerickson14

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • only present a single alert at time (#131) @aerickson14

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 2.3.4 (#133) @dependabot
    • Bump actions/setup-ruby from 1 to 1.1.3 (#134) @dependabot
    • include updates to sparkle license (#130) @aerickson14
    • Bump actions/cache from v2.1.4 to v2.1.5 (#119) @dependabot
    • Bump kramdown from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 in /AppCast (#118) @dependabot
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.5b6(Mar 11, 2021)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Updates estimated time on info pane to 2 lines for better readability (#115) @MattKiazyk
    • Auto Install Xcode if wanted (#114) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Add install and update instructions to release notes (#111) @interstateone
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.4b5(Feb 22, 2021)

    Install Xcodes using one of the methods listed here. Update Xcodes by selecting Check for Updates... in the Xcodes menu in the menu bar.


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Display installation steps with download stats in info pane (#107) @MattKiazyk
    • Display the download file size when using Apple data source (#98) @MattKiazyk
    • Change PreferencesView to use SwiftUI's built-in Settings scene (#89) @MattKiazyk

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Improve how identical builds are represented in the UI (#100) @interstateone
    • When downloading, use the downloader specified in preferences (#102) @MattKiazyk
    • Remove info pane from split view instead of hiding it (#103) @interstateone
    • Move the .help for the ProgressIndicator so it refreshes with the fraction change (#104) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Bump actions/cache from v2 to v2.1.4 (#105) @dependabot
    • Add Homebrew Cask install instructions (#95) @interstateone
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.3b4(Jan 26, 2021)


    🚀 Enhancements

    • Add tooltip with percent complete to download progress indicator (#81) @MattKiazyk
    • Prepare user for helper installation before attempting to install (#84) @interstateone
    • Handle helper installation errors (#80) @interstateone
    • Catch and reword xip "not enough free space" error (#79) @interstateone
    • Show stored username in General preference pane even when we don't have a valid session (#87) @interstateone
    • Change the Updates preference pane copy to make it more clear its for app updates (#74) @MattKiazyk

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Improve authentication error messages that are shown to users (#86) @interstateone
    • Persist filter and info pane state across app launches (#78) @MattKiazyk
    • Don't show parentheses when buildMetadataIdentifiers is empty (#73) @MattKiazyk

    🧰 Maintenance

    • Add instructions to move app to /Applications to README (#82) @MattKiazyk
    • Add GitHub issue templates (#75) @MattKiazyk
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.2b3(Jan 20, 2021)

  • v1.0.1b2(Jan 20, 2021)


    • Manually build and deploy the appcasts (#61) @interstateone
    • Fold HelperInstaller into HelperClient, improve error handling and logging (#59) @interstateone
    • Build and publish appcasts with GitHub Pages (#60) @interstateone
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
  • v1.0.0b1(Jan 19, 2021)

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